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Bristol Last Night

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 16:31
by allfear
good gig, solid peformace, best bit was seeing Jame Ray again, and to know that hes getting back into music again!!!!

More wen i find out more.


Re: Bristol Last Night

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 20:00
by Dimehart
allfear wrote: best bit was seeing Jame Ray again, and to know that hes getting back into music again!!!!

More wen i find out more.

Now, that are some gooooood news!

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 00:18
by Andy TG
Bristol was a great gig - really wanted to be down the front - but was GF first "sisters" gig - so had to behave myself! (boo hoo!) :-(

Great Venue - good sound - good view and Crash and Burn was Bloody Great - the lights were fantastic - nice to see that Von has invested in some decent effects! ;-)

Official Tshirts were crap IMHO - bootleg shirts were/are much better - thats why i bougth TWO!

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 17:47
by allfear
i agree the sisters usually have a good slection of merchandise, usually 7 - 10 different shirts

not much choice this time, 2 shirts and a frew old stock from 1995


Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 16:01
by Ed Rhombus
We looked for you're lot Andy, but failed

Scardy even collared some bloke in the pub and said "Oi! You Andy The Goth?"

Did he get a look!

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 01:01
by Andy TG
@ Ed and Scardy

Hows it going?

I did manage to catch site of you at the bar in the venue - unfortunately I was stuck at the front of "My Lot" getting a large round of drinks (water for me as I was driving!) - I did see you and your hat and I guess that very tall chap with you was Scardy.

Hello to the boths of you. Myself and my GF are thinking of going back to "Bristol" for a nite out - where would you and yours gather for a drink or five! - PM if you have any suggestions!

BTW Nice Hat !