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Halloween in Philly 2008

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:00
by philcommander
Hi, I'm going to the show on Halloween in Philly (where i live) and I was wondering if anyone can tell me who the current members are in Sisters.

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:10
by Ozpat
Dr. Avalanche
Nurse to the Dr.
Chris Catalyst
Ben Christo

and one Andrew Eldritch...

Have fun and welcome at HL.

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:17
by psichonaut
welcome Philly....don't expect too much from the gig, it'll be like a karaoke :innocent: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:21
by philcommander
Thanks for the info!! Psichonaut, im not sure i follow what you mean...why will it be like karaoke? btw, LOVE your username!

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:24
by psichonaut
it's only a joke of a friend of mine who was at the Rome 2006 gig, and when i asked him how it was (i was really exited to know it!)...he innocently said"like a karaoke band"

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 21:25
by Ozpat
philcommander wrote:Thanks for the info!! Psichonaut, im not sure i follow what you mean...why will it be like karaoke? btw, LOVE your username!
Well that's what a lot of American visitors used to say during the 2006 Silver Bullet Tour. Playback.... :roll:
I can assure you it's not. :wink:

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 22:35
by robertzombie

Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 17:53
by Petseri
The bassist has not been named yet. :(

The thread on the US tour is getting bulges, so feel free to start some pre-gig threads for each date. This may as well work for the Philadelphia ne, no?

For what it is worth, I am a maybe for this one. If they start late enough, I will try to make it there. As it is, I probably can show only as of 11:00, so I may need to bow out. :urff: If someone calls me on my mad rush to Philadelphia and I am still in Baltimore, I will turn around. :(

Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 18:35
by The Drowning Season
Unfortunately I won't be at the Philly show. Halloween is my wedding anniversary AND it's the night my 7 yr old scores enough candy in the neighborhood to last us the rest of the year! I'll be at the Washington DC show on Nov. 5th along with my band's guitarist (in case Andy pulls another infamous "I'm too sick to play DC but I'll play NYC" we can fill in for them!).

Re: Halloween in Philly 2008

Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 21:08
by dinky daisy
philcommander wrote:Hi, I'm going to the show on Halloween in Philly (where i live) and I was wondering if anyone can tell me who the current members are in Sisters.
hi. Just to warn you: They don't play 12-string tjong tjing tingeling. Don't go for Marian. Better do a pre-listen ay youtube and ask yourself:

"do i get this 21st century rock n roll moan machine? Or will i go for the jukebox with Walk Away in it?"

Re: Halloween in Philly 2008

Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 21:54
by Husek
dinky daisy wrote:
philcommander wrote:Hi, I'm going to the show on Halloween in Philly (where i live) and I was wondering if anyone can tell me who the current members are in Sisters.
hi. Just to warn you: They don't play 12-string tjong tjing tingeling. Don't go for Marian. Better do a pre-listen ay youtube and ask yourself:

"do i get this 21st century rock n roll moan machine? Or will i go for the jukebox with Walk Away in it?"
There always a 1% chance for marian, like in 2003 :lol:
anything is possible when von start to sing! don't forget good things

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 16:10
by Tidal
oh, Good Things... :D

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:54
by Karst
Well, if 1997 was anything to go by, it'll be a fun night!

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 11:59
by Ramone
Chris Catalyst
Ben Christo


They sound like extras from Pirates of the Caribbean, we've had Benn Gunn , That Guitarist.. and now these two.

Yo Ho frickin' ho me hearties.


Posted: 09 Oct 2008, 20:49
by msm67
@Ramone....cute little signature quote, though I must disagree with it. Actually the rule for marriage & that is: only on days that end in "y".

Back on topic....Philly show should rock! The freaks are always out & about but especially on Halloween! :twisted:

Posted: 09 Oct 2008, 20:56
by markfiend
Butt Fück Parlour Time (pt II)

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 20:28
by msm67 to explain that comment? :D :eek:

Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 10:07
by markfiend
At the Philly '97 concert Andrew said something on the lines of "This song is from our new album on Cleopatra Records, it's called 'Butt Fück Parlour Time'."

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:03
by Eva
So, seriously, who is going to be there? Eggi and I will. Would be nice to bump into a few natives... 8)

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:21
by Petseri
Eva wrote:So, seriously, who is going to be there? Eggi and I will. Would be nice to bump into a few natives... 8)
If still am uncertain about this one. I can drive the three hour (minimum) to get there, but I can leave my neighborhood only at 8:00 at the earliest. If they take the stage late, then I will make the effort. If they start early, then I will not bother hitting the road for 6-7 hours to see them perform a song or two. Are you up to phoning me when the Sisters hit the stage so that I can guage if I sure turn around?

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:41
by Eva
Petseri wrote:Are you up to phoning me when the Sisters hit the stage so that I can guage if I sure turn around?
Surprisingly I've still got your number, so yes, I will. :D I doubt though that they'll only hit the stage at 11pm. It's the States after all, not Mexico... :|

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 21:00
by Petseri
Eva wrote:
Petseri wrote:Are you up to phoning me when the Sisters hit the stage so that I can guage if I sure turn around?
Surprisingly I've still got your number, so yes, I will. :D I doubt though that they'll only hit the stage at 11pm. It's the States after all, not Mexico... :|
I have my doubts too, but being a Friday night and Halloween, this show may start later. I will see how the gigs before this one go, not that they will be accurate messurements for another venue.

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 21:16
by Eva
I must say I'm slightly scared of all these dodgy holidays I'll witness this time: Halloween - or is it Helloween :?: (sounds more appropriate somehow :twisted: ) Plus THE day of THE election (sp??? Forgive me, I'm tired...) in WASHINGTON of all places!!! :eek: Will the authorities let us walk around town freely at all, I wonder? :roll: :lol:

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 02:43
by Multifaceted
I must say I'm slightly scared of all these dodgy holidays I'll witness this time: Halloween - or is it Helloween
Hey, Halloween is an awesome holiday! ... Though mainly only if you're a kid. Or possibly if your birthday occurs 66 minutes before the day arrives (*cough*). :D

Though, I have to admit, I'm still afraid of what kind of people are going to be there... in full costume. People have a tendency to go overboard.

IIRC last election day I was in the ER in the early morning, and was there when some people were rushed in. They were out drinking the night before elections, and they crashed their car(s) on the way home.

We Americans make such wise decisions.

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 07:57
by Eva
Multifaceted wrote: Hey, Halloween is an awesome holiday! ... Though mainly only if you're a kid. Or possibly if your birthday occurs 66 minutes before the day arrives (*cough*). :D
For a kid I'm sure it's fun. If the kid lives in the States. It's one of those holidays though unknown to Swiss tradition that at some point have been "imported" - like Valentine's Day -, so now the shops here sell all these scary costumes, too and nobody buys them, cause there is no tradition of kids walking around scaring their neighbours. Or rather: the kids here used to have their moment later, at the end of the school year and it was more about making a lot of noise at 5 in the morning, out on the streets than about wearing scary costumes. However, I'm still waiting for the day when shops here start trying to makes us believe we're celebrating "Thanksgiving" aswell. :roll:
Multifaceted wrote:Though, I have to admit, I'm still afraid of what kind of people are going to be there... in full costume. People have a tendency to go overboard.
Do you reckon they'll turn up at a Sisters gig in full Halloween gear? That'd be interesting to watch. And if Von wears the coat he bought in Lisbon 2006 he'll fit in perfectly well... :twisted: :lol:
Multifaceted wrote:IIRC last election day I was in the ER in the early morning, and was there when some people were rushed in. They were out drinking the night before elections, and they crashed their car(s) on the way home.
I've just got this probably wrong picture in my head of the whole city (Washington DC) celebrating the new president, with thousands of people out in the streets, and massive security. And then we dodgy tourists come along... Will they let us in? :lol: