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Ahoy, kiddies! I'm baaaaaaa-aaaaack!!! :D ;>

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:16
by 6FeetOver
Greetings, all!

As you may have noticed, I've been shirking my SuperMod(tm) duties as of late - I'm sure many of you are scratching your heads right now, trying to remember who the hell I am, since I've been away from you lot for what seems like ages. Well, like it or not, I HAVEN'T disappeared. Nope! (Much groaning and cursing ensues) SHUT IT! I heard that! :P

I just wanted to let you all know that I have a legitimate reason why I've been AWOL for so long...drumroll, please...I'm finally EMPLOYED!!! Woo-hoo!!! YAY!!! W00tw00t!!! Yep! I haven't been hanging out or chatting for awhile, because I've been working a contract gig for several months at the company where my bf works; naturally, I've been doing my damndest to make a "good impression," so I've been keeping the slacking off to a minimum. Well, as of last week, it paid off - they've taken me on full-time as a "real" employee! I can now breathe a bit easier, and start paying back my student loans again! (UGH. :()

At any rate, it's great to be back! *Hugs* to everybody, a belated "Bappy Hirthday!" to those I've missed, and a hearty Heartland welcome to all the new peeps! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! MWAH! Catch you later, kids! ;D :kiss: :wink: :von:

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:22
by Justj0hn
Tres kewl Sin! Congratz.


Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:23
by 6FeetOver
:D Thanks, J.j! ;)

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:23
by Quiff Boy
thats great news sinny! congratulations!!

and good to have you back on board ;)

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:39
by Lars Svensson
Welcome back 2 the Madhouse that is the Land of Heart Sinny!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ;D ;D

Your lack of presence has been noted and missed!

Congrats on t'job and stuff!!!

Talking of Missing In Action-ers...Where, does anybody know, is Mr Sam Donut these days??? He's anuvva one who's been hiding...Come back Mr D, all is forgiven? ;D

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 08:00
by Padstar
NIce one SiNy :)

Ide been a bit worried there for a while, told you it would sort itself out eventually :)

Paddy. xxx

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 14:44
by hallucienate
welcome back, and congrats on the job

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 15:38
by nearmethexperience
wb sin :D *mmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 19:35
by Zuma

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 20:33
by pikkrong
congratulations 8)
(by the way, we love you, too, Sinny :kiss: )

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 21:13
by Andy TG

Welcome back "Sinny" - hope your not too knackered!

Congrats on the new job! and hope its keeps going well for you! :-)

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 10:11
by Master Margarita
Congratulations. Now that you are back, what does "squick" mean? And "twoot twoot" as well?

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 11:35
by sam donut
Welcome back Sinny!
Congrats and hoorah!
Lars Svensson wrote:Where, does anybody know, is Mr Sam Donut these days??? He's anuvva one who's been hiding...Come back Mr D, all is forgiven? ;D
:eek: I've had a holiday and a bit of a nightmare, but hopefully I'm back!
It's nice to be missed!

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 23:33
by cocoamix
Who the Hell are you and why should I care?

Oh, I mean, welcome back, and congrats, Sinny. We love you! :P

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 14:19
by rian
Have you been away? :?

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 11:40
by buzz
SINsister is one of the best looking girls on earth...huhu sister!
greetinx buzzzzz!

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 13:11
by paint it black
somehow missed this thread :?


nice one Sinny :D time to abuse the system like the rest of us :wink:

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 20:49
by 6FeetOver
:eek: :oops: :notworthy:

I'm a bit overwhelmed, kids. *Sniff, sniff* Damn, have I missed you guys! It's great to be home again... :D :wink: :von:

Erm...dunno if any of you happened to notice my plea on Dominion for some official TSoM tour t-shirts; I did get a response, but I have no idea who this person is, so I haven't yet taken him up on his offer. Anyone here willing to purchase a couple of shirts for me? You'll get the $$ for the shirts and shipping fees, AND my undying gratitude in return. :kiss: If anyone feels like helping me out, please PM me or send me an email. Thanks! ;D

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 21:06
by 6FeetOver
Master Margarita wrote:Congratulations. Now that you are back, what does "squick" mean? And "twoot twoot" as well?

Well, to me, "squick" refers to that sickly, shuddery, queasy feeling that you get when you see or hear something that really truly disgusts you. Picture a person's physical reaction to someone dragging his or her nails down a chalkboard - that's what "squick" looks like, hahaha!

"W00t w00t" is an expression I picked up several years ago from a couple of girls in a favorite g*th IRC chatroom. We'd use the expression any time someone had some really cool news to share, or fun stuff to talk about, etc. It's written that way because we all pretended that we were
"133+ |-|4}{0r5," hahaha!!! ;D :roll: :innocent:

By the way, it's not pronounced, nor does it sound like, "woot-woot," either. The sound can only be understood if one is familiar with late-70s disco music, and the popular dancefloor "chants" that were popular back then... Fellow Three Decades Club(tm) members might know what I'm talking about, hehe. :wink:

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 21:10
by reverberater
Wondered where you'd been. Nice to see you around Muaarr ;D

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 14:19
by cyn

Congrats on the new job.

Care to tell us about it?

Next thread What I do for a living and why?

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 17:12
by Debaser
[quote="SINsister"W00t w00t" is an expression I picked up several years ago from a couple of girls in a favorite g*th IRC chatroom.

By the way, it's not pronounced, nor does it sound like, "woot-woot," either. The sound can only be understood if one is familiar with late-70s disco music, and the popular dancefloor "chants" that were popular back then... Fellow Three Decades Club(tm) members might know what I'm talking about, hehe. :wink:[/quote]

Would it be followed by such an utterance as...for example...if you were...'Let's all chant?' Fellow three decades Club member for a bit longer anyway!

As I have mentioned somewhere visitations on the Board have been somewhat curtailed by the Easter Holidays....and understanding of my computer and Quiffy that Debaser must get on with dusting during the holidays and not lounge about on Heartland all day....

But if I'd have been about you can bet yer sweet bippy that I'd have missed ya Sinny! And what fabulous news on the job front...sorta wormed ya way in and made yerself indespensible....cunning...very cunning

Great news hunn

Love Debaser

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 17:45
by Chairman Bux
I'd say it sounded more like "Wuuuh! Wuuuh!" than "Woot Woot", not that I attended many discos in the 70's, really...

And welcome back Sinsister, did you get that t-shirt you wanted?

I to have been rather busy the last few weeks, busier than you'd think, but I seem to be getting the hang of things and probably deserve a jolly good lay down, with Sally if my luck holds out...

Ta-ta for now pop kids,

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 17:57
by 6FeetOver
Debaser wrote: Would it be followed by such an utterance as...for example...if you were...'Let's all chant?' Fellow three decades Club member for a bit longer anyway!

And what fabulous news on the job front...sorta wormed ya way in and made yerself indespensible....cunning...very cunning
1. Why yes, yes it would! :wink: :roll: Hahaha! Everybody, work your body, etc. ;)

2. You got it, babe! Muahahahaha!!! Mighty clever, eh? :twisted: ;D :innocent: :von: