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Loyal Fan Base?

Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 08:17
by Debaser
Well...I'm off to Athens for three days to see a band that at the eleventh hour have decided to throw a hissy fit and 1/2 have decided not to go leaving 1/4 feeling obliged not to go and the other 1/4 to carry the can.

I've now got to go and watch one singer, one toaster/percussion artiste, one drum technician and one guitar techincian try to make the best of it....I WANT TO SEE THE BAND!!!!

Ahhhhh such is the heady world of rock and roll! :roll:

Just goes to show careless throwaways remarks said by one can cause resentment and hurt for another......

Ach I'll go over dose on culcher :wink:

See ya in a few days


Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 09:38
by Zuma
Have a good one - and bring us back some duty free :wink: