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Richmond, The National on 7 November 2008 (pre-gig)

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 15:24
by Petseri
One question answered by the venue's website:
The National is a general admission venue with 300 padded stadium seats with cup holders in the balcony and an open first floor. Seating is available on a “first-come, first-served� basis. We recommend standing for a wide variety of reasons – you can dance, you look taller, you’ll have a better view of the stage and any potential new friends you might try to make during the show, it’s good exercise and its just cooler.
This image shows the area.

So, I will plunk down my 20 buckskins for a ticket. Anyone else heading there?

Those attending include
Eva + Eggi
Petseri +1

Re: Richmond, The National on 7 November 2008 (pre-gig)

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 15:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
Petseri wrote:One question answered by the venue's website:
The National is a general admission venue with 300 padded stadium seats with cup holders in the balcony and an open first floor. Seating is available on a “first-come, first-served� basis. We recommend standing for a wide variety of reasons – you can dance, you look taller, you’ll have a better view of the stage and any potential new friends you might try to make during the show, it’s good exercise and its just cooler.
This image shows the area.

So, I will plunk down my 20 buckskins for a ticket. Anyone else heading there?
Oh, but it's worth it to read the whole FAQ tho! :lol:

They're a funny lot.


Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 15:51
by Petseri
They indeed seem like a fun-loving bunch. :D
If you or someone you’re with finds themselves slightly impaired before, during or after a show, we participate in a free cab service called Sober Ride. Just let a staff member know that you would like their assistance.
Will anyone check to see if the taxis can drive him or her to Orlando for the next gig? :innocent:

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 17:45
by Rat_Bastard
I'm so there.

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 17:57
by James Blast
They have seats!

makes an auld phart's heart glad tae read that, still wouldn't go and see that combo without the free beer and sex bit

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 22:22
by Petseri
James Blast wrote:They have seats!

makes an auld phart's heart glad tae read that, still wouldn't go and see that combo without the free beer and sex bit
James, what gives you the slightest impression that anyone in the band is interested in having carnal knowledge of you? :innocent:

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 22:36
by James Blast
see threads passim Mr. Baltimora :innocent:

do try and keep up, yer a feckin' Mod fer Gawd's sake :lol:

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 23:02
by Petseri
James Blast wrote:see threads passim Mr. Baltimora :innocent:

do try and keep up, yer a feckin' Mod fer Gawd's sake :lol:
I did see your comment in the Cleveland thread. Having repeated the comment may mean that you are desparate and need counsel. :innocent:

You do know that I currently reside about as far from Baltimore as you do from Edinburgh, yes? Can we be hopeful that Charm City gets a gig on November 6?

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 23:42
by James Blast
I still wouldn't waste my money, but I can see the attraction that you 'colonials' may hope for :innocent: ;D

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 23:49
by Petseri
The Colonials are in Washington. I may be able to smell the city on a windy day. ;D

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 23:53
by James Blast
forgive me my friend, I forgot you weren't indigenous :innocent:

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:04
by Eva
Right. *Waves to Petseri*, you again! :D Great. Anybody else?

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:14
by Petseri
Eva wrote:Right. *Waves to Petseri*, you again! :D Great. Anybody else?
Do you two need a ride? :D

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:33
by Eva
Petseri wrote:Do you two need a ride? :D
I don't think so. AFAIK we've already got train tickets and we'll stay in Richmond overnight. But thanks a lot for the offer anyway. I've got fond memories of our trip from Washington to Philadelphia. :D

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 22:53
by Andrew S
Eva wrote:
Petseri wrote:Do you two need a ride? :D
I don't think so. AFAIK we've already got train tickets and we'll stay in Richmond overnight. But thanks a lot for the offer anyway. I've got fond memories of our trip from Washington to Philadelphia. :D
Still got that car Martin? Those seatbelts were something else again :lol: But yes, that ride was much appreciated and it was a welcome break from yet another airport. And Philly was one of the high points of 2006 :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 23:42
by Petseri
Andrew S wrote:Still got that car Martin? Those seatbelts were something else again :lol: But yes, that ride was much appreciated and it was a welcome break from yet another airport. And Philly was one of the high points of 2006 :notworthy:
Sadly, that car (and its memorable seat belts) lost out to someone who does not like stopping at traffic lights. Its days had been numbered already, but breaking the front axel made the end a crashing reality.

You certainly are welcome to another lift should the opportunity arise. :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Oct 2008, 07:35
by Prescott
Can someone offer some advice? Is it better to record from back by the mixing desk or up front and center?

Preference on bass, would you guys prefer a recording minimizing bass for clarity or one that may be slightly distorted from the bass?

And I hope they tone down all that feedback that was at the Buffalo show. I blame the venue, a very crappy place.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 02:37
by Multifaceted
asdlkfjsadlkfj I shouldn't even be thinking about this but....

I'm seriously thinking of going to this.

If anyone's still looking at this topic...

@ Petseri or anyone else in Richmond: The show *does* start at 9, right? So the doors probably open at 8?

Oh, and is the city nice? By which I mean: is it nice for a young female to walk half a mile in around midnight? :lol:

@ Eva and anyone else that's done quite a few dates so far: I've only been to Worcester and Philadelphia, but from what I noticed people haven't started lining up until about 1.5 or 2 hours before the show; is that what it's been like in most cities? And have you noticed whether the venues seemed to be selling out of tickets or not? Whenever I go to concerts, I'm so absorbed that I forget to look behind me and see how crowded the venue is!

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 03:28
by Petseri
Multifaceted wrote:@ Petseri or anyone else in Richmond: The show *does* start at 9, right? So the doors probably open at 8?

Oh, and is the city nice? By which I mean: is it nice for a young female to walk half a mile in around midnight? :lol:
Gut feeling is that the opening act will take the stage then, and the Sisters probably around 10 or 10:30.

I tend not to worry about crime too much, but you can check here if you want. Keep in mind, you can hang with others from HL afterwards. Surely someone (I, for one) can escort you to wherever you parked/need to go.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 11:19
by Multifaceted
I tend not to worry about crime too much, but you can check here if you want. Keep in mind, you can hang with others from HL afterwards. Surely someone (I, for one) can escort you to wherever you parked/need to go.
That's an interesting site... I've never seen one like it before.

Did HL-ers have a plan for anything afterwards? Usually I have a few hours until I can catch an early morning bus after shows, so I tend to stand around and talk to whatever random fans are waiting (in vain :lol:) to meet "the band"/Mr. Eldritch.

If I can get to this show, I'll just need to go the half a mile or so back to Richmond's Main Street station... I've already looked that up on a map, so I kind of have an idea of where to go.

Now if only my paycheck actually got deposited into my account on time Friday morning; it would make purchasing tickets so much easier. :?

Edit: I should not type when I wake up.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 16:48
by Rat_Bastard
Multifaceted wrote: Oh, and is the city nice? By which I mean: is it nice for a young female to walk half a mile in around midnight? :lol:
All in all, the area should be quite safe, at least any area near Broad Street, as there should be plenty of traffic and lighting on a Friday night. In any case, having company around is still a good idea.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 22:34
by Eva
@Multifaceted: Are you the girl with the blue bag who was queueing with us in Worcester and Philadelphia? *Waves* :D The only gig that I've seen selling out was NY. All the others were easy. You should still be able to make it to the front even if you only arrive half an hour before doors open. And if you're the one I'm thinking of, just let me know and I'll keep some space for you in the front. :wink:

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 22:36
by Petseri
Eva wrote:@Multifaceted: Are you the girl with the blue bag who was queueing with us in Worcester and Philadelphia? *Waves* :D The only gig that I've seen selling out was NY. All the others were easy. You should still be able to make it to the front even if you only arrive half an hour before doors open. And if you're the one I'm thinking of, just let me know and I'll keep some space for you in the front. :wink:
I bought my New York ticket the night before the gig, and one guy was selling extras outside. There should not be many problems getting tickets to this one.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 22:38
by Eva
@Martin: Couldn't you have waited (or avoided) quoting me until I'd corrected all my typos? Now they'll stay here forever making me look like a dumb fart.... :roll: :lol:

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 22:45
by Petseri
Eva wrote:@Martin: Couldn't you have waited (or avoided) quoting me until I'd corrected all my typos? Now they'll stay here forever making me look like a dumb fart.... :roll: :lol:
You not not noticed any of my thousands of typos? :eek:

Anyway, do you feel better now? ;D