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free publicity is a wonderous thing

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 23:27
by Quiff Boy
free publicity is a wonderous thing....

and in the name of free publicity, i give you:

which basically amounts to me doing a few websites on the side. with some friends who are good with crayons. for a bit of cash.

you could call it "freelance" but that would be rather a grande term for amounts to me spending too many evenings in front of the pc.

mrs quiff boy is very patient.

and before you ask, its not supposed to be cross-browser compatible or robust. it was done in a few hours so that my invoices came from a company with a nice website. rather than from me as a person.

its not there to generate work. i have plenty.

so either look at it on a pc with ie5+ or dont look at all. :urff: ;D

dont say you weren't warned.

danke :von:

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 00:52
by Gary
Very nice:)

Im currently whoring myself out teaching "website design" £10 an hour to listen to me woffle, not bad.. in fact a bargin i say!. Should really produce a website that matches my current talents...

I do have a website that has a huge walking anus that shoots fire, its for a punk band that i know :) but thats hardly a good advert.

then of course their is the 'Fourth Floor' the poor neglected beast.. it might get a new face this summer. and some updates. If i get the time.

If this message doesnt make much sense, its because ive been doing SSADM all afternoon and now my brain is mashed.. and i HATE case select tools.. and i think ive had one or two too many southern comforts and cokes.. maybe i should go bed.. maybe not.. actually i think i will..

This message was sponsored by Sainsburys clasiic cola, and Southern Comfort and chessy quavers

Bye byes,.

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 00:56
by Quiff Boy
cheers :)

ssadm :urff:

are you reading that bloody book by geoff cutts by any chance? ;) :D i did that at uni... fascinating isnt it? :roll:

still, if you fancy becoming a b.a. (business analyst) or a t.a. (technical analyst) at the uk's biggest online bookmakers when you've finished your course drop me a mail and i'll pass it on to the personnel dept... assuming you are prepared to move over to the "wrong" side of the pennines?!?! ;) :twisted:


Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 08:11
by paint it black
[quote="Gary"]Very nice:)

then of course their is the 'Fourth Floor' the poor neglected beast.. it might get a new face this summer. and some updates. If i get the time.

Gary. yay that'd be cool if you did have time, I used to go there all the time before HL was born, still do if I want lyrics /interviews or i'm just bored :wink:

mibbie some of the lyrics could do with a review for accuracy too :?:

thanks though all the same

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 11:48
by Quiff Boy
hmm, been playing with the javascript on that site and it now works in ie5 or above, opera 6 or above and netscape 6 or above.

i gather it also works on later version of mozilla :)

that should just about cover it, apart from ness and her netscape 4 browser! :o :roll:

anyone here use konquerer and fancy giving it the once over for me? :)

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 12:04
by Gary
Well im using Phoenix, which is mozilla.. i think :)

and it works just fine.

Phoenix is the best browser ever...


Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 12:12
by Quiff Boy
Gary wrote:Well im using Phoenix, which is mozilla.. i think :)

and it works just fine.

Phoenix is the best browser ever...

cool :)

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 21:12
by hallucienate
speaking of browsers, I just installed Mandrake Linux 9.1 which comes with Konqueror 3.1.0. It is indeed a beautiful thing.

It also comes with MySQL 4, but I now I'm babbling.

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 21:14
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:speaking of browsers, I just installed Mandrake Linux 9.1 which comes with Konqueror 3.1.0. It is indeed a beautiful thing.

It also comes with MySQL 4, but I now I'm babbling.
is mandrake the one that has the sisters screensaver?

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 21:23
by hallucienate
not the one I'm running, there used to be a screen saver with the sisters logo, but last I heard it was replaced with a cross or something.

Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 21:41
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:not the one I'm running, there used to be a screen saver with the sisters logo, but last I heard it was replaced with a cross or something.
pah! :(