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Laptop help desperately needed

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 19:18
by Ozpat
Since a while when I have my pc on it shuts down all power at a random moment. When on internet it shuts down more quickly. When using YouTube it shuts down within a few minutes. It has become more than anoying. :evil: :evil: :| :(

My AVG anti-virus detects no virus so a viral cause does not seem to be the problem.

Anyone any idea what the problem is and how it can be solved? All help is most welcome! :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 19:57
by christophe
full diskdrive? :P

(that was my problem yesterday :roll: )

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 20:00
by robertzombie
Is it plugged in? ;D

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 20:27
by psichonaut
i had the same problem with mine...scanned it with 2 different spy-ware and antivirus... all turned right :D

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 20:35
by Pista
Dodgy power supply perhaps.
You running off ac?
If you're on battery it could be the battery contacts or the battery.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 22:04
by mh
Assuming it's not a hardware problem, I've seen this before and have been bitten by it before, on machines that have had absolutely nothing wrong with them. My money is on the following for the solution...

If you have access to the Group Policy Editor (should be good for both XP Pro and Vista (spit)):

Start | Run | gpedit.msc | Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options | set "Audit: Shut down system immediately..." to Disabled.

If you don't have access to the Group Policy Editor, try emptying your Security Logs. It'll get you out of the woods, but the problem will come back next time they fill up.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 22:51
by Ozpat
Thanks for the replies so far. :notworthy:

@ C: It is not the problem.
@ robertzombie: :innocent: :lol:
@ psichonaut: The PC shuts down before the scan is able to finish.
@ Pista: The power supply was my first thought but it is not the cause I think.
@mh: No acces to Group Policy Editor so I emptied all Logs. I really thought it could be the key but it's not.

Weird thing is that now it shuts down after 30% of the Spyware scan over and over again while before today my pc stayed on for a couple of hours.


Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 11:08
by Pista
Could be overheating also.

What is it exactly?

*expects a load of "get a mac" posts*

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 12:39
by Obviousman
I'd suggest running an online antivirus like Panda, just to be sure?

Otherwise no idea at all, and obviously I need to copy Pista's last four words :wink:

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 13:00
by James Blast
Get a Dick! :lol:

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 14:33
by Ozpat
Pista wrote:Could be overheating also.

What is it exactly?

*expects a load of "get a mac" posts*
*I expected that as well :lol: *

I have thought about the overheating but the "cooling system" seems to work fine.

The laptop has been on for around 2 hours now. Since last night I have tried to run Spyware for about 10 times. It shuts down within 20 minutes.
It also shuts down soon when I use Youtube or a chatting programm like MSN.
Sometimes I am downloading music for hours and it does NOT shot down ever. To me it makes no sense at all.

What exactly happens is that all power is gone. It does not close programms or anything. Just a complete black screen.
When I try to put it on I have to push the "on" button for about 5 times before the laptop starts running again.
It is almost 6 years old now.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 14:47
by Pista
I meant what sort of laptop (model, make etc.).


Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 14:59
by Ozpat
Pista wrote:I meant what sort of laptop (model, make etc.).

:lol: :oops:

Packard Bell (2002)
Mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP-M
"clock speed" 662 MHz, 224 MB

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 15:04
by psichonaut
get a new lap-top...that's better

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 15:11
by Ozpat
psichonaut wrote:get a new lap-top...that's better
I might if this can't be solved Marco.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 15:12
by Quiff Boy
battery failure sounds like a possible cause - as if the battery isn't holding its charge (common with older batteries) :?:

tried running any software to test the battery health? look for 'original capacity', 'current capacity' and 'cycles' (which is the number of times its been rund down and then recharged)

i reckon your cycles will be high, and there will be a big difference between the orig and the current capacities... its a common issue with older laptop batteries :|

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 15:31
by Ozpat
Quiff Boy wrote:battery failure sounds like a possible cause - as if the battery isn't holding its charge (common with older batteries) :?:

tried running any software to test the battery health? look for 'original capacity', 'current capacity' and 'cycles' (which is the number of times its been rund down and then recharged)

i reckon your cycles will be high, and there will be a big difference between the orig and the current capacities... its a common issue with older laptop batteries :|

Even if the laptop receives its energy from the electricity net?
It has been off the net for like 5 times in almost 6 years.

Just gave it a try with Battery Eater Pro v2.70.
On the net it is 100% and it stays that way; On battery only it starts at 99.9% and goes slowly down less than 1% a minute.
Though the programm is not talking about cycles and capacity it seems to me the battery is fine. ?

It has been ok for around 3 hours now. I try to run Spybot once again to see what happens.

@ Zeno: I will try that as well. Thanks!

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 16:00
by Ghost
Pista wrote:Could be overheating also.

What is it exactly?

*expects a load of "get a mac" posts*
Sounds like, as it's always after some high cpu usage. Laptops tend to trap a lot of dust in their coolers after some years of use.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 16:18
by Ozpat
@ Zeno: Panda says "no virus detected"

@ Ghost: I have heard of that but why has it worked perfectly fine the past 3 hours and I started Spyware again and it just shut down again almost at once! I have tried to run Spyware for around 20 times now. It works fine for hours or minutes depending on what programms I run.
Same happens when I open Youtube; shut down within minutes.

Makes no sense to me at all. :roll:

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 18:11
by eotunun
What Ghost said does make sense, though. The Flash Player consumes quite a bit of power. Have you ever done a fresh instalation in those six years?
Hm. Another idea: Does the CPU fan work propperly? Could it be you changed the place where you use the pooter and now accidently obstruct the venting slots? (I know: Daft idea, but if the machine otherwise seems to be okay, maybe it's up to such minor bits)

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 08:55
by Pista
Check out the cooling system.
It prolly is a bit full of stuff after all this time & those flash programs do set it off a bit.
Worth a try before you chuck it out of the window.

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 16:09
by Ozpat
Thanks for all the advice. I'll keep on trying and checking stuff.

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 16:24
by Ghost
You can try a program like Everest to check your cpu temps realtime to see if there's a pattern. The problem is that some sensors on laptop mobos might not be supported or read correctly.

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 16:57
by Ozpat
Ghost wrote:You can try a program like Everest to check your cpu temps realtime to see if there's a pattern. The problem is that some sensors on laptop mobos might not be supported or read correctly.
Very nice program. Thanks! :notworthy:
(can't find any clues for the problem though)

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 19:48
by CellThree
Remove the battery and just run it on the mains. if you still have problems then it probably isn't the battery.

If you can get an air compressor and blow out the fan and heat sink exhaust (don't let the fan spin. If possible remove the fan so you can give the whole area a thorough cleaning.

The next steps would be to clone the hard drive and see if a new hard drive fixes the problem.

Last thing i would do if that didn't work is change the memory.

Anything else would need the laptop to be sent back to the manufacturer and the for the total cost of getting it repaired if it is out of warranty, you may as well buy a new PC.

Considering you can get a decent PC for 3 or 400 quid now, it would probably be the best option.

Speedfan is also a very good program for temperature control.