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Gerrit richt up yir erse! Mr.Scott

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 00:42
by James Blast
the day of the birthday or the evening before is usual for birthday threads

no five days before, jist cause yir feart a'bdy's furgote aboot ye, FUD!

Get Pished, Destroy! ya mad bovril :D

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 06:32
by Ozpat
Keef!!! Have a great birthday mate! :notworthy:
Enjoy! :D

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 07:33
by Izzy HaveMercy
Have a happy one, Keith! :notworthy:


Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 07:42
by eotunun
And a happy new year!

Have a great one, Keith!


Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 07:47
by Silver_Owl
Keef - Have a good one. :D May you be showered in chocolate Stout. :wink:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 09:53
by Pat
Happy Birthday Keith

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 09:57
by mh
Keith! Keith! keith! Keith! Keith!

Have a great day, mate! :notworthy:


Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 10:00
by timsinister
On a Friday no less, you jammy get! :notworthy:
Arra best, mate. 8)

I recognise that imagery, mh, not to mention the desperately-evading maiden in the right! :P

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 10:06
by paul
Congrats! ;-)

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 10:40
by Bartek
alles the best have a wonderful day :kiss: :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 10:40
by weebleswobble
  • All The Best Tae Ma Bro Up North
    Happy Birthday Keith!!!! ;D

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 11:00
by timsinister
Do you spend your days looking for this crap, mate?


Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 12:14
by Nic
Happy Birthday mate, have a wet one! :notworthy: 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 12:33
by Obviousman
An absolutely smashing wished to one of HL's finest 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 12:39
by Silver_Owl
Obviousman wrote:An absolute smashing wished to one of HL's finest
That's not very nice. ;D

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 12:49
by 6FeetOver
Bappy Hirthday to you, dearest Keef, ya c*cksucker! ;D :lol: :notworthy: :kiss:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 12:57
by Obviousman
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Obviousman wrote:An absolute smashing wished to one of HL's finest
That's not very nice. ;D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Somehow in my own post a couple of words must've disappeared too though :eek: Well, you know what I meant, Keith :innocent:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 13:00
by James Blast
a broken bottle of vodka?

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 14:07
by missus scotty
The curry is on, the beer is in the fridge, 'the atomic kitten' is on the telly tonight and there is no work tomorrow What a lucky birthday boy!! Happy Birthday fae the missus :kiss:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 14:12
by James Blast
you'll be walking like John Wayne thi morra :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 14:13
by Silver_Owl
missus scotty wrote:The curry is on, the beer is in the fridge, 'the atomic kitten' is on the telly tonight and there is no work tomorrow What a lucky birthday boy!! Happy Birthday fae the missus :kiss:
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: I hope you didn't buy him a card and post this on here. :wink:

Oh, and what time shall be there? :lol:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 14:20
by missus scotty
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Oh, and what time shall be there? :lol:
Curry is served at 5.30pm prompt, don't be late as there won't be any left overs. If you just want a beer or 10 call round anytime :lol:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 14:29
by Silver_Owl
missus scotty wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Oh, and what time shall be there? :lol:
Curry is served at 5.30pm prompt, don't be late as there won't be any left overs. If you just want a beer or 10 call round anytime :lol:
Gee thanks. :D I don't think I'll make it for 5.30 though...What time do 'the atomic kitten' start? Have you booked them for a living room show? I can just imagine his face now. :D :lol:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 16:58
by emilystrange
happy birthday, ya fud

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 17:16
by James Blast
try it with a bit more feeling ems :lol: