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Another new SOM reissue

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 03:13
by Mr Mercy
According to the woolworths website Some girls wander by mistake & Vision thing are to releaed together as a two in one package on the 18th of August.

Link to page on

[edit] Also listed at

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 08:33
by Andy TG
HHHMMM - Odd choice of coupling. I would have thought that SGWBM and SCOO would be a better combo.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 08:37
by Drenchrom
A very weird combination. Currently Some Girls Wander and A Slight Case are both deleted in the UK. Or so I'm led to believe by looking at Amazon and HMV. A reissue would be nice, but with more period rarities. Radio sessions for instance.


Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 09:45
by christophe
a quick way to get rid of some stock that no one would buy?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:18
by paul
christophe wrote:a quick way to get rid of some stock that no one would buy?
Indeed, buying those is an utter and complete waste of money ...

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:52
by dinky daisy
It's an illusionist trick by the company: "look at this band, first they sound like lo-fi and then they sound like Bon Jovi!"

And for this trick, they ask you money. Stupid thing is that people think it's a decision by the band itself. 'What's the deal with this band, only puking out reissues?'

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:52
by Norman Hunter
christophe wrote:a quick way to get rid of some stock that no one would buy?
I'm with you.

Bizarre combo :?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 11:08
by christophe
actually it is a great way for people to discover them.
I haven't payed attention to the pricetag but I assume it woule be rather cheap?
people who recognise the name, a coupel of songs, would be more eager to give them a try if they have 2 albums for the price of one.

and after that they only have to get 2 more albums to compleet the collection so who is complaining? :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 11:20
by paul
christophe wrote:actually it is a great way for people to discover them.
Christophe, you really think The Sissies are gonne attract new fans? Are Def Leppard attracting new fans by bringing out a combo-reissue? Don't think so ...(sorry, Def Leppard was the first band that came up in my head for some unknown obscure reasons :lol: )

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 11:25
by christophe
yes I do.
not new fans maybe but people who liked them 20 years ago.

btw, I made someone a fan just a couple of days ago so why not, she gave them a go after me talking about them and really liked what she heard. cry little sister is her favorite so far :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 12:50
by paul
christophe wrote:yes I do.
not new fans maybe but people who liked them 20 years ago.

btw, I made someone a fan just a couple of days ago so why not, she gave them a go after me talking about them and really liked what she heard. cry little sister is her favorite so far :innocent: :lol:
Nah, I guess if any of the older fans had any interest, they had plenty of opportunities to buy the seperate releases (they are being sold at bottom prices in the stores these days) or the remastered box set.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 12:54
by robertzombie
I only have Some Girls on vinyl and my copy of Visioin Thing has skips on Something Fast so for that price I might buy this (if it's real)...

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 13:02
by paul
Perhaps if the're packed in a nice box ...

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 14:38
by Dark
Vision Thing has always been the hardest one to come by, I've found.. or at least it was before the reissue.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 16:17
by replicant
I had a look round at other sites for this and stumbled across The Platinum Collection at ... oduct.html
No details except for a 4th August release.
I imagine it’ll probably be a Some Girls/Overbombing fusion. I’d be surprised if it was something to get excited about.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 16:36
by Mr Mercy
dinky daisy wrote:It's an illusionist trick by the company: "look at this band, first they sound like lo-fi and then they sound like Bon Jovi!"
Yeah i thought pritty much the same thing when i saw it.
"They did rock covers and then produced Vision thing" - omiting the "offensive" Goth period!

I guess its the perfect SOM compilation for RAWK fans.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 23:15
by My Dominion
And yes, also now on the website..............
mmmm only for Euro 10,99 ... tion=MUSIC

In the mean while >>>>>[/url]

Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 00:13
by robertzombie
That 'Platinum' thing sounds a bit exciting! :D

Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 04:57
by Ghost
Weird thing, only at the end of the thread I've acknowledged that it's indeed Vision Thing and not A Slight Case', given the new reissues. I guess this platinum thing is like those "gold" best of from numerous bands, some (sub)label which got rights to do one more, even though it's not the band's "own" (if such a thing exists).

Posted: 18 Jul 2008, 14:11
by vicus

Posted: 18 Jul 2008, 14:51
by robertzombie
Loving the WHSmiths artwork:


Posted: 18 Jul 2008, 15:16
by DocSommer
that's a surprisingly up to date picture - especially compared to this one (from porto festival page):


It's not a miracle that people went home disappointed after porto when they've expected this lineup - WAKE up^^

Posted: 19 Jul 2008, 12:30
by Andy TG
Having looked at the URLs for the Platinum Collection - and there is NO Info on what is actually ON the cd - other than to say its a single CD and is only 6.99 GBP on

Anyone to point me in the right direction or at least post what the tracks are

Knew You'd Be Pleased......


Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 02:24
by Syberberg
My betting it it'll be a collection of all the A-sides of the singles. That ia not what I'd call a "Platinum Collection".

My idea of a Platinum Collection would be:

All singles plus B-Sides.

All the Radio Sessions.

Whatever demos WEA have lurking in their back rooms.

A DVD of all the promo videos, Wake and The Whistle Test.

With a poster, a metal badge, T-shirt and shades. All packaged together in a very nice, 7.62 Russian ammo box.

I mean, if you're gonna try getting money for old rope, might as well tart it up a bit, eh?


Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 06:51
by Ocean Moves
Syberberg wrote:My betting it it'll be a collection of all the A-sides of the singles. That ia not what I'd call a "Platinum Collection".

My idea of a Platinum Collection would be:

All singles plus B-Sides.

All the Radio Sessions.

Whatever demos WEA have lurking in their back rooms.

A DVD of all the promo videos, Wake and The Whistle Test.

With a poster, a metal badge, T-shirt and shades. All packaged together in a very nice, 7.62 Russian ammo box.

I mean, if you're gonna try getting money for old rope, might as well tart it up a bit, eh?
Keep dreaming mate - we're dreaming with you....