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Currently Playing

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 12:15
by Black Shuck
8) 8) 8) 8) While waiting for the Poland videos to download, I am currently playing the all-time spectrum classic 'Horace Goes Skiing' :notworthy: :notworthy:

After that I plan to play on Minesweeper, even though it's the most tense, nerve-wracking gaming experience going :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 13:04
by Big Si
Lots of classic games here-

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 13:58
by Black Shuck
:notworthy: :notworthy: Ooh thanks Big Si, I've been looking for a good emulation site for ages, ever since the one I used to use got shut down by Nintendo

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 14:12
by Big Si
You could also try this one - just watchout for the damn pop ups!

Sadly this one has disappeared - you could play jet set willy, sabrewulf and many classics online!

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 14:50
by MrEddy
The underdogs is a great site; all sorts of good, obscure, games to be found. I enjoyed Silent Hunter, Triango, Ishido (way of the stones) and of course Neuromancer. The latter takes about 30s to download!

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 15:06
by hallucienate
I'm over the whole retro-games thing. I mean if my PC is too fast to play Cal Games then what is the point?

I'm a bit of a PC games fan. Whilst waiting for THPS4, Doom III and GTA Vice City for PC I'm amusing myself with THPS3, GTA3, UT 2003, Alice and NFS6.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 16:01
by MrEddy
You people take your technology for granted! I run a 16MB PC @ 128Mhz without a sound card.

Finding games that run really isn't trivial!

If any of you play GO, please let me know.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 18:03
by hallucienate
MrEddy wrote:You people take your technology for granted! I run a 16MB PC @ 128Mhz without a sound card.
If you run it in DOS you should be able to play Quake 1 and maybe even Quake II with a push. They're still two of the best games ever.

I've got a couple of ISA sound cards spare. Next time you're in the neighbourhood give me a shout :innocent:

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:12
by X
Oh C'mon
How can you beat the awesome....... Resident evil
Just the scaryest F'kin game ever made.
If you ever played one of em you gotta play them all .
Hey ... What can I tell ya ?
I like blowing the s**t out of zombies and other nasty things.
NO .... Its not a Goff thing!

( dont really do Goff )

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 11:10
by Black Shuck
;D ;D I'm a complete Resident Evil nutter, I've completed the original playstation one about 15 times (literally), I've even bought and completed the Sega Saturn version and the directors cut, just because they are very slightly different.

One of those games you can stay up all night playing :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 20:18
by X
Black Shuk.... You are Chris Redfield arent you?
Hey .. Next time you see Jill... Put in a good word for me huh?

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 20:39
by Black Shuck
8) Will do.
Shame the Resident Evil film had sod all to do with the games.

Am about to start a go on 'Championship Manager', so you won't hear from me for a few weeks......

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 22:26
by CellThree
I thought that the Resi film was pretty good. It had enough acknowledgements to the games. Plus it had Milla Jovanovich in it...

Mainly playing Half Life and Jedi Knight 2 at the moment. I have a cd with shedloads of old Spectrum games and an emulator if anyone is interested.

Posted: 14 Apr 2003, 04:47
by cyn
with myself?


Posted: 14 Apr 2003, 20:30
by X
cyn wrote:with myself?

Now I got this far I cant actually bring myself to say what I was gonna say.
In fact I wish I had just left it alone.
But hey ... Too late now! 8)

Posted: 14 Apr 2003, 21:07
by Thea
i like old games (try or - that sorta stuff) i just finished "blackstar - agent of justice" (think that's what it was called) great fun! hugo II next methinks! anyone know how to get the banana?

Posted: 14 Apr 2003, 22:07
by paint it black
I used to play Nocturne, Discworld Noir & Alice alot

Goth Me ;)

Posted: 15 Apr 2003, 13:49
by Black Shuck
8) 8) Discworld Noir is fantastic.
I bought a second hand copy for a tenner, played it to death, then sold it on ebay for £40 to an American! result!

Posted: 15 Apr 2003, 16:22
by Thea
discworld as in terry pratchett?

if it is i want it!

Posted: 15 Apr 2003, 18:44
by Black Shuck
:D :D Yeah, it's a detective adventure set in the Discworld universe. Don't really like his books, but the game is genuinely funny. Kind of a point n click game, but don't let that put you off!

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 12:23
by Thea
**off to find a copy**

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 12:38
by Gary
currently playing when i have the time: Freelancer

Like elite, but pretty.

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 12:47
by reverberater
Primal Scream/ Swastika eyes

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 18:38
by Big Si
reverberater Posted: Wed 16 Apr, 2003 Post subject:


Primal Scream/ Swastika eyes

Sorry Reverb you're on the wrong topic thread ;D

(cool band though!)

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 13:54
by rian
Return of Castle Wolfenstein
Quake III Arena