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Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 00:29
by Gary
Just got back, was brilliant!, the sound was great (imho) and i loved the new version of lucretia :) the songs sounded tight (apart from snub nose)

and starling looked alarmingly like floodland era eldritch.

i would post a set list but i cant remember it.. probably much like the other shows..


etc :S

im s**t at remember the order of songs.. im sure someone else will post that :)

I loved "i was wrong" and when you dont see me though, but slept sounded kinda flat somehow..


Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 01:46
by Gripper
I've just got back too- what a night!

The whole set sparkled, the older stuff and the new stuff meshing well. I hadn't heard 'Suzanne' before but it sat between 'Dominion' and 'Anaconda' brilliantly. 'Ribbons' was at its menacing best, and it was good to see everyone onstage enjoying it.

I just realised that it's now just over 20 YEARS (!) since I first saw the Sisters in Manchester (Feb '82), and have seen them loads of times since- but tonight ranks with the best of them.

Let's hope some of tonight's noises make their way onto official releases soon.

Set list coming soon!

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 11:13
by Quiff Boy
f**king quality gig :von:

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 13:08
by Lars Svensson
...shame about the crowd... :roll:

Liked the new Lucretia, Anaconda was co-ol, etc etc

Not entirely convinced Von was actually THERE for the first few songs due to dry ice as never seen before!

Wahoo! 8) :von:

And so to Saturday (or Friday, even...Smurphtastic!)

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 13:59
by Gary
where i was the crowd seemed quite happy n dancey. Including one boy who appeared to be having a fit :roll:. But looking around there were some sectons who didnt appear interested..

And one loud mouthed annoying women behind me who did nothing but whinge like a spoilt little brat through out 'i was wrong'.

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 14:16
by Quiff Boy
there where a couple of times when i managed to wander down as far as the second row without having to squeeze past anyone :(

we where about a third that way back, on the "outside" edge (facing adam) and i felt that we where kind of on the edge of the atmospheric part of th crowd. good view though ;)

the problem with that venue is that its like a bloody aircraft hanger and unless its rammed to capacity you always have huge pockets of empty space dotted around :(

top gig though :)

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 15:53
by reverberater
Knockin on heavens door? Fix? Floorshow? C'mon guys. A friend phoned me in the middle of Alice and it sounded quite good 8)

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:01
by Gripper
reverberater wrote:Knockin on heavens door? Fix? Floorshow? C'mon guys. A friend phoned me in the middle of Alice and it sounded quite good 8)
Good set from where I was standing, notwithstanding some absent classics. Obviously I'd have liked them to still be playing at 4.30 am but they packed up and buggered off at 10.45.
And Alice was rather better than 'quite good', though I bow to your enterprise in listening to the gig on the phone...

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:06
by Quiff Boy
reverberater wrote:Knockin on heavens door? Fix? Floorshow? C'mon guys. A friend phoned me in the middle of Alice and it sounded quite good 8)
not in this order, and missing some:

temple of love
crash and burn
detonation blvd
slept with every girl in berlin
when you dont see me
we are the same susanne
amphetamine logic
dominion/mother russia
flood i
first and last and always
snub nose
flood ii
i was wrong
vision thing
giving ground

they've not done floorshow, fix or knocking on heavens door for ages ;)

i gather marian and valentine have been played on other dates this tour so i think you expect them at leeds ;)

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:12
by Gripper
They also did Giving Ground last night

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:13
by Quiff Boy
Gripper wrote:They also did Giving Ground last night
updated accordingly ;)

anyone remember the order?

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:20
by Gripper
Quiff Boy wrote:
Gripper wrote:They also did Giving Ground last night
updated accordingly ;)

anyone remember the order?
A friend who had a camera took a pic of someone with a setlist at the end- I'll post it as soon as it comes my way.

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 16:26
by Quiff Boy
or broken down by period:

temple of love

1st album:
first and last and always
amphetamine logic

in between albums:
giving ground

2nd album
dominion/mother russia
flood i
flood ii

3rd album:
vision thing
detonation blvd
when you dont see me
i was wrong

new stuff:
crash and burn
we are the same susanne
snub nose
slept with every girl in berlin

and no cover versions :von:

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 19:24
by Lars Svensson
Quiffy, do the words 'train' and 'spotter' mean owt to yer??


:innocent: :innocent: :D :D :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 21:03
by reverberater
There's nine tracks on that setlist i've never heard of :? I'm hardly a trainspotter myself ;D No, i just never bought 'Vision Thing'

Any of you guy's up for the moshpit? 4 of us kick ass rock n rollers comin from Manc! :twisted:

Hope it's a tad smaller than the academy this gig. I never thought of going there coz like one of you said "It's like a hanger" although i've been there countless times. I could of had a ticket the last minute but i couldn't miss my beloved UTD.

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 22:59
by Gripper
As promised, setlist now available at:


Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 08:28
by JettBlackUK
I dont know whats going on here but I thought they weren't that good, well thats my opinion any way :s

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 11:06
by sam donut
I thought it was a blinking blinder apart from When You Don't Flipping See Me.
Roll on Saturday! :von: