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Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 13:23
by itnAklipse
This is exactly what ALL CIVILIZED countries should do the US embassies and ambassadors and consuls (all euphemisms for CIA rats anyway)... ... 04043.html

It's reading news like this that i believe the world might become a better place to live!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 15:30
by Bartek
dialog it isn't a better way of communication ?

but yeah, i forgot - we all ought to hate US of America.

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 15:35
by psichonaut
i totally agree with Chavez, US can't force "friend" country to do only what US need or prefere. the little Chavez-warb started when US tried to impose to all Andes states to forbid Coca- coltivations( Chavez said it's in their culture....and business) and they can't renounce to it. I'd add, coca never die completely 'cause it's one of the most used anaesthetics in medicine. the secondpoint where Chavez stands is the exploiation of petroleum. the States impose low prices for the mineral rights to the South American countryes a nd it doesn't allows them to gain much more money, still chained to their old mortgage stipulated with the US.
in that way south america is condamned to pay its debts for an infinite number of years and its economy never grow.
Chavez is the first SA contry's president who keep bollocks in the right place

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 15:54
by Syberberg
In related news there's this about the US rebuilding the 4th Fleet, originally decommissioned 58 years ago.

Seems to be causing a few, fairly understandable, jitters.

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 18:16
by eotunun
Could it be the coutries around the world impatiently awaited the flood of conspirancy theories just to add their own?
Check them all into matching funny farms.

Oh, and stop the world please. I'll just get my parachute.

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 18:19
by Pista
Bartek wrote:dialog it isn't a better way of communication ?

Dialogue is fine.
But someone needs to be listening I guess.

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 22:01
by nodubmanshouts
And what did the Romans ever do for us?

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 22:06
by nodubmanshouts
And that, My Liege, is how we know the world to be banana shaped...

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 07:39
by Bartek
Pista wrote:
Bartek wrote:dialog it isn't a better way of communication ?

Dialogue is fine.
But someone needs to be listening I guess.
it's a mutual problem.

Chavez seems to be next Che and Fidel who fighting against this Americans bastards who wants only petrol and sucking this poor people and giving only their hamburgers and colas - he bought a few people using his cheep slogans.
and he's another oil fields owner who suing this as politic argument - the only one he got.

and we know that's a very very short distance... until the last drop of petrol...
of course so far petrol is main source of energy, but not so long.

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 09:34
by markfiend
Oh, the strange political bedmates made when "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I'd hardly have put you down as a supporter of someone like Chavez dei.