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Seattle, El Corazon, Nov-23

Posted: 02 Oct 2008, 17:45
by originalgoth
I'm hoping to go to this one as well as the Portland gig & again I'm going to try & film it, I've just checked the venue's Myspace and this is what they say about their photo policy

Photo policy is determined on the day of show.
Each band has their own policy. If photos are NOT allowed, you will be asked to either check your camera or put it in your car."

Hopefully they'll allow cameras in on the night.
If anyone has been to this venue before maybe they can shed some light on it for us?

I'll weed whatever footage I get of it.

Keep Smiling or whatever it is us Goths should be doing.

Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 16:46
by 7anthea7
If anyone has been to this venue before maybe they can shed some light on it for us?
I've been seeing shows there since back when it was Graceland, but unfortunately can't give you any insight regarding this policy, since it's never been an issue for me. However, it sounds as if they let the bands determine the policy - in which case, it would seem you are at the mercy of Himself in that regard.

Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 18:15
by originalgoth
Thanks for that info, I guess I'll just take my camera along anyway & leave my cam corder at home.

The venue looks good so I hope it'll be a good gig.

Thanks Again,

Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 19:28
by peartree_productions
originalgoth wrote:Thanks for that info, I guess I'll just take my camera along anyway & leave my cam corder at home.

The venue looks good so I hope it'll be a good gig.

Thanks Again,

I vote for you taking your cam - it'll be fine... :D

Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 21:07
by originalgoth
Thanks Peartree,
Hopefully I'll still get some good footage from my camera anyway & whatever I do get I'll gladly weed it on here.

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 04:36
by Kommandok
El Corazon is such a small room.
Kind of a dive actually, but that room has history galore.
Anyone know if it's sold out?
I was kinda bummed out by the Seattle crowd(Goth?)back in 2006.
The Vancover BC gig was insanely better the following night.
Von was visibly having a good was the crowd.
Can't wait!!!

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 17:00
by 7anthea7
Kommandok wrote:El Corazon is such a small room.
Kind of a dive actually, but that room has history galore.
So what's wrong with small? I personally like getting up close and personal. :wink:

Dive-y: oh yes. Perfectly dive-y. The Premier was a hideous room - cavernous, cold, and generally unpleasant in all the wrong ways.
I was kinda bummed out by the Seattle crowd(Goth?)back in 2006.
Seattle has always been full of pseudo-Goths, actually, which is even worse. :(

The crowd was pretty schizy. I was in the second rank from the stage; the person directly in front of me was completely out of her element - rather obviously not accustomed to that type of venue or crowd, and not dealing with it terribly well. The stupid gits who forced their way from the back up to behind me were singing along so loudly (and badly) that I could hardly hear anything else, and were blatantly discussing how they were going to shove past me, until I disabused them of that notion. (I do believe they were surprised by my intransigence.) They were, thank gods, 86'd - but that goes to show I'm not exaggerating.
Anyone know if it's sold out?
TicketsWest appears to still be selling tickets...

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 02:58
by Kommandok
I hope I'm back in Seattle in time to make the El Corazon gig!
As well as the Vancouver BC gig.
And yes...I'd love to see the Sisters play in such a dive joint..kinda like going back in time for a spell? :von:

Seattle does suck as far as the "goths" go. Goths suck period! Ever heard of Post-Punk, people? :von:
I totally understand why :von: feels the way he does!

Hope to see ya in Seattle either way...

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 03:04
by Kommandok're so right!
Hang out at the Noc-Noc for cheap booze and occasional good tunes..the crowd is ghastly!
The Premier did suck! Another warehouse...
And yeah I remember :von: calling someone a "fuckwit" down in front.
Well deserved I'm sure..

my opinion...

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 19:40
by inmyelement
El Carazon is cool since it is such a small venue. Sucks that it is a 21 and under bar since you get some people in there as others say out of their element or not the bands fans.

I think I can be one of those that may look a bit out of place...I am not a GOTH type "all black" dresser but admire it for sure ( sorry if I offended anyone). I have been making music for 20 years or so on keyboards and now computers and have always been into bands like, FRONT 242,DEPECHE MODE AND MOST OF THE 80'S KEYBOARD BANDS. I fell in love with Sisters of Mercy in music in 1993 cause they seem to fit all the above IMHO. Oddly though if you saw me you never would think I listen to bands like Revolting Cocks or Ministry.....slacks and button down shirt at work LOL......

There is quite a diverse crowd there but I simply get in the music zone and suck back some beers in awe of the bands, not the crowd. There are some cool people there though. Maybe the mixture of the crowd can be a good thing if they really are there for the music. s**t, most might not think I am there for it till I sing the words and dance my ass off!!!!!

Re: my opinion...

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 22:25
by 7anthea7
inmyelement wrote:I am not a GOTH type "all black" dresser but admire it for sure ( sorry if I offended anyone).
No worries - there's no one here who's going to give you any grief for that! :lol:

Since I work in tech, I can wear pretty much whatever I please, within the limits of law and public morality. So although I'm "all black, all the time", that's got nothing to do with being goth...or rather, it has to do with having become whatever it is that I am before goth was invented. Or something. Anyhow, no whinge, no whine, no wank - I'm just cranky :wink:

See you at El Corazon, mayhap?

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 04:53
by Kommandok
Looks like I'm gonna miss the El Corazon gig. :evil:
Praying that I'll be back on land early on 11/ I'll make the Vancouver BC gig!
Show the boys a good time, will ya!
To quote The Kurgan.."Another time". :von:

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 05:55
by 7anthea7
Kommandok wrote:Looks like I'm gonna miss the El Corazon gig.
Then I guess I'll just be forced to enjoy it twice as much on your behalf, eh? ;)
Show the boys a good time, will ya!
It will be my pleasure, I'm sure... 8)

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 21:12
by Petseri
Am I missing something here? One ticket site is listing tickets for this gig at $253.00. :eek: If that link does not work, just go to Ticket Liquidators and put the band's name in the search field.

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 21:27
by 7anthea7
Petseri wrote:Am I missing something here? One ticket site is listing tickets for this gig at $253.00. :eek: If that link does not work, just go to Ticket Liquidators and put the band's name in the search field.
That's just nuts :eek:

I don't know what they're thinking - El Corazón still shows tix available at the door or through TicketsWest, and both typically specify "sold out" if such is the case.

These guys may be expecting a last-minute rush or something - it is a small and, um, historic sort of venue. But methinks they're just gouging, and I trust no one's been naive enough to actually pay that much.

So all you seem to be missing is the atrocious capacities of the American culture of greed... :(

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 00:01
by 7anthea7
Wonder whose idea of humour this was...

I'm checking the website of The Stranger (local free rag most likely to contain any mention whatsoever of the show), and in the music listings it's categorized as 'jazz'...


Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 06:13
by Kommandok
That rag gets worse all the time.
F**k 'em!

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 16:26
by mh
It's well enough known that the Sisters disassociated all connections with the jazz scene in 1983, and that Von gets angry if they're ever called a jazz band. ;D

Re: my opinion...

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 16:47
by Ozpat
inmyelement wrote: I think I can be one of those that may look a bit out of place...I am not a GOTH type "all black" dresser but admire it for sure ( sorry if I offended anyone).
Neither am I. :D

:lol: You will be fine! Enjoy!

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 18:08
by Kommandok
7 is either an ex-pat or one of those anglophile types.

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 18:36
by 7anthea7
Kommandok wrote:"humour"
7 is either an ex-pat or one of those anglophile types.

Den ich nicht weiß, was Sie bedeuten :wink:

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 19:10
by 7anthea7
Kommandok wrote:Typical...
That rag gets worse all the time.
F**k 'em!
Some of the writers are utter gits, but I still love Dan Savage, and I did manage to get quoted in Party Crasher once... 8)

They don't do post-gig reviews, but happily the "Up & Coming" gig post was written by Charles Mudede (who didn't get it quite right, but still...):

"Even I have a soft spot for British gothic rock—for its evil passions, the blood, the hunger, the bats that have "fled, fled, fled." Especially for Sisters of Mercy's second album, Floodland (1987), a delicious feast of dark pop. How can one ever get enough of "Lucretia My Reflection," "Dominion/Mother Russia," and "This Corrosion"? How can one ever get enough of the order "Give me the ring!"? The power of those words send me back to a dawn in 1989: I had just left a party in North London, entered a tube station, and found on both platforms hundreds of vampires waiting for a train. The men and women had also just come from a party, a satanic party, and were now returning to their caves in East London."

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 20:30
by Kommandok
I hate these amateur music journalists who get hired on at "The Strangler"!! :twisted:
Terrible wonder :von: is the way he is.
Here's a prime example..
And it's "Gimme the ring"..not "Give me the ring", you half-wit.
Sorry..I'm seasick and outta smokes out here :evil:

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 19:06
by Prescott
7anthea7 wrote:Wonder whose idea of humour this was...

I'm checking the website of The Stranger (local free rag most likely to contain any mention whatsoever of the show), and in the music listings it's categorized as 'jazz'...


Maybe it was Mr. Cohen?

"Jazz Police"

Can you tell me why the bells are ringing?
Nothing's happened in a million years
I've been sitting here since Wednesday morning
Wednesday morning can't believe my ears
Jazz police are looking through my folders
Jazz police are talking to my niece
Jazz police have got their final orders
Jazzer, drop your axe, it's Jazz police!

Jesus taken serious by the many
Jesus taken joyous by a few
Jazz police are paid by J. Paul Getty
Jazzers paid by J. Paul Getty II

Jazz police I hear you calling
Jazz police I feel so blue
Jazz police I think I'm falling,
I'm falling for you

Wild as any freedom loving racist
I applaud the actions of the chief
Tell me now oh beautiful and spacious
Am I in trouble with the Jazz police?

Jazz police are looking through my folders ...

They will never understand our culture
They'll never understand the Jazz police
Jazz police are working for my mother
Blood is thicker margarine than grease

Let me be somebody I admire
Let me be that muscle down the street
Stick another turtle on the fire
Guys like me are mad for turtle meat

Jazz police I hear you calling
Jazz police I feel so blue
Jazz police I think I'm falling,
I'm falling for you

:von: ;D

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 04:28
by Kommandok
Seattle people...
Play nice tonight and don't upset the :von: