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The Pneumonic Adventures of SYBERBERG

Posted: 25 Apr 2008, 01:54
by Rosalie
One day, Syberberg was in his living room; drinking his evening tea with some Garibaldis.

Then all of a sudden; GARY RHODES burst through his living room sliding doors.

"Would you like me to cook you an omlette" asked Gary Rhodes.

"For the last time, no."

Gary Rhodes whimpered and left the premises.

"f**king Gary Rhodes", said Syberberg, and sipped his tea.

Posted: 25 Apr 2008, 03:00
by Syberberg
That reminds me, I've got to extract Ainsley Harriot from the dishwasher. Again.

Posted: 25 Apr 2008, 04:03
by 6FeetOver
So what's any of this got to do with Syberberg's lungs? :eek:
