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All These Worlds Are Yours...

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 23:09
by timsinister
Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008

Sci-fi has lost a great today. Good luck through the Star Gate, A.C.C.



Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 23:11
by Debaser
And am I right in thinking we lost Anthony Minghella today too?

Mikey Dread the other week, it's all a bit sad.

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 23:19
by limur
Gutted. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I have no words... :cry:

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 23:26
by Almiche V
R.I.P I wonder what he'll find.

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 23:47
by mh
"Oh my God, it's full of stars!"

Farewell to one of the greats. :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 00:38
by Zuma
Farewell indeed :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 01:16
by stufarq
Debaser wrote:And am I right in thinking we lost Anthony Minghella today too?

Mikey Dread the other week, it's all a bit sad.
Yes. Complications during an operation.

Re: All These Worlds Are Yours...

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 03:26
by reactiv8
timsinister wrote:Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008

Sci-fi has lost a great today. Good luck through the Star Gate, A.C.C.


:notworthy: Time for someone else to 'take over the helm'? :innocent:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 08:19
by Pista
Didn't see this one :oops:

Have a ball in the stars :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 18:24
by Tashara
I wish him well.. in whatever comes after.

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 18:30
by Obviousman
Great loss indeed :notworthy:

I'll be watching 2001 tonight...

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 19:42
by Erudite
Admittedly a loss but as he was ninety years old I don't feel too sad.

RIP Arthur :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 20:15
by psichonaut
Tashara wrote:I wish him well.. in whatever comes after.
welcome Tashara ;D

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 20:16
by mh
Hey, another new bod!

Welcome aboard, and do introduce yourself properly. :D

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 20:17
by psichonaut
mh wrote:Hey, another new bod!

Welcome aboard, and do introduce yourself properly. :D
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 07:20
by Tashara
Thank you. :) I am a relatively recently made fan of The Sisters of Mercy. I was introduced to their music for the first time only a few years ago. I've been becoming more interested lately, searching about their lesser known works, side projects, and so forth. (And I've seen a lot of interest here, thank you.)

I'm generally more of a lurker (and have been for a little longer than my account creation).. but sometimes I feel the need to speak.

Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 08:08
by 6FeetOver
Welcome to the asylum, Tashara! Make yourself at home. ;D

Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 18:51
by reactiv8
Tashara wrote:Thank you. :) I am a relatively recently made fan of The Sisters of Mercy. I was introduced to their music for the first time only a few years ago. I've been becoming more interested lately, searching about their lesser known works, side projects, and so forth. (And I've seen a lot of interest here, thank you.)

I'm generally more of a lurker (and have been for a little longer than my account creation).. but sometimes I feel the need to speak.
Lurk on Tash! - As our Hostess has advised: 'Welcome to the Madhouse' :twisted: ... Actually we are quite friendly really, assuming you have a (dark - of course!) sense of humour?! - I'm sure you do?! :wink: