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The great guitar debate...

Posted: 08 Apr 2003, 22:23
by Zuma
Just out of curiosity for those interested in these things...
Les Paul or Telecaster....?

(going to p*ss the Strat off now )...:)

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 08:47
by Padstar
It depends what you are wanting to do.

Personaly ide say Parker Fly Deluxe for everything...

No strats though... ever!


Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 10:54
by Gary
if i HAD to choose between the two.. id have to say 'Les Paul', purely because of the sound and feel of the instrument.

Not that u asked, but i feel like woffling, and it helps me avoid doing any college work..

I have:
A Epiphone Les Paul (coudnt afford a gibson, but it does have a lovely blue quilt top(ltd edition i think))
A fake SG, it looks good, and its fun for playing punky stuff on, and it has thicker than normal strings (not too good for solos then)
and... i have a Squire strat.. got it when i was first learning to play ages ago, i was considering getting rid of it and gettign something else, but i havent done so yet, plus it has sentimental value i guess :) even though it is a bag of s**t..

Bet you really wanted to know that ;)

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 10:55
by Gary
I cant believe that the popular slang word for excrement is censored, what is this kindergarten ? :von: :innocent: :roll: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 11:01
by Quiff Boy
Gary wrote: what is this kindergarten ? :von: :innocent: :roll: :twisted: :twisted:
yup ;) :twisted:

actually, it was done in an attempt to limit the number of profanities, as certain corporate firewalls block access to sites with too much swearing. :(

and you're all a right bunch of foul mouthed tw*ts :D :D :D :urff:

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 12:18
by Ed Rhombus
A Les Paul will fill the room, rich thick and loud

A Tele with give you the softer side

Unless either are given to Paddy, who will bolt on a tremelo and whip it up!

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 12:22
by Quiff Boy
i like telecasters 8)

and thunderbirds :von:

but you can't beat a gretsch for that authentic 50s sound ;)

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 12:44
by paint it black
one of the best sets of lyrics ever :innocent:

I remember everything!
I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday.I was barely 17 and I once killed a boy with a fender guitar.
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster,but i do remember
that it had a heart of chrome and a voice like a horny angel.
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster, but I do remember
that it wasn't at all easy.
It required the perfect combination of the right powerchords and the precise angle
from which to strike.
The guitar bled for about a week afterwards and the blood was
dark and rich like wild berries.
The blood of the guitar was Chuck Berry red!
The guitar bled for about a week afterwards and it rung out beautifully ,
and I was able to play notes that I had never even heard before.
So I took my guitar and I smashed it against the wall!!
I smashed it against the floor!!
I smashed it against the body of a varsity cheerleader!!
I smashed it against the hood of a car
I smashed it agianst a 1981-Harley Davidson...
The Harley howled in pain, the guitar howled in heat!
I ran up the stairs to my parents bedroom
Mommy and Daddy were sleeping in the moonlight
slowly I opened the door creeping in the shadows right up to the foot of the bed
I raised my guitar high above my head and just as I was
about to bring the guitar crashing down upon the center of the bed
my father woke up screaming:
"stop...wait a minute..stop it,boy"
"what do you think you're doing???
That's no way to treat an expensive musical instrument"
And I said "god damn it, daddy!!!You know I love you....."

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 13:46
by Jim
Les Pauls every time.

the only fender worth looking at is the jaguar. and the basses of course.

Thunderbirds look great, but are bastards to play. Just replaced mine with this vision of beauty


Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 13:47
by Quiff Boy
Jim wrote:Les Pauls every time.

the only fender worth looking at is the jaguar. and the basses of course.

Thunderbirds look great, but are bastards to play. Just replaced mine with this vision of beauty

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

RAWK! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 15:09
by Ed Rhombus
That's a dirty little beast you have there Jim!!!!

Ding dong, woof woof!

Back on guitars, Danny Ashe always used a tele

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 03:26
by cyn
[quote="Ed Rhombus"]A Les Paul will fill the room, rich thick and loud

A Tele with give you the softer side

Ed, when yah gonna be able to hear rhombus music on line?

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 10:42
by Ed Rhombus
I'm working on it

Or I could give you the phone number on the venue we're playing tonight. Give them a call and have a listen

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 12:30
by Carrie
Or you could invest in a CD - they're great for stopping your malt whisky presentation tins full of pasta from leaving nasty rust marks on the windowsill... :twisted:

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 13:23
by Ed Rhombus
We suppossed to be discussing guitars Carrie!

Les Paul or Tele?

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 14:14
by cyn
Hmm, the phone call would probably cost me more then the CD.
Ed, ever thought of using Carrie as a back up singer?
When ever I here "Bring me to Life" Evanescence. I think of you and Carrie. :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 19:05
by Padstar
The Washburn N4 (Nuno signature Model) is also and amazing machine for fast muted runs and pinch harmonics from just about anywhere on the neck :)


Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 20:42
by Zuma
Been away for a couple of days - and glad to see people are talking !

For the record, the reason I asked is that I have about 7 guitars here...seem to circulate between the Gibbo and the Fender stables...
Guess the Gibson is a semtimental thing too as it was bought on a trip to LA and purchased on Sunset you said Paddy, horses for courses most times...see from the pic you use Laney a little 25 watt all valve job here...the nearest equivalent I could find to a Fender Champ....whole other conversation :)

Cheers all....

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 20:45
by Zuma
hmm...wonder just how many musicians are here ! :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2003, 21:11
by X
Zuma wrote:hmm...wonder just how many musicians are here ! :wink:
Musician I aint, But if you need Low D Punk rock thunder, I'm yer man!
Or in English, I play Bass a bit. :wink:

Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 19:59
by Padstar
Zuma - Yeah, Laney at the moment... i fancy another cab and the rack mounted version on the Line 6 Guitar Pod.... i do kinda want some different sounds :)

Just beating you on Geetars dude.... 9 at the moment !


Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 07:50
by Zuma
Know what you mean Paddy - it's the trade off between the "real" sound of a decent stack or a decent power amp with lots of electronics combined to give the versatility.

I've got a Blues Deville Fender amp that is a remake of the old bassman - sounds fantastic with a Les Paul plugged straight in - however there is only really one sound....

Also been playing with a Roland U-8 studio that has virtually every Roland pedal in it that you can combine at will, very flexible - but never quite sounds "real". Fantastic for recording though.

Horses for courses I guess...

Maybe you need to get a Mesa Boogie :lol:

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 09:42
by Padstar
I play in another band called Grinn (with Ian and Mark from the Smurphs) and its kinda cool because Ian plays my old Les Paul through his marshall which is about as well known a sound as you can get. Instark contrast i used digital FX from an ME8 (old i know) which is also where i get my sounds for the Sisters. Its all good though for Grinn as its a very comfortable contrast soundwise. We just finnished an album for Grinn last weekend as it happens and we only had a minimal amount of mixing to seperate the guitars which was nice.

I still fancy some more kit though.... but dont we all!!! :)


Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 07:22
by Zuma
I still fancy some more kit though.... but dont we all!!!

Thats why I don't buy the guitar mags...always seems to be something there I "have" to get.. :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 07:24
by Zuma
PS let me know when the CD is available!