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I fought the Law...

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 00:36
by Pat
I've just had an interesting evening with some of Scotland's finest traffic Police.
Driving home from Asda ,with the kids ,missus , pram and a car full of shopping, a traffic policeman crossed the road in front of me from behind a stationary car, he wasn't looking.I nearly ran him down. I pull over and wind the window down only to get an earful of attitude and aggression.I'm numb to this as I'm having flashbacks to an accident I had when I was 21 (similar situation, fatal results).I'm allowed to continue with a warning for something.
Now , I'm really not happy about this, spend about an hour stewing on it and then went to make a complaint.Not about his aggresive behaviour but about him walking in front of the car and what it's doing to me...
Would you believe it they took me seriously.Why ? The officers report stated that he'd flagged down a young boy in a Citroen Saxo with a sporty exhaust and gave him a warning about tearing away from traffic lights.
I do drive a Citroen Saxo, it's a five door diesel and unmodified, it doesn't do tearing away from traffic lights,I'm 42 and bearded at the moment.
I've just had an apology , which I'm very happy with,although a sleepless night lies ahead as I come to terms with my wee accident again.Ho Hum.
I've never had a bad experience with the Police before tonight, I've always believed that there is parts of their jobs that are really s**t and they should be allowed to be human (which is why i didn't complain about his attitude) he's had a scare, over reacted ,I've no idea the horrors he's seen,that's fine by me.

Would I have been believed if I was younger?

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 00:59
by MadameButterfly
Shame Pat! I can believe that you'll have a sleepless night tonight because of what happened and the memory of the past that is not a good one! All I can say (please remember I've never been to your parts) but that traffic of Police was in the wrong for not looking out properly. In my eyes, they should be doing everything we do to uphold the law. His report is so off compared to your story, maybe the said police had a stressed day & was not thinking properly.

They believed you because you were telling the truth, are a father of a family and probably your age plays a factor to. Did you come across all calm when you were complaining?

I've noticed the calmer you stay in panic/hectic/freak incidents the more people tend to believe you and work with you.

Luck dear sir in the unwinding of this event and hope the past memories don't get the better of you Pat. It really was his fault and thank goodness you all are safe & no-one was hurt.

Strength sweetie.

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 01:11
by Pat
Thanks Debs .I kept insisting I didn't want the guy to get into trouble,all I wanted was to let him know the effect his actions had.
and Debs , really pleased you're back.

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 01:47
by Almiche V
Frankly, your empathy is like a cool breeze on a white hot day. :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 10:17
by Silver_Owl
You're a man after my own heart Pat. I would have done exactly the same thing. All power to you. It must have been awful, having had such a bad experience in the past.... :(

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 10:53
by Ozpat
Reminds me......I tried to fight the law about half a year ago.
I was fined because of not having an ID on me after a night out 100 meters from my home. After some discussion and a very cynical (but non agressive or threatening) me they fined me for being drunk on the streets (which I was not really). At a certain point they arrested me in a very agressive and brutal way and threw me in a cell for the longest 7 hours of my life. That was pretty hard......No sound, no windows, very cold.
I filed a complaint against the officer and had a good and descent talk with his boss but it was his story against mine so nothing was done except for the fact that my complaint will always be part of his file and when it happens again to any one he might get into closed.... :roll:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 12:31
by weebleswobble
Every job has its fair shair of wankers, unfortunate that you met one fae the police Pat.

Hope you are feeling better now 8)

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 12:46
by Hexe Luciferia
I had a not so nice experience with police once, before a gig. I was as innocent as a newborn baby, still they managed to make me feel very uncomfortable and a little scared :?
Hope you're ok now!

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 13:22
by mh
We have an ombudsman for our cops now. Time will tell whether this is any way effective in dealing with some of the total headbangers that always seem to get themselves into positions of power and authority (and then proceed to abuse that power and authority like crazy), but at least it's good to know that in the event of difficulty you can always deal with a human being rather than with a shaved gorilla in a uniform.

Lot's o' luck Pat - you've done well so far, keep it up! :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 17:24
by Brideoffrankenstein
Well done Pat :notworthy:

My only run in with the police as far as driving is concerned was getting stopped when I was parking outside my house and being asked to turn the fog lights off. Now, I didn't even know the fog lights were on, Ian had turned them on for me as he was a bit drunk (hence why I was driving) and because it wasn't my car I didn't know where the button was so I must have looked like a stupid woman who couldn't manage driving such a big car (good job I parked well!), then the policeman said to me "Well, you're obviously not familiar with the vehicle......." in the most patronising way - Gah!! :evil:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 17:59
by James Blast
I have a very similar story to yours Padraigh, not a fatal accident but a 'Ned' Police officer back in the 80s, I took his number but didn't do anything about it as I knew I was wasting my time. I was driving a bright red XR2 at the time. :oops:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 18:47
by reactiv8
Sorry to hear this story Pat, but it doesn't surprise me AT ALL. When I was a teenager I witnessed a 'Traffic Cop' beat the sh*t out of my innocent friend in a village Cop Shop. He and two 'colleagues' subsequently fabricated a pack of lies together which they recounted in 'court', contradicting the doctor's report we had. My Barrister even exposed this 'officer's' past record of violence, and surprise surprise, the cop was believed and I got sentenced ... The Filth are lying sc*m and deserve everything they get. I would have run the pr*ck over deliberately and feigned innocence afterwards - With no witnesses, it would have been an accident, init?!

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 20:54
by MadameButterfly
Pat wrote: and Debs , really pleased you're back.
Well to a really nice guy that went through what felt like a very bad thing, I had to say what I did. Pat, it's really good to be back! Thank you! I do hope you feel better soon and had a good night's sleep.
Almiche V wrote:Frankly, your empathy is like a cool breeze on a white hot day. :notworthy:
What a lovely compliment! :notworthy: Thank you dear sir. Empathy is something I can do in most of the situations life brings us :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:09
by Almiche V
It was for you and Pat, MadameB.

Btw, where did you get your avatar from?

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:11
by scotty
Follow it up Pat, you're in the right :notworthy: , I'm all for a Police Force but they must be accountable

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:14
by MadameButterfly
Almiche V wrote:It was for you and Pat, MadameB.

Btw, where did you get your avatar from? you're asking me something! :oops: I can't remember!
But ruffers does have a really cool linky I sent him, can't remember that one either and as I'm on my laptop, I can't check. Give me some time and I'll go a searching... :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:24
by Almiche V
MadameButterfly wrote:
Almiche V wrote:It was for you and Pat, MadameB.

Btw, where did you get your avatar from? you're asking me something! :oops: I can't remember!
But ruffers does have a really cool linky I sent him, can't remember that one either and as I'm on my laptop, I can't check. Give me some time and I'll go a searching... :wink:
Thanks. I dabble in digital art so would be tres interested.

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:26
by MadameButterfly
Almiche V wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
Almiche V wrote:It was for you and Pat, MadameB.

Btw, where did you get your avatar from? you're asking me something! :oops: I can't remember!
But ruffers does have a really cool linky I sent him, can't remember that one either and as I'm on my laptop, I can't check. Give me some time and I'll go a searching... :wink:
Thanks. I dabble in digital art so would be tres interested.
Aha...another arty one! 8) :twisted:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:41
by reactiv8
scotty wrote:Follow it up Pat, you're in the right :notworthy: , I'm all for a Police Force but they must be accountable
Oh I get it - You didn't like my 'joke' about running one of the c*ntstabulary over? Fair enough I suppose, and each to their own, but it wasn't very funny to see them pervert the law they were/are supposed to uphold, this, and at other times too ... They've got a job to do, and yes should be accountable. ... I take it you are a 'volunteer' of the Special Constabulary, when you are not 'farming' or polishing your guns?


Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 22:50
by scotty
reactiv8 wrote:
scotty wrote:Follow it up Pat, you're in the right :notworthy: , I'm all for a Police Force but they must be accountable
Oh I get it - You didn't like my 'joke' about running one of the c*ntstabulary over?............ I take it you are a 'volunteer' of the Special Constabulary, when you are not 'farming' or polishing your guns?

:roll: isn't a School night for you?.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 05:37
by reactiv8