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One of our own really needs your help, folks!

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 08:46
by 6FeetOver
My buddy cocoamix (a.k.a. Clif), a long-time (but sadly, rarely-posting) Heartlander shared some terrible news with me last night. I wasn't sure if I could do anything to help; then I remembered the Heartland Effect. ;D

I've lifted the following directly from his LiveJournal. Owing to the nature of the issue at hand, I don't think he'll mind this particular breach of privacy (:oops:):

"My cousin Erica's cancer came back after two years of remission. It's no longer Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. It's Acute Myeloid Leukemia, the same kind that took my mother 14 years ago.

She is in desperate need of a bone marrow donor, as we have been unable to find a match for her. If any of you know of any healthy people of Eurasian descent over age 18, please contact me at cocoamix at mac dot com, and I can give you info as to how they can be tested with a simple cheek swab to see if they are a match for her."


The test is for DNA, not blood type."

Now that I think of it, some of you might know Clif from Dominion, as well. If you know of anyone (or know of anyone who *knows of anyone*, etc.) who fits the above profile and might be willing to help (distance isn't an issue, I guess), please contact Clif directly; otherwise, feel free to send any pertinent info to me, and I'll forward it to Clif.

Thanks in advance, sweeties! :kiss:

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 11:18
by Silver_Owl
Been in the same situation with my best mate. :cry:
Email on it's way.....

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 20:34
by psichonaut
it's really difficult help your friend, all my family did the DNA tast for a neighbour son about 10 years ago and none could do anything to save his life
BTW it's out of my possibilities to go where he lives counting on myself only

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 20:41
by Dark
Wish I could, but the blood service in the UK is a discriminatory organization that would prohibit me from even giving blood.

I'll leave you to work it out, and why I'm so incensed about it.

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:05
by 6FeetOver
I don't mean to be a pain in the arse, because I really appreciate your help, but only people of Eurasian descent are eligible (see my initial post)...

Unless you lot are, and I didn't realize it? :eek: :oops: :?:

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:19
by Dark
OK, I thought "Eurasian" meant "of European or Asian descent", and since I'm from England, which is part of Europe, I thought that that included me.

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:20
by eotunun

...nope, I look differently.

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:21
by EvilBastard
[picks up Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever and looks up Eurasian. Looks in mirror. Looks at photos of parents. Makes mental note not to assume that a word that starts with Eur will automatically end in opean. Unable to do anything else, thinks happythoughts(tm) for Erica]

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:27
by 6FeetOver
Dark wrote:OK, I thought "Eurasian" meant "of European or Asian descent", and since I'm from England, which is part of Europe, I thought that that included me.
Dunno what it refers to over there, but here, it's generally understood to mean someone of mixed ethnic heritage (European and Asian). From what I know, Clif's cousin's at least 50% Chinese (she might be 75%, actually).

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 21:46
by Dark
I was thinking that way because "Eurasia" is the land mass.. never mind, only thing Asian about me is my pseudonym. Carry on.

Posted: 28 Feb 2008, 02:00
by cocoamix
Thanks, Sinnie. You're a Saint.
Unfortunately, this horrible situation is another thing that you and I have shared experiences in.

My cousin's blog is here, for anyone interested, and you can leave words of encouragement as a kind stranger:

Info on how to get in the registry (it is worldwide, I believe) is here: ... index.html

Thanks for the kind thoughts, folks.

Posted: 28 Feb 2008, 16:03
by MadameButterfly
For one of our own, our thoughts are with you cocoamix and hope that a match is found as soon as possible.

I'll leave a few words of encouragement in your cousin's blog.

Try and keep strong in this difficult time.


Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 15:44
by Silver_Owl
I got the wrong end of the stick too. :|

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 16:56
by MadameButterfly
Hom_Corleone wrote:I got the wrong end of the stick too. :|
Don't worry Steve I think that happens often here within our walls. :wink:

The HL effect we all know, so just send thoughtful vibes their way.
And for those that believe, a prayer for a stranger.