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Female vocalists

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 07:55
by Kommandok
If we are ever graced with another Sisters album...who would make for some nice girly vocals and/or duets?
Teri it another go?
RIP Ofra are so very missed!
I'm gonna throw out Azam Ali(she did vocals for the film, 300).
Unlikely...Toni Halliday(Curve). That would rock!
Also..Lucia Cifarelli(KMFDM). That would rock even more!!

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 07:56
by Ozpat
None FFS! :D

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 09:34
by Silver_Owl
I have to agree with Pat - I've just been listening to the NEC '93 gig and the female backing just doesn't work (at least for me anyway). They only time it adds anything is during 'On The Wire'. Apart from that - it just sounds plain daft. ;D

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 10:02
by itnAklipse
The inability of people to move never ceases to amaze me. The unfortunate part is that they wouldn't let others move, either. God, if you lived a little and agreed to move away from your "comfort zone" you might notice it wasn't that comfortable to begin with.

i really love people trying to tell Von what he should do or shouldn't do with his music. Is this really what internet discussions need to be about? (i'm afraid so.)

The world is f**ked up and it's not because of some mysterious evil people scattered around, it's because of people like hc "fans" of the Sisters.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 10:50
by Silver_Owl
itnAklipse wrote:The inability of people to move never ceases to amaze me. The unfortunate part is that they wouldn't let others move, either. God, if you lived a little and agreed to move away from your "comfort zone" you might notice it wasn't that comfortable to begin with.

i really love people trying to tell Von what he should do or shouldn't do with his music. Is this really what internet discussions need to be about? (i'm afraid so.)

The world is f**ked up and it's not because of some mysterious evil people scattered around, it's because of people like hc "fans" of the Sisters.
:?: WTF? This isn't an invitation for you to go off on one of your pseudo-intellectual rants Dei. I was just stating my personal opinion. I don't like it. End of. If you do - I'm very pleased for you.

...and I am the sole cause of the world being screwed up? That makes perfect sense. ;D

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 13:58
by _emma_
Kate Bush.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:01
by deadagain
Kylie worked with Nick Cave, so perhaps Danni would like to work with Eldo?

Or maybe that Geraldine from 'Britains Got The Pop Factor.... ' could do some nice duets with the Goth-father?!

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:12
by xfloorshowx
Lisa Gerrard or Tori Amos please... if one of them is a descent bass-player my vote is on that one..

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:19
by itnAklipse
i still think he should work with Natalie Imbruglia, though.

Or Laurie Anderson :lol:

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:37
by markfiend
itnAklipse wrote:i still think he should work with Natalie Imbruglia, though.
i really love people trying to tell Von what he should do or shouldn't do with his music. Is this really what internet discussions need to be about?

:innocent: ;)

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:39
by Silver_Owl
markfiend wrote:
itnAklipse wrote:i still think he should work with Natalie Imbruglia, though.
i really love people trying to tell Von what he should do or shouldn't do with his music. Is this really what internet discussions need to be about?

:innocent: ;)
Can I just add - the world is f**ked up and it's not because of some mysterious evil people scattered around, it's because of people like itnAklipse - "fans" of the Sisters. :innocent:

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:40
by _emma_

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:45
by itnAklipse

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:46
by euphoria
Isn't hc = hardcore?

Ah well, I'll let you squabble on :wink:

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:49
by Silver_Owl
itnAklipse wrote:Witty.
It was merely meant to reinforce the fact that you are totally barking. :wink:

Re: Female vocalists

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 17:52
by Llamatron
Kommandok wrote: Azam Ali

or Beth Gibbons. Tori's not a bad choice either, and there's that bit of an Andrew/Tori connection from many years ago.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 20:29
by mh
itnAklipse wrote:The inability of people to move never ceases to amaze me. The unfortunate part is that they wouldn't let others move, either. God, if you lived a little and agreed to move away from your "comfort zone" you might notice it wasn't that comfortable to begin with.

i really love people trying to tell Von what he should do or shouldn't do with his music. Is this really what internet discussions need to be about? (i'm afraid so.)

The world is f**ked up and it's not because of some mysterious evil people scattered around, it's because of people like hc "fans" of the Sisters.

Nobody's telling anybody what to do, it's just a harmless informal discussion, playing a game of "what if". People tend to have these discussions from time to time, not only on the internet but also in real life, and it ain't down to any sad pathetic inability in anybody's life, it's just for the simple innocent reason that some people like having these discussions. Those who don't like it can always ignore it; plenty else going on elsewhere.

It's not as if the Sisters are some great driving force behind events in the world and in people's lives anyway. They're just a rock 'n' roll band, they play concerts (sometimes) and make records (HA!), much the same as any other. I do believe it's called "entertainment", and is a valid use of one's leisure time.


Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 22:04
by Casar
Agneta Faltskog (ex Abba)
Marie Fredriksson (ex Roxette)

Diamanda Galas.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 00:37
by Some Kind Of Stranger

But if there was a vote directly from Andrew for a choice of female singer, I'd agree with xfloorshowx regarding Lisa Gerrard!

TSOM Gals...

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 18:40
by DrG
Kommandok suggested:
Unlikely...Toni Halliday(Curve). That would rock!
Also...Lucia Cifarelli(KMFDM). That would rock even more!!
Word! Both are excellent choices... and two of my favorite female rock vocalists.

BTW -- Where is Ms Halliday? There is no more Curve... :(

Still... when I first saw this thread I imagined Ann and Nancy Wilson from Heart
(mainly Ann... no XXX factor but great voice) or even Lita Ford! :lol: :wink:

EDIT -- C'mon casar... Diamanda Galas would be way to OTT for the Sisters...
she worked well with John Paul Jones, but is a tour de force in her own right.
That goes for Tori Amos as well. These howling banshees from another
universe play second fiddle to no one. 8)

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 18:51
by eotunun
deadagain wrote:Kylie worked with Nick Cave, so perhaps Danni would like to work with Eldo?

Or maybe that Geraldine from 'Britains Got The Pop Factor.... ' could do some nice duets with the Goth-father?!
Hm. Why not Kylie herself?
They'd make a pretty couple on stage, and probably end up singing a cover of "True Love" to the g*ffy audience. :lol:

Re: Female vocalists

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 19:10
by Nicole
Kommandok wrote:If we are ever graced with another Sisters album...who would make for some nice girly vocals and/or duets?
Teri it another go?
RIP Ofra are so very missed!
I'm gonna throw out Azam Ali(she did vocals for the film, 300).
Unlikely...Toni Halliday(Curve). That would rock!
Also..Lucia Cifarelli(KMFDM). That would rock even more!!
I don't think Sisters need any more vocals, but I absolutely ADORE Azam Ali. Didn't realize she did vocals for 300 (never saw it) but I've got her albums, and albums by her (former?) group, Niyaz.
Llamatron wrote:Tori's not a bad choice either, and there's that bit of an Andrew/Tori connection from many years ago.
:eek: Andrew/Tori connection? How did I miss that?

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 19:52
by canon docre
Pah Kylie Schmylie - if ever a female singer should sing with Tsom it'd better be Marianne Faithfull. Or that girl that sings on the Lucyfire record "This dollar saved my life at Whitehorse".

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 20:07
by Silver_Owl
canon docre wrote:Pah Kylie Schmylie - if ever a female singer should sing with Tsom it'd better be Marianne Faithfull. Or that girl that sings on the Lucyfire record "This dollar saved my life at Whitehorse".
She probably smokes more Marlboro Reds than :von: .
So, yes, it would work perfectly Jess. :wink:

Re: Female vocalists

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 21:12
by CellThree
:eek: Andrew/Tori connection? How did I miss that? ... age_id=477 ... age_id=478

Toni Halliday would be cool, but she has her own thing going with Chantelaine right now