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29 October 2008, Montréal - Post Show

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 16:55
by Martin
Here it is!

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:05
by Martin
tristren wrote:
Martin wrote:This is the second time I see Sisters in Montreal. The first time I filmed a little bit:

For this 2008/2009 tour, I filmed in HD 1080i so 3 greater videos are coming soon…
Looking forward to them.
Questions :

1) Does this tour have a name? Last time it was "Sisters Bites the Silver Bullet"
Nope. No name, no shirt. Kenny said it was secretly ironic, but I think he was lying...
2) What was the white album that I couldn't buy at the merchandising stand? I read something like "Sisters of Mercy with Catalyst".
Chris Catalyst's other band, the Eureka Machines. Why couldn't you buy it?
3) When does somebody add the "29 October 2008, Montréal - Post Show" thread?
Go for it.

Hope you liked the show!

Thanks! I couldn't buy the album, the non-official 10 bucks T-Shirt and the beer I needed then for the encore… after an hour in the smoke. (Only cash at the stand!)

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:25
by ailime
I bought the non offical tee mainly because I neeeed for my existence to go smooth to have Sisters Tee. Though the tuque and the ... macarons or what ever they are called are official ! and they both been on me for the last 2 days - the tuque is totally staying on my head 'till spring !! :innocent:

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:40
by Martin
I got the beer and the non-official T-Shirt that is pretty pretty. Well the Merciful Release logo does all the job.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:50
by ailime
Totally !! 8)

Posted: 01 Nov 2008, 23:41
by Martin
Ailime, parles-tu français?

Étais-tu avec deux de tes amies, une asiatique et une grande? Si oui, vous êtes venues vous placer juste devant moi pendant "Marian".

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 00:12
by Martin
OK, here it is, my first of three clips of the show:

P.S. : I still have to edit the two others, so it could take a few days before you'll be able to see them...

Correction to the setlist

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 05:09
by Martin
Now that I'm editing footage from the show, I'm 100% sure that this wasn't "Ribbons" between "Crash & Burn" and "Detonation Boulevard".
lachert wrote: Crash & Burn
Detonation Boulevard
Will I Dream
Flood I
Giving Ground
Dominion/Mother Russia

Something Fast
Vision Thing

Top Nite Out
Temple of Love
Where do you took this setlist, lachert? From ?

I saw a guy taking pictures of the setlist on the floor a few moments before the Sisters act. Would be nice if he could show up here!

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 14:38
by ailime
Martin wrote:OK, here it is, my first of three clips of the show:

P.S. : I still have to edit the two others, so it could take a few days before you'll be able to see them...
Oui je parle français mon chou ;) je suis a prime abord francophone. Et durant tout le show j'étais sur la gauche (du coté de Robochrist) à la seconde table avec des amis rencontrés avant le show. Lui s'apelle Michael je crois, et sa soeur aucune idée... je m'en rappelle plus. Je ne me rappelle pas qu'on se soit présentés. On s'est installés et tout de suite on s'est partis des blagues et on mourrait littéralement de rire à table.

Re: Correction to the setlist

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 14:40
by ailime
Martin wrote:Now that I'm editing footage from the show, I'm 100% sure that this wasn't "Ribbons" between "Crash & Burn" and "Detonation Boulevard".
lachert wrote: Crash & Burn
Detonation Boulevard
Will I Dream
Flood I
Giving Ground
Dominion/Mother Russia

Something Fast
Vision Thing

Top Nite Out
Temple of Love
Where do you took this setlist, lachert? From ?

I saw a guy taking pictures of the setlist on the floor a few moments before the Sisters act. Would be nice if he could show up here!
again, is it just me and my memory going wonky but I remember Ribbons being ... very early one, maybe even the first ... no ?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 14:55
by lachert
where do you took this "my setlist"? :eek: i never post a one like that :eek: :lol:
it was:
01. Crash & Burn
02. Ribbons
03. Train/ Detonation Boulevard
04. Will I Dream
05. Flood I
06. Marian
07. Alice
08. Anaconda
09. Giving Ground
10. Suzanne
11. Dominion/ Mother Russia
12. Summer
13. Still
14. First and Last and Always

15. Something Fast
16. Vision Thing

17. Lucretia My Reflection
18. Top Nite Out
19. Temple of Love

Martin, nice video recording btw. will be great to see the whole thing someday ;D

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 15:42
by Martin
Thank you all for the comments. Part I and III of my montages are coming soon...
lachert wrote:where do you took this "my setlist"? :eek: i never post a one like that :eek: :lol:
it was:
01. Crash & Burn
02. Ribbons
03. Train/ Detonation Boulevard
04. Will I Dream
05. Flood I
06. Marian
07. Alice
08. Anaconda
09. Giving Ground
10. Suzanne
11. Dominion/ Mother Russia
12. Summer
13. Still
14. First and Last and Always

15. Something Fast
16. Vision Thing

17. Lucretia My Reflection
18. Top Nite Out
19. Temple of Love

Martin, nice video recording btw. will be great to see the whole thing someday ;D
Sorry, lachert, I didn't realized you got to the conclusion with Husek this was "Train/Detonation". So this is the final setlist, with "Ribbons", like ailime said, and "Train".

"Train" is one of my favorites. I still have the original 12' in vinyl with "Body and Soul", "Body Electric" and "Afterhours" (MRO29T). Eldrich skipped a couple of lines, but it was great. Question: does "Train" has been associated with "Detonation Boulevard" on a studio disk? Only asking. "Detonation Boulevard" is one of the songs of Vision Thing I don't really like.


OK, ce n'était pas toi. Je trouvais que, sur ta photo ici, tu ressemblais à une des demoiselles qui ont squatté de l'espace devant moi pendant "Marian", le temps d'une chanson. J'étais plutôt à droite de la scène, comme tu as pu voir sur ma vidéo.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 15:50
by ailime
@ Martin - j'ai une sosie en ville qui que des gens voient des fois à des endroits ou je suis pas. C'est plutot marrant.

En théorie j'avais prévue être au premier rang pour pouvoir baver sur Andrew comme en 2006, mais comme je suis fait des copains de concert - je me sentais mal de les lacher si tôt, ils étaient vraiment sympas et drôles alors je suis restée avec eux. Mais oh lala la vision était géniale ! (je veux dire - j'ai rien manquée du tout - et surtout pas mon petit :von: choupinet d'amour - lol ;D

D'ailleurs je sais pas ce qu'ils ont fait avec la smoke machine mais je le voyais super bien le 3/4 du show ! (genre haute résolution)

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 15:59
by Martin
Ah, ah, Familiprix!

Tu confirmes donc que le show précédent contenait beaucoup plus de fumée. On avait rit de moi ici lorsque j'avais posé la question si c'était normal tant de fumée. Je me souviens qu'il y en avait même jusque dans les chiottes! En tout cas, c'est à cause de ça que je suis arrivé tôt cette année, que j'ai "supporté" la première partie de près et que je n'ai presque pas bu: je voulais pas bouger. Et j'ai été comblé! La dernière fois, je voyais à peine une ou deux silhouettes sortir du nuage de temps en temps! Cette fois-ci, d'à peu près la même distance lors du rappel, je voyais très bien!

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 16:31
by lachert
Martin wrote:Question: does "Train" has been associated with "Detonation Boulevard" on a studio disk?
nope. it's just a live medley variation :D

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 17:28
by ailime
Martin wrote: Je me souviens qu'il y en avait même jusque dans les chiottes!
*rofl* !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

en 2006, je me souviens je m'étais questionnée sur le bienfondé d'etre a l'étage (ballustrade) ou arriver juste pour le show des Sisters quand on sait qu'ils sont gaga de la famumée et que personne ne verra rien passée la 5ième rangée !

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 17:35
by Ozpat
Would be nice if stuff is written in English.... :roll:

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 18:58
by Martin
We're talking about the smoke, this 2008 show vs the 2006 one. The thread I've initiated then: ... highlight=

In 2006, there was much more smoke. This time, in 2008, I was aware of that so I got early, stood near the stage and didn't move until the encore, when I observed that even from a distant place we could actually see the show. My point of view at the 2006 show is here:

In the Part III of my montages, at the end, I'm filming from far further, approximativly at the same distance of the stage than I was in 2006, and everything was clear despite the smoke.

P.S.: Part I is in the process of being exported to my hard drive then to Youtube. It will be ready in about an hour. Part III should be published tonight or tomorrow.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 21:02
by ailime
Ozpat wrote:Would be nice if stuff is written in English.... :roll:
he also said that in 2006 there was so much smoke it even infiltrated the WC rooms !! which is totally hilarious - talk bout smoky bathrooms !

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 21:06
by Ozpat
ailime wrote:
Ozpat wrote:Would be nice if stuff is written in English.... :roll:
he also said that in 2006 there was so much smoke it even infiltrated the WC rooms !! which is totally hilarious - talk bout smoky bathrooms !

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 21:53
by Martin

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 22:28
by ailime
wooooooooooot !! awesome work Martin :D

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 22:48
by dinky daisy
Funny, you can mix it up with the other filmed stuff at youtube and we're having several camera positions again...

Montréal 2008 videos...

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 04:21
by DrG
Excellent work Martin! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I cannot wait until the DVD comes out! :wink:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 16:36
by Martin
What DVD? :roll: