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Leeds - Saturday 26th.

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 10:31
by Padstar
Meet up at the Angel first off.... great ! Finally met Paint It Black, X, Reverberator, Zuma and pleanty as others.... plus all the people there i knew.... smashing afternoon! Even a few Smurphs T-Shirts abound !!! you know who you are :)
looking forward to this afternoons (sleepier) pre gig get together :)

The Gig....
Even though i live close to and work in Leeds this venue was a new one to me. On entering i liked it a lot, certainly had the look for a Sisters gig to me... pity the sound turned out to be a bit ropey..... that said i was plonked with a few peeps at the back near the door. from there it wasnt too good and i remember Scardwell saying he'd not been too impressed on his travels round the venue during the set. Bought a "Peoples Republic of West Yorkshire T-shirt" and chastised that Lancastrian Reverberator for even thinking about it !!!!!! :wink:

Oceansize...... not too impressed.... load of racket with some Radiohead overtones for me. That said ide like to hear some of their stuff recorded to get a proper idea.

The Sisters for me were probably a notch above what i was expecting. Im not a huge fan of the Sisters live, but at least from the off there seemed to be intermitant bouts of angst which i always think is lacking. Again, soundwise with so much in the way of hard surfaces about i dont know what their foldback was like on stage so i expect not great and therefore not adding a pleasent atmosphere for them.

Not keen on Temple to start... wrong song in the wrong place for me, and how they can start it from the break ill never know. Crash, Ribbons were solid. The re-worked When You Dont See Me Actually worked for me... liked it.... then the set seemed to meander from moderate highs to moderate lows... FLA was awful... never get on with them trashing the riff..... lucretia with the understated bassline? NO. Suzanne and Romeo Down plodded dull as ever, Summer was indeed "Glorious" as ever. The new version of I Was Wrong.... jesus wept... Flood II was great on the night... Slept sounds interesting though as we will never hear a recorded version hard to tell. Anaconda rocked a fat one as did Giving Ground, Dominion and Alice. Finally Vision Thing was anthemic , powerful and a reminder of what are now, by comparison bygone days!!

Being Picky aside though still looking forward to tonight and hopefully Marian, Valentine etc.

I find few things as frustrating as Sisters gigs.


Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 14:11
by Ginger
Smoke and Mirrors...well I saw the smoke :(

Most amusing to see Eldridge do the 'ole "Status Quo" style dancing at the side of the stage just before Vision Thing :D

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 14:47
by biggy
I`m going tonight & was just wondering if they searched you last night on the way in ? :wink:

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 15:02
by Dan
biggy wrote:I`m going tonight & was just wondering if they searched you last night on the way in ? :wink:
No search. I had considered bringing my camcorder tonight, but as I couldn't see much myself the camera would see nothing at all, and I hate videos like that, so I won't bother.

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 18:52
by Jim
My first gig! Smashing. Loved it.

Wish I could have seen the f**king band though.

Still, an amazing experience and vindication for me for supporting them for so long.

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 00:31
by reverberater
Loved it! Pleased to have met one or two of you lot too. Especially Padstar, Dave Whelan and our beloved Quiffster. Had a great time and i'd expected a s**t concert too from what i'd heard here and there.

Seems Dick Turpin was running the bar though eh? £3-00 a can :eek:

Got my ass kicked in the moshpit mind after about 3 tracks but i did have a badly sprained ankle from the previous night :oops:


Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:20
by Black Shuck
Hello, I went to the Sat gig along wiv occasional poster whorenumber25, sorry I couldn't make it to the Angel (as Id said I would) for various (lack of) organisation reasons (we didn't even set off for the gig till 8 o'clock, missed most of Oceansize), really wanted to meet all you crazy Heartlanders! Oh well

I did spot Quiff boy inside, buying a t-shirt, and again later at the bar - recognized you from the pics you posted, dude, but I came over all shy and decided not to bother you.

Also saw some fella in a Sisters of Murphy t-shirt ('Rise and Reverberate'- Like it!

8) LOL

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:32
by Padstar

They actually say "Rise and Regurgitate" :)

the other model being "Utterly Bastard Cheap"

you should have said hi! Quiff would have introdced youa round!!!
Next time!


Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:32
by Zuma
Fantastic night.....! Moira and I (and Jo ! )had a great time......great to see Paddy and Lars....shame to not catch you QB ! , next time I hope.

Hear what you are saying Paddy....some things to criticise, however the best Sisters sound I have ever heard to be honest - London last year has to be the worst......ever.

Would have been nice to see someone on stage though - :D , guess that's showbiz.

Respect to the Jimmy Somerville lookalike who was standing on shoulders :twisted:

Loved the crowd - friendly beyond beleif and was very nice to be offered a vodka and orange plus a banana at 2 am from people who had raided the Sisters party....

Guess I had better finish the kebab we ordered on the way back to the hotel :urff:



PS Moira will be on here soon under the name of Corrr, please say hi....(tall thin and interesting!)

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:43
by Black Shuck
Padstar wrote::)

They actually say "Rise and Regurgitate" :)
Yeah, that's what I meant to write! I'm really tired.

Didn't like the venue, though. Awful sound (Von was barely coherent), DISPICABLE drink prices (my mate bought a double vodka and red bull - £6.50. nice!), and those 2 huge pillars made everyone stand in the center of the already very, very overcrowded venue.

the crowd were all really friendly, though- at one point a HUGE goth stood on my toes and apologised profusely, as did a fella who poked me with his cigarette.

Leeds - Saturday 26th

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 09:15
by Planet Dave
What a stonking night that was. I'd broadly agree that The Sisters played a 'standard' gig, which goes some way to proving how high up the food chain they are, cos it was peerless. The sound in the moshpit was excellent, even when yet another scary sweaty tattooed elbow tried to embed itself into my lugs. After the scenic approach adopted in the Dam, it was ace to get back into the thick of it. Special cheers to the dude (almost certainly one of the aforementioned tattooed chaps) who hauled me on his shoulders during Crash And Burn. And no, even from that vantage point you couldn't see jack. Ace!

Couldn't make Sunday in the end, ah well.

Reverberater - hope the ankles recovered. That pit was NOT the place for broken bones (unless someone wanted a new one), three of our gang had f**ked off to the back by the end of Ribbons! Light...weights.

Cheers to everyone else who said hi, PIB, QB (I think, sorry mate, it was a bit vague by the end), the stunning girl behind the bar, and hundreds of random nutters. Til next time.

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 11:56
by sam donut
I thought it was a pretty good gig, to be honest. On a par with Manchester on Wednesday, and no where near the worst Sisters gig I've seen.
Then again, seeing the Sisters is seeing the Sisters, so I guess I'm going to be excited about it whatever it's like.
I was a little disappointed that it was the same set as Manchester. Must be some sort of 3 day rotation cycle or summat! doh!
Nice to meet Pads, Reverberator, Barcode and everyone else I met, as well as seeing the people I already knew!

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 14:18
by mockeldritch
Can't say I totally agree with Paddy here - for me this was easily the best I've seen them. The sound from the mosh pit was indeed excellent - I presume the shape and construction of the venue made the sound very muddy the further back you got, but from three rows back it was fantastic, even with various people deciding that they should shove plastic bottles, knuckles or foul sweaty hair in my face (ugh!).

The light show particularly from there was fantastic - I was not bothered about seeing them (a subject which is apparently a sore point for many) as the general assault on the senses by the red, the white (and the slightly insane) etc. was quite hypnotic.

The only let-down for me was "I was wrong", really wanted it to kick in a bit more. Still, nice to see that Adam has learnt another bassline - he might even deserve to be called a musician one day ;).

Incidentally Paddy, on a slightly geeky note (without any need to produce a 255 character description of my hairstyle, interests and mating habits), I noticed that Adam at least was using in-ear monitoring (both ears, too!), not sure of the others but I suspect there was no foldback to speak of.

Either way I'm sure they were better off than I was on Friday...

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 18:09
by RicheyJames
well i thought it were bloody marvellous. but then, what do i know? :roll:

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 21:34
by Mrs RicheyJames
I had a f**king ace time!!! But I always do (f**k I sound like a hippy)lol

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 22:53
by Ed Rhombus
And how pissed was Von wandering about after?

Did anyone join him for a boogie to 'I'm Waiting for my Man'?

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 20:35
by X
Sexygoth wrote:I had a **** ace time!!! But I always do (**** I sound like a hippy)lol


Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 23:28
by Mrs RicheyJames
I said I sounded like a hippy, not one mind!!

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 07:22
by X
Sexygoth wrote:I said I sounded like a hippy, not one mind!!

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 10:10
by Jim
This looks fun.


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 17:12
by Dan

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 18:12
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 18:18
by Big Si
Sexygoth wrote:<sulks>
As me granny would say "put that pet lip away afore a bird s**t on it!"


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 20:35
by X
Dan wrote:Image

Whoooaawww .... Impressed :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 22:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
f**k off the lot of ya