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Polish Interview 07/04

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 19:15
by Big Si
(with thanks to Dominion forumlist :notworthy: and Mateusz Eckert),54854,1,czat.html
Message: 9
From: "Mateusz Eckert"
To: "dominion" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 17:10:57 +0200
Subject: [Dominion] polish chat

ok some translated eldtirch statements:

"Pytanie o now1 p3ytj jest pytanie do wytwsrni p3ytowej, ja nie mam problemsw artystycznych z tworzeniem nowego materia3u, lubij pisaf i
nagrywaf ale nie lubij tej ca3ej promocji." - "The question about our new album is a question to the record company, I don't have artistic problems with creating new naterial, I like writing and recording, but I don`t like the whole promotion/marketing stuff."

"Zespo3y ktsre przez 20 lat robi1 to, co robi1 s1 poza mod1, obok niej. I widownia rswnie? powinna byf poza ta mod1, wcze6niej nie starali6my sij byf modni i teraz te? sij nie staramy byf modni." - "Groups that for 20 years do what they do, are beyond the moods/trends, and the audience should also be beyond that. We never tried to be trendy, we're not trying to be trendy now."

"Jest wielu niedocenianych artystsw i wiele piosenek, szkoda ale nie martwij sij tym, ?e kto6 mnie nie docenia." - "There's a lot unappreciated bands and songs, it's a pitty, but I don't care if I'm appreciated"

"Mamy du?o amatorskich filmsw z koncertsw i nasz gitarzysta Kris przegl1da je i byf mo?e co6 z tego wypu6cimy. To nie bjdzie nic w stylu MTV. Teledysk Susanne bjdzie dostjpny za tydzieq lub dwa, gdy? teraz jeste6my w trasie. Chcia3bym przy okazji zdementowaf plotki, ?e 6cie?ka d<wijkowa do tego kawa3ka jest nagraniem studyjnym, to nagranie koncertowe, kiedy6 je nagramy w studio." - "We have a lot of amateur concert videos, Chris is revieving them, and maybe will release something. This will not be MTV style. Videoclip for Susanne will be back in a week or two, since we're on tour now. I'd like to state that the soundtrack for this clip is a live recording, it's not studio. WE'LL RECORD IT IN STUDIO LATER ON"