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35 smackeroonies on the bum for Mik!

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 05:27
by 6FeetOver
Bappy Hirthday, dear Mik! YAY!!! Another old fart - w00tw00t!!! *Hides*

:wink: ;D :kiss: :innocent: :von:

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 09:34
by Quiff Boy
merry birfday mr wishville! :)

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 16:03
by dee902
Happy birthday, almighty Wishville webmaster! :wink:

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 16:29
by reverberater
:eek: Only 35? He's telling lies i tell you ;D Happy birthday again

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 17:51
by Black Shuck
8) 8) 8) Have a swellegant boifday!

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 22:58
by Andy TG
Happy Birthday - and welcome (for the 5th time) to the Third Decade Club ;-)

Posted: 08 Apr 2003, 11:51
by redfish666
late again...

Happy B-day


Posted: 08 Apr 2003, 17:39
by Debaser
Not as late as me.......

Appi Burfdi Dad

Your ever loving Wishville daughter

(hee makes us seem soooo much younger knowing your our Dad)

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 19:18
by pikkrong
sorry, i'm late but i have an appology - i was far from home this day.