Last Night I Dreamt....

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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After several stout beers and lager beverages.....I had an incredibly vivid dream involving going round to Noel Fieldings flat after becoming friendly with him on Heartland. After a look around his squalid flat I noticed several things including some bootlegs tapes that were mine from my teenage years. It became apparent he had acquired a lot of the stuff from my past I assumed lost...

I then confronted him and he admitted we had been friends from school (although I had no recollection of this).

The finale of the dream was a a computer screen showing a post in general chat on Heartland by my Mother (I don't know how I knew it was my Mothers Username :? ) asking if anybody had seen her son or his friend Noel, who had both gone missing.

She referred to me as my username The Harm. :lol:

Now, what the fcuk is that all about? :eek:

Freudian? I don't know.

Oh, and this is Noel Fielding for the uninitiated....
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I had a strange dream as well and involved one of my friends.
I'm very fond of this girl, sort of "enamoured" with her, in all honesty, but since she's always very busy (she's a singer and a performer) it is quite difficult for us to be in touch constantly.
And it has been a while since we last spoke/met.
So, last night I dreamt that the reason why she was impossible to reach was that she has gotten married to one of my exs and they had a child together, a little girl who was named after me. :eek:

Premonition maybe?? :lol: :lol:
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If Noel chuffin' Fielding is on HL then this is my last ever post!
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boudicca wrote:If Noel chuffin' Fielding is on HL then this is my last ever post!
:lol: It would make more sense if I even liked him as a comedy actor of whatever he claims to be. :roll:

But maybe he is..... :?
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Hom_Corleone wrote:After several stout beers and lager beverages.....I had an incredibly vivid dream involving going round to Noel Fieldings flat after becoming friendly with him on Heartland. After a look around his squalid flat I noticed several things including some bootlegs tapes that were mine from my teenage years. It became apparent he had acquired a lot of the stuff from my past I assumed lost...

I then confronted him and he admitted we had been friends from school (although I had no recollection of this).

The finale of the dream was a a computer screen showing a post in general chat on Heartland by my Mother (I don't know how I knew it was my Mothers Username :? ) asking if anybody had seen her son or his friend Noel, who had both gone missing.

She referred to me as my username The Harm. :lol:

Now, what the fcuk is that all about? :eek:

Freudian? I don't know.

Oh, and this is Noel Fielding for the uninitiated....
:eek: Wow! ... and you 'fessed' all of this to us? How brave! A cry for help perhaps?! :twisted: Just kidding, honest! 'twas an excellent read and I wish I could 'match it', but I can't ... I don't dream much these dayz (or should that be nights?!) - Too many drugs and Nightshifts probably?! Any Psychiatrists/Psychologists amongst us? I know WE ALL DREAM, 'tis just a question of whether we 'remember' 'em, init?
:innocent: :? :urff:
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I envy all who are able to remember their dreams.
I nearly never do. :evil:
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I have corkers like that all the time... and indeed I have had countless ones involving you lot! :twisted:
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Well dreams are just a way for the subconscious to sort though all the stuff it's been fed, make sense of it, and throw out the rubbish.

What does that tell us? :lol:
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eotunun wrote:I envy all who are able to remember their dreams.
I nearly never do. :evil:
Same thing :(

Don't remember last time I dreamt something I thought worthy of being called a proper dream...
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One only remembers a dream if one wakes up soon enough (a few minutes after dreaming I think). In an article about the meaning of dreams I've read recently a researcher said that every person in the dream is a part of yourself. What are your feelings toward this person(s)? I'm only thinking aloud now regarding the first dream: Could have something to do with growing up / getting older: He has something that used to be yours. Your mother says you're missing. Is it the young you that's missing because you're an adult / older person now and have "lost" certain things?
I'm in no way trying to make any sense of your dream just trying to draw a picture of how to do it. And I believe that only oneself can make sense of one's own dreams. At least none of the psychologists I've ever been in contact with have been able to make any sense of my dreams, and they were professionals so to speak. Usually my own dreams draw quite colourful pictures of my fears or my wishes and are quite easy for me to understand. But I have had one dream a few weeks back, that I have already mentioned in another thread and that still keeps me from falling asleep at night cause it really freaks me out. If anybody has an idea of what it could mean I'm more than happy to listen.

I look down my legs and at first I see that they have what looks like yellow and blue paint on them. Second thing I realise is that blue mushrooms (about 15 cm long each) grow out of my thighs. Seeing this shocks me and I think "no wonder that I have to wear such wide trousers. How could I just accept this state up until now?". As I believe that these mushrooms genuinly belong to my body I'm afraid to touch them, but as my arm casually brushes along one of them it falls off without causing me any pain. Realising that the mushrooms aren't part of my body I brush them all off and I am very, very relieved.

Only that this relief doesn't last after the dream has ended. I still am shocked. And I don't have the slightest clue what the dream could mean. Only that it has to do with the image I have of myself, and that there must be ugly things I believe belong to me that in fact don't. But that assumption doesn't help much.
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I think there is a real danger in over-analysing (or at least mistakenly analysing) dreams, and attributing great significance where there is none. When we start to attribute meanings to ostensibly innoccuous and random things well.... that way lies madness, it really does. That is a feature of the most serious functional mental illnesses, schizophrenia and so on.
Recurring dreams are one thing, they maybe do suggest some kind of "issue", but I think psychoanalytical types have had a dreadful tendency to go for the most disturbing and perverse things they could possibly read into our psyche. I think the implied suggestion that we do not know our own minds and are actually full of a seething mass of repressed traumas and desires that we do not recognise can be very, very dangerous indeed.

I'd agree there is (for some people more than others) a great deal in our subconscious mind which is very significant, all the mental habits, patterns of thought and perception are wired in there, and people have varying degrees of insight into this aspect of their consciousness. But the one thing which I often notice is that when people have their subconscious drives and tendencies spelled out and described to them, they do on some level recognize them. Often it is quite enlightening - our mental habits are often not at the front of our minds but when we are alerted to them we understand our world much more clearly.
The unconscious is another matter... I think far too much significance and symbolism is read in there. Ooh you dreamt of a banana, you're evidently mourning your lack of a phallus... :roll:

I'm far more inclined to go with mh's description... that dreams are the brain sifting through the enormous amount of information it encounters on a daily basis and filing it away/binning it/tagging it as appropriate. The way we do this is incredibly complex and still too poorly understood to confidently read in meanings to our more bizarre dreams.
This is all a very long-winded way of saying don't worry too much, Eva :) I'm not saying there's no significance and I know it might be a bit disturbing but if you were in some way truly disturbed it would sure as s**t manifest itself in other very definite ways.
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I agree with you, Boudicca, and this
boudicca wrote:Ooh you dreamt of a banana, you're evidently mourning your lack of a phallus... :roll:
is about the worst bit ever. In fact, if we were to go into this I'd rather claim there's an envy towards the ability to give birth. But I wouldn't even stand by that statement, cause I simply don't give a fcuk about who envies whom for what.
boudicca wrote:I'm far more inclined to go with mh's description... that dreams are the brain sifting through the enormous amount of information it encounters on a daily basis and filing it away/binning it/tagging it as appropriate. The way we do this is incredibly complex and still too poorly understood to confidently read in meanings to our more bizarre dreams.
I agree on that, too.
boudicca wrote:...if you were in some way truly disturbed it would sure as s**t manifest itself in other very definite ways.
You obviously don't know me well enough... :lol: On a more serious note, it's not that I'm afraid of being disturbed, it's just that the image to me is so shocking that I'd like to get rid of it by "understanding" it.
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I know what you mean... like I said I'm not denying there's any significance if you've had it several times... having said that is it not possible that the simple fact that you are thinking about it is causing you to continually have it?

The first time you had it... you hadn't eaten mushrooms that day (or heard someone speak about them, or read the word somewhere)? That's how my dreams tend to work... like someone mentioned Led Zep on HL one day, just once, then that night I had a dream I was chasing them around Stockholm in the night. I am totally indifferent to Led Zeppelin :lol: And Stockholm was on the telly for a bit. It's that daft and that random...
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...somebody loved me
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :innocent:
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@Boudicca: I've only had the dream once, thank God! But come to think of it it actually is one of the two kinds of nightmares I know from personal experience. As a child I had nightmares of being laughed at and not taken seriously - especially in "urgent" situations. And as an adult if I ever have a nightmare it always has to do with being disfigured in some way. Probably that's my biggest fear although I'm hardly ever aware of it.

@Weebleswobble: That reminds me of the dozens of dreams I had about kissing Eldritch..... :oops: My excuse is that I was very young then and single. Probably I had withdrawal symptoms and needed a dummy.... :lol:
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@ Hom or should I say The Harm :lol: I just want to say what I think has happened in your've been on HL for awhile and intense thought in what you are posting and what is going to be happening in real life in the coming time....maybe whilst on here you have had a thought about your mum, needing to phone her or whatever and that's the part about her logging in here etc...maybe you were remembering to ask her something about an item that you are indeed missing and she would be the one to know? Anyway, that dude in the piccie ain't too bad, I tell ya! :wink:

@ Eva ~ I'm going to read up on what blue mushrooms mean in the dream world and promise to get back to you!

I once had a dream about heartland and meeting :von: who was bald and I didn't recognize him at the time. There was a huge group of people sitting around tables and drinking and chatting and people sitting on the ground on pillows doing the same thing. I was going up very narrow stairs upstairs and our fearless leader was guiding me. We got to a door and as it opened I woke up. It was a few years back. The only person I recognized and spoke to in my dream was James Blast. The man knows this story and now years later having found this family, that dream was a weird as sh!t....but here we know, I suppose... :eek:
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MadameButterfly wrote:@ Hom or should I say The Harm :lol: I just want to say what I think has happened in your've been on HL for awhile and intense thought in what you are posting and what is going to be happening in real life in the coming time....maybe whilst on here you have had a thought about your mum, needing to phone her or whatever and that's the part about her logging in here etc...maybe you were remembering to ask her something about an item that you are indeed missing and she would be the one to know? Anyway, that dude in the piccie ain't too bad, I tell ya! :wink:
Fcuked if I know what it wasDebs :lol: Glad it didn't feature banana phallus interpretations. :P

But I am considering a username change - The Harm sounds quite menacing, don't you think? It has a nice Bram Stokeresque dream influenced quality to it. :lol:
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Hom_Corleone wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:@ Hom or should I say The Harm :lol: I just want to say what I think has happened in your've been on HL for awhile and intense thought in what you are posting and what is going to be happening in real life in the coming time....maybe whilst on here you have had a thought about your mum, needing to phone her or whatever and that's the part about her logging in here etc...maybe you were remembering to ask her something about an item that you are indeed missing and she would be the one to know? Anyway, that dude in the piccie ain't too bad, I tell ya! :wink:
Fcuked if I know what it wasDebs :lol: Glad it didn't feature banana phallus interpretations. :P

But I am considering a username change - The Harm sounds quite menacing, don't you think? It has a nice Bram Stokeresque dream influenced quality to it. :lol:
Nah, don't change your username to sound menacing, let them catch up with the real you! :wink: :twisted: But I'm also one to say follow your dreams even if it means... ;D :wink:
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I can think of worse people to "be friendly with" than Noel Fielding.
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weebleswobble wrote:...somebody loved me
I gave up on that dream a long time ago, myself...
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SINsister wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:...somebody loved me
I gave up on that dream a long time ago, myself...
That's One dream you must never give up on..............right.
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Too late, m'dear. ;)
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SINsister wrote:Too late, m'dear. ;)
Being brave is coming home at 2am half drunk, smelling of perfume, climbing into bed, slapping the wife on the arse and saying,"right fatty, you're next!!"
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I had once a very dodgy dream involving :von: ...
It would be great if one day, someone would create a dream catching device: you plug this thing -like a VCR - into your brain and the next morning, when you wake up, you can watch your dreams over a TV screen.
That would be fantastic!
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