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short interview Chris on Live Daily

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 10:50
by dinky daisy
For your personal history folder. nothing new though.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 12:28
by Ozpat
Nice! Thanks a lot DD. :)

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 13:09
by euphoria
Yes, thank you - something tells me there are one or more surprises waiting along this tour. He says "a bunch" of songs, and to me that's more than Marian and Logic once.

I so hope that he will stay in the Sisters, top guy :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 19:04
by Perki
Thanks for that :notworthy:

Regarding the comments, I think "Brenda" needs a hug.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 19:19
by Silver_Owl
"Plus, he's a good looking so and so."
Creep. ;D

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 20:32
by Ghostrider
euphoria wrote: "a bunch" of songs, and to me that's more than Marian and Logic once. :notworthy:
indeed.. and according to Chriss.. they sound better than ever.. :notworthy:
looking forward to this..

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 10:22
by markfiend
All the gigs get bootlegged anyway, so people get to hear new stuff that way.
Tacit approval of weeding?

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:15
by Rofocale
"Until the music industry gets it head out of its behind and starts moving forward, we'll just keep writing new tunes and playing them at gigs."

I honestly can't see why they don't release it themselves. They have a big fanbase that would buy anything that they would release. They have their own label; they just need to get some kinda distribution deal for the album. How hard can it be? I don't buy this constant remarks about the the music industry being the root of all evil for musicians. TSOM started out as a DIY band, why not pick that up!? Being on a label leads to a heavily decreased income for a band anyway!

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:23
by Bartek
reason why Andrew don;t want to back for DIY is simple, his almost 50yrs old and quite lazy (vide: their website).
and his also perfectionist (vide: reviews of one of current tour gig when :von: was pissed because of light) so he want to have a professional studio with pro equipment and that only can give him a big or major record label with their money.
well now i see that his maybe not lazy but just don't want to waist time and energy for something that might not work on that level as he presumed.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:37
by euphoria
Bartek wrote:reason why Andrew don;t want to back for DIY is simple, his almost 50yrs old and quite lazy (vide: their website).
and his also perfectionist (vide: reviews of one of current tour gig when :von: was pissed because of light) so he want to have a professional studio with pro equipment and that only can give him a big or major record label with their money.
well now i see that his maybe not lazy but just don't want to waist time and energy for something that might not work on that level as he presumed.
A good summary, I think.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:44
by Rofocale
He might be a perfectionist, but to be able to do a good sounding record today doesn't necessarily include a helluva expensive studio, there are a lot of alternatives out there. The really expensive part can be to hire a top producer, but I’m pretty sure that Von wants to keep the production part for himself.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:47
by itnAklipse
Funny how people who have nothing to do with music industry have strong opinions of the music industry contrary to those who actually have something to do with it and say there's something wrong with it.

i think it's bloody obvious with the garbage that comes out that music industry is not interested in music but in selling. Music doesn't sell, what sells is anything that pleases the masses. And that's why Idols sell well.

i'm not sure i like the existence of "music industry" on conceptual level, either.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:49
by Caravaggio
"English goth band The Sisters of Mercy..."


Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:58
by Rofocale
itnAklipse wrote:Funny how people who have nothing to do with music industry have strong opinions of the music industry contrary to those who actually have something to do with it and say there's something wrong with it.

i think it's bloody obvious with the garbage that comes out that music industry is not interested in music but in selling. Music doesn't sell, what sells is anything that pleases the masses. And that's why Idols sell well.

i'm not sure i like the existence of "music industry" on conceptual level, either.
I've played in a lot of bands over the last 20 years. I play in three today. I've released records over the years. Never had any big success though, ha ha ha. I do know that parts of the music industry sucks, I agree with you at every point, but all I say is that it's possible to go other ways. If Von would have wanted he probably had to. And I don't think he's lazy, not after seeing them tour as much the rescent years.

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 13:26
by markfiend
itnAklipse wrote:i think it's bloody obvious with the garbage that comes out that music industry is not interested in music but in selling. Music doesn't sell, what sells is anything that pleases the masses. And that's why Idols sell well.
That's why they call it the music industry. :urff:

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 16:18
by Rat_Bastard
euphoria wrote:Yes, thank you - something tells me there are one or more surprises waiting along this tour. He says "a bunch" of songs, and to me that's more than Marian and Logic once.
They are probably saving most of them for the European leg of the tour. :p

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 21:50
by Buelbringer
Rat_Bastard wrote:
euphoria wrote:Yes, thank you - something tells me there are one or more surprises waiting along this tour. He says "a bunch" of songs, and to me that's more than Marian and Logic once.
They are probably saving most of them for the European leg of the tour. :p
Exactly, that's what we hope overseas :!: