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A big hello to all at Heartland, it's been a long time......

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:19
by Doctor Avalanche
Hi all, I'd just like to apologise to anyone who asked for weeds in the past.

(Brief history since my last visit to the site)
We have moved house, got married, got laid off from work the same week as i got married and thing's have not been to rosey.

Me and the wife have had to cut down on many things, plus the fact that some of my weeds have gone missing since moving, plus the fact that my PC is possibly the slowest PC in the world, all in all it's been a testing time and I've only just plucked up enough courage to come back and beg that you accept my apology.

Please feel free to give me a right royal roasting, come on I deserve it

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:20
by Izzy HaveMercy

That will suffice for now ;D

Welcome back!


Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:23
by Doctor Avalanche
Ouch!!!!! many thanks (I think) lol

so whats happening in the world of eldritch?

Any news on a new album?

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
That comment is sooo 1991 ;D

Oh and I forgot to vote or so it seems :twisted:


Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:34
by markfiend
Welcome back, sorry to hear about your woes.

myheartland: You can check out any time you like... 8)

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:39
by Ozpat
Welcome back and congrats! 8)

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:41
by Hexe Luciferia
Welcome back! :D

Re: A big hello to all at Heartland, it's been a long time..

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 12:42
by Ozpat
Doctor Avalanche wrote: got married
Pics?! ;D

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 13:00
by mh
Aye aye. Crap happens to folks at times for sure, but we're generally an understanding lot.

Welcome back! :notworthy:

Re: A big hello to all at Heartland, it's been a long time..

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 13:01
by culprit
Doctor Avalanche wrote:got laid


Re: A big hello to all at Heartland, it's been a long time..

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 13:18
by weebleswobble
culprit wrote:
Doctor Avalanche wrote:got laid


PM me :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 14:54
by MadameButterfly
Welcome back! It's very normal to get laid when you get married!

Congrats by the way. :D

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 15:43
by radiojamaica
MadameButterfly wrote:Welcome back! It's very normal to get laid when you get married!
I didn't think you'd be sooo traditional :lol:

Welcome back, doc!

Re: A big hello to all at Heartland, it's been a long time..

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 17:55
by Nic
weebleswobble wrote:
culprit wrote:
Doctor Avalanche wrote:got laid


PM me :innocent: :wink:
Aye. :D

Welcome back.

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 18:43
by 6FeetOver
Who? :innocent:

:lol: Just kidding! :P Welcome back. ;D

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 22:27
by Carcharoth
Doctor Avalanche wrote: Any news on a new album?
Heard it would launch at the same date as Chinese Democracy.

I.e. sometime around 2050.

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 00:56
by psichonaut
welcome back....gimme the tomatoes!!!! :twisted:

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 01:04
by Silver_Owl
Aye, a resounding Yes from me.
You're a good lad. In fact - if there's any of those weeds with my name next to them feel free to PM me and I'll send 'em over. :wink:

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 16:44
by Doctor Avalanche
OMG you are all too kind, no really stop.

Have edited the 1st post - "I got laid off"

A massive hello to you all, god it's great to be back, right then who's got what, lets have some weeds lol

Only joking. A big shout to Hom_Corleone for his generosity.

It's great to be back.

Right, where's my red carpet lol

Here is me and my wife signing the marriage certificate. I didn't have a suit and we were skint, I only had this jacket and jean combo. Hope I'm tugging at your heart strings like.
Don't have any of the sex photo's to hand, I've probably just saved you all from bring up tonights dinner

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 19:06
by MadameButterfly
Doctor Avalanche wrote: Have edited the 1st post - "I got laid off" sorry to read that and in the week of joyous laying! :wink:
Doctor Avalanche wrote:Don't have any of the sex photo's to hand
....woooooaaaaaahhhhh...don't mind this bunch of horny dudes sweetie, they were only joking as that thing doesn't happen here on HL...they wish but it's not within the rules! :wink: :lol:

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 20:12
by Doctor Avalanche
MadameButterfly wrote:
week of joyous laying!
Nah!! Losing my job ment we couldn't pay the bills, neither of us were up for anything. I couldn't even drive to our cheap hotel in Llandudno for our little honeymoon cos my head was firmly up my ass with stress.

The boss who laid me off took on another member of staff the same week he laid me off, when i kicked up a fuss, he withdrew all my references that i needed for another job. He totally crippled me work wise.

Anyway, I back work in the care sector, but now with elderly people in home help. I love it. And things are starting to come together, thus me reappearing on myheartland

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 20:23
by MadameButterfly
awww...well many years to come of glorious laying then!
It will me, been there done that kinda thing.

And snap to you! I'm in the same sector with regards to the care sector, work it too and it's the most amazing work in the world. I love it too.

Again welcome back to myheartland... :D

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 23:27
by Francis