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Washington, 9:30 Club, pre-gig thread (5 November 2008)

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 17:23
by Petseri
No need to pour through hundreds of posts in the tour thread for a specific gig. We have a Philadelphia thread, and here now is one for Washington. :D I can update this post with names of HlLers planning on attending. I know if about five so far, but I will wait for confirmation beofre adding them. Any meet up plans can be added too. Hang out in the hospial waiting room down the steet?

I hardly can wait to create a new index for tour threads. ;D

Who is planning on going:
Petseri (+2 so far)
shiver (+2)

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 17:54
by EvilBastard
Psssst...can we have a New York thread too? There's at least a couple of people going to that. :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 17:58
by Petseri
EvilBastard wrote:Psssst...can we have a New York thread too? There's at least a couple of people going to that. :notworthy:
Do you need someone to show you how to post a new thread? :innocent:

Sure. Fire away with new threads. I am not that anal that I need to start each of them. ;D

For future reference sake, I would keep pre-gig and post-gig comments in separate threads so that we can find out set lists and other news easier, but I am not going to lose sleep if that does not happen.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 18:06
by Bartek
when 2008 US and A section start ?

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 18:09
by Petseri
Bartek wrote:when 2008 US and A section start ?
I was wondering that too. The Boss makes that call, but I suspect that a tour of this size probably warrants its own area.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 18:19
by MadameButterfly
EvilBastard wrote:Psssst...can we have a New York thread too? There's at least a couple of people going to that. :notworthy:
Just scroll down in Sisters Chat and you'll find her...

I'm off topic in the Washington gig thread of the USA tour but if the Boss does read this....Sisters Chat is a mess!!! We need to have a new section with the gigs of this year 2008 including the short Europe part of the show...those threads are long lost and should be bundled up together as it was part of this year's gigging!

And people who know how it goes in this section should stick to the rules of not going off topic in these threads as it's havoc to read at times! Shame on you ... you know who you are!

Just my thoughts so please read this post and all those HL'ers going to Washington have an amazing time and please your reviews and photographs and the what not you want us to know please share!


Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 18:26
by Petseri
MadameButterfly wrote:I'm off topic in the Washington gig thread of the USA tour


people who know how it goes in this section should stick to the rules of not going off topic in these threads as it's havoc to read at times! Shame on you ... you know who you are!

I hvave asked QB. I would like to have a separate area for the tour threads, but that is up to him. We probably will find out in the near future.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 18:31
by MadameButterfly
Petseri wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:I'm off topic in the Washington gig thread of the USA tour


people who know how it goes in this section should stick to the rules of not going off topic in these threads as it's havoc to read at times! Shame on you ... you know who you are!

I hvave asked QB. I would like to have a separate area for the tour threads, but that is up to him. We probably will find out in the near future.
Don't <snip> me! That's going to cost you! :wink:
Well if you've asked as a Mod I'm sure QB will work a plan...the only thing is does he have the time and energy to do it by himself? If he mades that nice shiny section for said tour threads please don't forget the threads where our lot were over the moon in....those were good threads and belong in there. Time will tell.

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 02:40
by bismarck
i may make philly again

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 23:22
by shiver
I'll be at the Washington gig, dragging along the misses + 1.

Posted: 08 Oct 2008, 02:02
by shiver
Saw Nick Cave at the 9.30 club on Monday... The sound was shockingly bad... I hope the sissies sound guy/gal does a better job.

Other than the sound, St. Nick was fuckin' amazing.

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 19:01
by doctoravalanche

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:01
by Eva
Eggi and I are going to be there... hehe... 8) Looking forward to meeting old and new faces. Glad you're going to show up too, Martin. :wink:

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 18:46
by originalgoth
From the great reviews of last nights gig, tonight is going to be a great one as well, I guess :von: will be talking about Obama moving in to The White House in January & stuff like that.
I wonder if he'll mention anything about it also being Guy Fawkes night in England tonight as well ?

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 19:37
by The Drowning Season
I'll be headed down to the show tonight. Couldn't find anyone else who wanted to go with me, but I'm sure I'll see familiar faces in the crowd. BTW, if anyone is looking for me, I'll be the one wearing all black. Sure it's an old joke, but funny nonetheless.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 00:07
by bismarck
originalgoth wrote:I wonder if he'll mention anything about it also being Guy Fawkes night in England tonight as well ?

Probably they'll just play Burn and leave it at that...

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 00:27
by lachert
yeah, is it make any sense to play any concert if barack already won :lol:

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 23:15
by Petseri
Maybe odd adding this after the gig, but I ead yesterday that tickets bought on Wednesday morning (the day of the gig) were avilable on a buy-one-get-one-free basis. Not a real good sign, although a nice gesture to those who were able to take advantage..

Some people ordered theirs that way, even though the booking process still charged them for two tickets initially. Something will get straightened out.