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Atlanta pre-gig thread!

Posted: 09 Oct 2008, 22:57
by Andrei
Who's all rockin' the ATL this year? ...And it's in LITTLE 5 POINTS no less. Fuckin' amazing...

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 22:16
by 8.5
I'll be there. Just bought tickets.

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 00:52
by kafka
Maya and I will be there, too. Who's up for a pre-gig pint in L5?

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 23:55
by 8.5
Yeah, I'm interested. What time, where?

Posted: 01 Nov 2008, 16:24
by Garbageman
Any decent pubs in the area that are close to the venue?

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 01:05
by 8.5
I think the 9 lives saloon is o.k., but i haven't been there in ages. It's near Wax and Facts and Criminal Records, which are my favorite part of LFP. Here's a link to a map of the area stores if anyone more decisive than me wants to pick something:

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 05:11
by kafka
the corner tavern is okay (if a little anonymous); there's also the brewhouse, or the vortex (especially if anyone wants food)... 9 lives would work, too. Or there's 97 Estoria up the road (a little further out), which is a good joint. (Can you tell I live sorta nearby?) Anyhow, any of the above would work for me...

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 17:19
by Garbageman
So far, only 170 tickets are sold and the venue holds 750....come on people!!!

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 19:59
by Andrei
There is a nice little Turkish restaurant right next door to the venue, my sister and some friends and I be there eating some kebabs and smoking hookah/nargile before going to the show... if you want to join us, I'll be the young guy probably in a Skinny Puppy or Elizabeth Bathory t-shirt. Or something appropriate.

Also, 9 Lives Saloon doesn't exist anymore. Criminal Records has moved into the L5P center square. The best bet for good bars in Little Five Points are the Corner Tavern, the new beer house, and of course The Vortex!

In terms of food, check out Ali Baba's (where I'll be), Little 5 Pizza, The Vortex, and the two little Indian restaurants. Any way you go, it's a wonderful place and I love living nearby.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 04:49
by kafka
Anything decent at Ali Baba's in the way of veggie food? Falafel?

I'm up for a pint at the corner tavern if anyone fancies meeting up.

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 00:24
by Garbageman
Heading to Vortex for first time before gig with a couple of Sisters virgins...hey,there is a first time for everything!!!!
Will have a CULT hoodie on,small English guy,crew cut and big ears!!!
Just say hi

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 23:24
by Andrei
The falafel at Ali Baba's is marvelous. Best in town bar-none.

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 17:20
by flugabwehrkanone
I'm seriously considering coming to this show from Raleigh, especially since my trip to see them in Richmond left me not fully satisfied. I can get a decent price on airfare which should let me fly down and go back early the next morning and without missing work.

Does anyone have an idea about what it would run me in cab fare to Little Five Points from the airport? Also, are they pretty strict about staying overnight at the Atlanta airport? I'd probably just scoot back to the airport after the show and try to catch some shuteye in the terminal before flying back at 5:30. Is that feasible? I don't really want to spend the dough on a motel room for just a couple of hours.

And I'll definitely check out that falafel place. It's always nice to know where the good vegetarian food is.

EDIT: Ok, got my plane tickets, and I think I can take the MARTA from the airport to the station closest the venue for a couple of bucks, which is nice. I'll still have to catch a cab back to the airport, but hopefully that won't be too bad.

I'm going to assume that this won't sell out and that I can just stop by the venue when I get in that afternoon to get my ticket. Anyone that live in the area have any better read on how many tickets have been sold? I saw the 170 out of 750 above but didn't know if that had risen dramatically in recent days.

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 02:30
by 8.5
I'll hopefully meet some of you at Ali Baba's or whatever it's called. I'll probably be in a group of 4 or 5, most of us pretty youngish (20-25). I'll be the one in a black Navy jacket, red dyed hair, and written-all-over Converse All-Stars. Hope to see you guys there!

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 02:32
by 8.5
flugabwehrkanone wrote:I'm seriously considering coming to this show from Raleigh, especially since my trip to see them in Richmond left me not fully satisfied. I can get a decent price on airfare which should let me fly down and go back early the next morning and without missing work.

Does anyone have an idea about what it would run me in cab fare to Little Five Points from the airport? Also, are they pretty strict about staying overnight at the Atlanta airport? I'd probably just scoot back to the airport after the show and try to catch some shuteye in the terminal before flying back at 5:30. Is that feasible? I don't really want to spend the dough on a motel room for just a couple of hours.

And I'll definitely check out that falafel place. It's always nice to know where the good vegetarian food is.

EDIT: Ok, got my plane tickets, and I think I can take the MARTA from the airport to the station closest the venue for a couple of bucks, which is nice. I'll still have to catch a cab back to the airport, but hopefully that won't be too bad.

I'm going to assume that this won't sell out and that I can just stop by the venue when I get in that afternoon to get my ticket. Anyone that live in the area have any better read on how many tickets have been sold? I saw the 170 out of 750 above but didn't know if that had risen dramatically in recent days.
Also, if you can find me before the show, I just might possibly have an extra ticket I have no use for. I'm waiting for a friend to get back in touch with me, but if she wasn't able to get off of work, you are welcome to it.

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 04:20
by thestudio1985
in town on business this week so was very thrilled to see news of the gig tomorrow. Picked up a ticket today, will be on my tod at the venue.

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 04:50
by flugabwehrkanone
8.5 wrote:Also, if you can find me before the show, I just might possibly have an extra ticket I have no use for. I'm waiting for a friend to get back in touch with me, but if she wasn't able to get off of work, you are welcome to it.
Awesome, thank you very much. I won't be leaving here until one-ish tomorrow so if you happen to hear back before then, I'll check this thread before I leave. If not I'll try to catch up with you tomorrow before the show.

EDIT: I'll be wearing tan pants, an orange "ditch witch" shirt and if it's cold out I'll be wearing a blue fleece jacket.

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 05:16
by Garbageman
Only 190 sold as of 6pm tonight

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 21:28
by thestudio1985
Garbageman wrote:So far, only 170 tickets are sold and the venue holds 750....come on people!!!
What is the venue like? ground level only? balcony? decent stage? etc.

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 00:46
by Brad
Which is such a fricking joke.

They could easily come to Winnipeg and sell out a 2000 seat venue.

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 01:23
by kafka
For anyone who hasn't yet headed out, Maya and I are going to the vortex first and then on to the gig. I'll be wearing either a very non-goth green/lilac sweater or, if I get too warm, my "aaaargyle" t-shirt. (Skulls & crossbones in an argyle pattern.) Say hello!


Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:43
by Garbageman
It was great meeting a few of you Heartlanders last night at the show.
First of all,Hypernova,great set and sound much better than The Warlocks and Tube!!!
The Girls played a wonderful set-great smoke and lights-no suprises,but still a great tight set.
All the usual favorites-Suzanne,Vision Thing,Summer,Alice and all the rest,played in a shimmering,wonderful noise.