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Sophie Lancaster - Youths appeal

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 15:04
by the-happening
Apologies that should've read "scum appeal" anyway the scum that pass as members of our society have appealed against their sentences, I do hope that whoever listens to their appeal decides that the sentences passed were too lenient and increases them, unlikely but we can but hope. ... 452815.stm

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 22:36
by Harvey Winston
Good on the judge for describing it as a 'hate crime'. I hope they get their sentences increased too.

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 22:47
by robertzombie
The Judge wrote:He described the Goth community as "perfectly peaceful law-abiding people who pose no threat to anybody"
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Yep, let's hope that whoever hears the appeal increases the sentence!

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 22:58
by 6FeetOver
I'm a pacifist...but oh, the things I'd wish on those subhumans if I weren't... :evil: :cry:

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:49
by EvilBastard
robertzombie wrote:
The Judge wrote:He described the Goth community as "perfectly peaceful law-abiding people who pose no threat to anybody"
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Just don't be spillin' us pints o'snakebite n'black, awwight? :lol:

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 00:35
by James Blast
Really couldn't give a flying one about this particular case, it's mindless violence no matter whom it's aimed at. It's usually the elderly, infirm or those with a different skin or scarf colour that feel the brunt. The only reason this case is so high profile is this here internet and it's 'club' culture.

Whilst I think it's dreadfull that a young life was taken by some miscreant youth, I do take a dim view of the way it has become a cause celebe.

It's kinda cool to add your e-sympathies, that way your peers can see how much you really care.

charity begins at home

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 04:26
by Francis
James Blast wrote:Really couldn't give a flying one about this particular case, it's mindless violence no matter whom it's aimed at. It's usually the elderly, infirm or those with a different skin or scarf colour that feel the brunt. The only reason this case is so high profile is this here internet and it's 'club' culture.

Whilst I think it's dreadfull that a young life was taken by some miscreant youth, I do take a dim view of the way it has become a cause celebe.

It's kinda cool to add your e-sympathies, that way your peers can see how much you really care.

charity begins at home
cause celebre actually.

Apart from that I'm 100% with ya brother.

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 18:56
by 6FeetOver
Francis wrote:cause celebre actually.
I was going to do that, but figured I'd get yelled at. Thanks! :lol:

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 18:59
by James Blast
I ken'd it didn't look richt, it sounded fine but... well it was Friday and beer had been taken :D

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 19:07
by Pista
don't make me cry again.


Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 18:33
by Andrew S
I have very mixed feelings about the whole Sophie campaign and way it's being handled. Despite my doubts about the productivity of such high profile media campaigns (like the McCann one), I signed the petition because I feel very strongly about mindless intolerance full stop. I have on a couple of occasions narrowly escaped violent situations purely for being judged 'different' and therefore fair game for similarly stupid and uncaring people as those who killed Sophie. However, all the legislation in the world isn't going to stop this s**t from happening and may just serve to make angry people even angrier. The handful of 'clown faced loser' remarks among all the genuine signatures on that petition shows just how much contempt some people have for something they don't personally identify with and can't be bothered going through the thought process required to decide to live and let live.