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Russell Brand / Jonathan Ross / Andrew Sachs

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 17:46
by markfiend
So, this whole situation, anyone have any thoughts?

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 18:13
by emilystrange
my friend knows georgina...

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 18:21
by markfiend
She did sleep with Russell Brand and has now sold her story* to the News Of The World.

* I merely point this out in a completely non-judgemental way, and did not originally write 'soul' for 'story'. :innocent:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 18:30
by emilystrange
From what I'm aware of, you were right first time. she is, allegedly, *that* sort of girl. she's a pole dancer and goes by the name 'voluptua' or something... but her reputation isn't great, i understand. apparently. double allegedly.

sleeping with rb is no mean feat either by all accounts!

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 19:06
by snowey
Anyone who talks to "The Sun" is scum in my book :evil:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 20:42
by boudicca
They're tossers, clearly. Moments of wit, granted, but still want a good kicking the both of them.

She is a lady of dubious virtue, clearly. She must have been off her face to shag the artful chuffin' dodger.

And now that everyone that lives in in Tunbridge Wells has written into the Beeb, outraged, isn't it time we all moved on to something a leedle bit more important like... ooooh I dunno, what's happening in the Congo just now or the general election taking place in the most powerful country in the world? :roll:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 22:38
by lazarus corporation

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 22:49
by Pista
She's a trollop basically.
Okay, a not bad looking trollop, but a trollop nonetheless.
How to play the media like a fcuking tambourine or what?
Yes, Ross & Brand need a good shoeing, but then so does she.
Aren't there more pressing things going on in the world?
What a fcuking waste of paper.


Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 23:07
by mh
Aside from what she's like, the victim here is Andrew Sachs, who was publicly humiliated. No call for that, irrespective of what she's like, and what she's like doesn't justify what they did.

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 23:10
by boudicca
lazarus corporation wrote:As usual, Mr Charlie Brooker is spot on
"pitiful gitstorm" :lol:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 23:17
by Pista
mh wrote:Aside from what she's like, the victim here is Andrew Sachs, who was publicly humiliated. No call for that, irrespective of what she's like, and what she's like doesn't justify what they did.
Good point, well made.
(he must be proud of her eh?) :innocent:

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 23:21
by Big Si

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 01:01
by Silver_Owl
mh wrote:Aside from what she's like, the victim here is Andrew Sachs, who was publicly humiliated. No call for that, irrespective of what she's like, and what she's like doesn't justify what they did.
Summed up very nicely there.

It's highly irrelevant what kind of girl she is. The bottom line is they humiliated Andrew Sachs.

The world of brodcasting will be no poorer for the loss of either of them. It just means license payers money can be used for something slightly more worthwhile. :)

As for Clarkson...see above. :roll: :evil:

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 01:44
by biggy
I'd poke it if she lost a bit of puppy fat.
I'd need to triple up on johnnies though going in after Russel Brand.

Anyway, John Cleese used to kick the f**k out of Manuel and nobody bats an eyelid. Some unfunny streak of p*ss leaves him a message stating a simple fact & everyone goes mental.

I hear that "I'm a celebrity get me out of hear" starts again soon...........

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 12:07
by markfiend
Oh for Christ's sake...

Some people need a sense of humour.

If it's a choice between supporting Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross or supporting Peter Hitchens then it's Brand and Ross for me.

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 13:12
by Norman Hunter
...Is it just me or do you get the impression that about 25 000 people never actually heard the clip (and I haven't) and just complained 'cos they don't like Ross and/or Brand?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 13:48
by markfiend
Norman Hunter wrote:...Is it just me or do you get the impression that about 25 000 people never actually heard the clip (and I haven't) and just complained 'cos they don't like Ross and/or Brand?
:lol: just a bit.

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 14:32
by mh
...a charity which had helped some of the murdered prostitutes...
...and is it just me, or is there something not quite right here? "Are you a prostitute? Have you been murdered? Call us on this number, toll free. We're here to listen".

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 15:46
by Syberberg
I do so enjoy watching the weather patterns in teacups.