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Happy Birthday to Schwirl!

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 00:02
by Big Si
Happy birthday sis!

You can open those parcels now! :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 01:56
by Andy TG
Happy Birthday :-)

It would seem many members parents were busy the previous June or July ;-)

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 14:10
by pikkrong
Happy B-Day 8)

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 14:45
by cyn
Happy Birthday!

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 14:53
by Black Shuck
8) Have a good one

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 15:15
by redfish666
Happy B-day!


Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 21:06
by reverberater
Yeah, have a good one :)

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 15:20
by rian
I'm late again. Sorry :(

But I hope that ypu got real drunk on your big day :eek:

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 22:40
by 6FeetOver
A belated Bappy Hirthday to you, Schwirl! Hope you didn't let your bro get away with any crap! ;)