the South has fallen again (Richmond 2008)

Gig reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on the 2008/2009 Sisters tour, including the Autumn/Winter 2008 U.S. and European 2009 legs.
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Right. Setlist was like in New York, besides that the show got cut after F&L&A, because the smoke alarm went off in the venue. Nope, they didn't return. BUT: There is a tour shirt now, and it seems made exclusively for the States. Black print on dark grey, on the front "Sisters", on the back something like "american tour 2008 from ocean to ocean". It is beautiful and they have it as normal and as "lady" (aka girlie shirt).

Sound was great, lots of smoke (sic!). Ahem,what else is there to say?

For Eggi and me the US tour ends here, and we're looking very much forward to February/March 2009 in Europe.

If you have the chance to go and see them here in the States: DO MAKE THE EFFORT. They're well worth it. And PLEASE, as Bismarck has pointed out: Please, please record the shows. If I could learn to handle an md so can everybody, it doesn't take much and there are plenty of HLers who can help you with tips and tricks.

To all the people known and unknown who we've met: It was a pleasure and I hope there will be a next time. Hugs to everybody, we had a wonderful time in this country.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Over and out - Eva.
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Eva wrote:BUT: There is a tour shirt now, and it seems made exclusively for the States. Black print on dark grey, on the front "Sisters", on the back something like "american tour 2008 from ocean to ocean". It is beautiful and they have it as normal and as "lady" (aka girlie shirt).
Eva wrote:To all the people known and unknown who we've met: It was a pleasure and I hope there will be a next time. Hugs to everybody, we had a wonderful time in this country.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Over and out - Eva.
Safe travels to you and your dear Eggi-boy, sweetie! I hope I can come visit you on your home turf, someday. *BIG HUGS right back* :notworthy: :kiss:
Sorry, I seem to have gotten something in my eye, just now...
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Eva wrote:Right. Setlist was like in New York, besides that the show got cut after F&L&A, because the smoke alarm went off in the venue. Nope, they didn't return.

If you have the chance to go and see them here in the States: DO MAKE THE EFFORT. They're well worth it. And PLEASE, as Bismarck has pointed out: Please, please record the shows. If I could learn to handle an md so can everybody, it doesn't take much and there are plenty of HLers who can help you with tips and tricks.

Over and out - Eva.
Thanks Eva. Sounds like a bit of a bummer that the show was cut early, but good news on the merch. It was a real pleasure meeting you and your cool man. Hope to see you soon.

And for everyone else, because it bears repeating: Please record these shows, otherwise they are lost to history and fans forever. It's easy and the rewards are immense.

(PS I PM'd Eggi)

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@eva & eggi....have a safe trip home! hope to meet again someday.

in sucks that tour shirts are just now coming available! :evil: though my hoodie has been getting alot of wear!
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As promised I for one recorded the show. I have two versions. One with bass filter off, one without. I will have to split the tracks and upload.Should have it done some time tomorrow. I'll let everyone know.

The show was awesome! Besides it ending early. Everything sounded great. Andrew's mike could have been a bit louder for the first 3/4 of Crash and Burn but after that I thought he sounded great as did Ben and Chris. Some annoying older guy tried to force his way front stage and loudly complain to Andrew that he couldn't hear him singing, but I glared his way and he went away.

I think I saw Petseri and Eva but I wasn't sure, so I didn't introduce myself. Sorry.

We were all very discouraged that the Fire Marshall cut the show short, but we spoke with a deputy and she claimed (quite wrongly) that Andrew refused to tone down the fog. I told her that I noticed about three songs into things that they HAD indeed toned down the fog. Oh well.

Waited around back by the bus and was pleasantly surprised to get to chat with Ben, Simon and Andrew. They were all very polite and friendly and apologized profusely for the show ending quick. They were also very skilled with a silver paint marker. One guy had Ben sign his shirt with the addition of "F*ck the Fire Marshall". Very funny stuff.

Andrew was very happy to talk about Obama and how elated he was that we Americans "made the right decision" and all.

After the show we went to get some good food and upon returning to our car realized it was missing. It turned out we parked in a tow-away zone and after flagging down the police, were lucky enough to get a ride to an ATM and to the impound lot. Bastards wanted $150 in cash!

All said and done we got to meet the Man himself, so it was definitely worth it, Fire Marshall, Automobile pirates and all.

Links and Photos (no video) tomorrow.
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Thanks for the review Prescott. Now that sounds like something that would happen to me.

Looking forward to the recording.

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Besides, it's all Eggi's fault anyway, because he wore the "shut the f**k up" shirt. I had told him before the show that the shirt is jinxed, and that the last time I wore was in Bielefeld 2006, where the power suddenly shut down completely during Dominion. Eggi refused to wear something else though, and that's what happened... :roll: :wink:
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Prescott wrote:Waited around back by the bus and was pleasantly surprised to get to chat with Ben, Simon and Andrew. They were all very polite and friendly and apologized profusely for the show ending quick. They were also very skilled with a silver paint marker. One guy had Ben sign his shirt with the addition of "F*ck the Fire Marshall". Very funny stuff.

Andrew was very happy to talk about Obama and how elated he was that we Americans "made the right decision" and all.
:eek: :notworthy:
You lucky, lucky sods. :P ;D
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BUT: There is a tour shirt now, and it seems made exclusively for the States. Black print on dark grey, on the front "Sisters", on the back something like "american tour 2008 from ocean to ocean".
OK, so who's got a photo of this beauty? :?:
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Aye. More importantly, who's willing to snag one of these beauties for me? :innocent: :lol:
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Aye. More importantly, who's willing to snag one of these beauties for me? It wasn't me...
Ditto! :wink:
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Bill Hicks wrote:
Aye. More importantly, who's willing to snag one of these beauties for me? It wasn't me...
Ditto! :wink:
Add another ditto for me. :D Seriously - I would love one if any kind soul would consider getting me one. :P :kiss:
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Well, I made it... I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I had to call 4 different people to be able to get off work; the next day I'm not even out of Philadelphia and I get a call that they want me to come in tonight. :roll:

I am psyched that they had the tour shirts (pure luck it happened to be the night I decided to come again). The print is actually a shiny patent-like ink, which is totally awesome and rather stylish for a band shirt. I'd try to get a picture but my camera sucks--and I need to be off in an hour--so maybe later if no one else does it.

I was really saddened that they cut the night short, though. Top Nite Out is a song that really only works live for me, and I was looking forward to hearing it, considering everything else so far had sounded awesome and clear. Did they play Flood II? My memory is failing me already, but that's another one of my favorites that I'm not sure they played. :(

Thank you to Petseri and his sister for offering me a ride to the station, but thank you even more for letting me decline. I went around back and got to meet Andrew, as well, for a few short minutes. But my shyness kicked in, and--though there's a thousand things I could have said--I just said thanks and asked if there's any chance they'd do another show on the northern/middle part of the East Coast to make up for that night (I probably sounded whiny, too, considering I was nearly passing out an hour beforehand, and I was sad the show ended when I started feeling better).* :oops: It seems I missed Prescott and a lot more, though; I must have got out back late.

Oh, and for all I was annoyed at the Fire Marshall for, the "deputy" you guys are speaking of gave me a ride to the bus station. So I can't hate her. :notworthy: According to her, they actually didn't tell the band to stop altogether; rather they said to stop the smoke since the venue wasn't cleared for it (iirc the band started the smoke up again a few seconds before they got cut off), or keep going...and if anything serious happened the sole blame would be on the band. We were even laughing over the fact that there was actually a local news station shooting footage outside afterwards... because of a smoke machine.

I love how Chris commented, "But the smoke is like a... 5th... member!"

*Oh, Btw, Mr. Eldritch, you did/do have farther to travel (as did and do Eva and Eggi :notworthy: ), but at least you get a tour bus... I get public stations with shady people hitting on me at odd hours, including some otherwise professional-looking person in a suit blatantly staring at me five feet from my face. :eek:
Last edited by Multifaceted on 08 Nov 2008, 21:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Multifaceted wrote:The print is actually a shiny patent-like ink, which is totally awesome and rather stylish for a band shirt.
Now I really need one...

Glad to have you onboard, by the way, Multifaceted! ;D
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Again, here are random impressions put to keyboard.Maybe you will find a tidbit or two of interest.

1. We will start near the end. Yes, the gig was cut short. After First and Last and Always, the band left the stage. After a minute, a voice boomed out that the fire marshal had called off the rest of the show. Ha ha, everyone thought. The a minute later a similar message was broadcast. Lights still had not come on to chase us out of the place like roaches, nor had music come back on, but it slowly became clear that indeed the end had come. A lone bottle was flung onto the stage. A minute later, the hall lights came on slightly. The stage was still dark, however, so we had yet more mixed messages. Much grumbling was heard among the audience, some in German. Rumors spread that someone had started a fire, but I doubt that anyone believed that. The place was not evacuated for instance. By the time the lights really came on and the music chimed in, the writing clearly was on the wall. One young woman (if you need visual aids, she looked as though she fit well in Underworld) was balling her eyes out in front of the stage by Andrew's mic; her friend shouted insults to the fire marshal sitting calmly in a balcony seat. Her kicks to the security barrier and complaints did little to change the situation.

The fire marshal's version: The fire marshal (or rather two) was on the floor by this point. I went over and asked for an explanation. He insisted that it was not his fault that the show ended, rather than band's. During pre-gig preparations, the smoke had been too thick, he explained, but after lowering the output, they got acceptable levels. During the show itself, he contended, the machines were pumping out at full force. He said that he could not see from the balcony, and implied a hazard. The alarms were going off all evening. When he asked the band to lower the amount, they instead pulled the plug on the gig. I noted how other venues, like in Washington, were smaller, tighter and had fewer exits, yet there had been no issue. He countered that all places are different and said that ventilation or number of doors can make.

The band's version: Chris was at the merchandise stand by this point. With his personality, he is great at public relations and was trying to diffuse the situation. He said that there had been concerns about the amount of fog early in the gig, but that they turned off the machines. An hour later (although it must have been less time, as they did not play a full hour, I think) they were told that the smoke was too dense. The band had no choice but to shut shop. The contract with the venue states that the band used smoke machines in performances, so there should not have been any surprises. I may be off on this one, but Chris may have added that they were not pumping out more than earlier. He at least gave the impression that the band was not beyond what should have been acceptable. The band wanted to play on, but really could not.

Conclusion: I just gave the details which I remember from 14 hours ago, so draw your own conclusions. What I see is that, while the fire marshal may not have cancelled the show per se (it was not his voice who announced the end of the show), he may have put the band in a position where there was no alternative. The fog on stage by the end (while the band still played) had been minimal or even off for a few songs, so the band had complied with requests. Nobody is accepting blame, so point the finger where you feel it belongs.

Other than that, there were some other memories:

2. I suggested that we make an Eva mask for someone to wear for the rest of the tour so that Chris is not distracted that she is not in the audience directly in front of him. He possibly could become concerned or worried and may become too distracted to play well.

3. The venue itself was impressive. It had been an old theater. The floor has seats removed, but the upper tier and the side balconies/loges still had seats. The upper levels were closed off to the public for this show, although early on some did manage to go up there, which caused some of the staff to track them down. The high ceiling was what you expect to find in theaters.

4. The stage was about a meter off the ground again, and about three quarters that from the security barrier. The monitors were pushed back a bit from the edge of the stage.

5. The crowd was like other gigs (leather jackets, t-shirts, jeans, some shaved heads), but there were more of the Goth crowd than previous shows. maybe 20 percent could fit that bill.

6. We found what appeared to be a black scarf on the floor next to us. We offered it to the young lady standing near it, when we realized that it was a pair of leggings. For some reason, she declined, quite confusedly, some stranger's tights.

7. We considered throwing them at Chris in a classic crooner scenario, but we never got around to it.

8. Hypernova were good as usual. They play consistently each time Maybe the New York left me with the best feeling, but all time were on par with one another. One guitarist plays on the first two or three songs before he heads off stage. (Did he join the band recently and is only on a few songs so far?) He or another man connected to the band often took video of them and the audience. Perhaps some will come to light at some point to show the audience.

9. The sound here was the best thus far. Perhaps the place, as a theater originally, was deigned with acoustics in mind. Andrew's voice was more in the mix, and he offered more reverberating howls earlier, like during Ribbons.

10. There may have been some problems with Ben's guitar, though. At least in First and Last and Always, it appeared to be very faint. Initially I thought that he left the stage after the song for an equipment check or replacement, but alas that was due to the smoke matters.

11. The setlist was similar to the one in New York, but not quite the same. I do not mean due to the truncated performance. For example, Summer was followed by Still. Did stared with Crash and Burn and Ribbons and Train, though, and seemed to have the basic flow of the previous gigs.

12. Like starting a gig with one, is it a good idea to have two unreleased songs back to back?

13. Chris wore boots this time, not soft soled shoes. Andrew had on a black shirt, so he did not glow as he did with his bright yellow one earlier. Ben, as usual, wore a black sleeveless top. And pants.

14. I think that Ben's arms are rounder than four of the five members of Hypernova (Persian Ramones?). Only their bass player has bicyclist legs.

15. Especially the riff, Still is growing on me. Not surprisingly, their guitar styles work well with it. The vocals have not grabbed me as much, but that simply may be due to the fact that it is new and not entrenched as a Sisters song yet.

16. Among others, Summer still is worthy of a studio version. Even though I sometimes miss Adam's power chords on it, I am quite glad that this is a staple in setlists.

17. The lightshow during Ribbons and Summer is still among the highlights. The falling lights at the rain lyric in Flood is cool too. Marian gets green. Had that been red previously? That is what I recall.

18. There was not as much karaoke this time, but some during Floodland tracks. As far as I could tell, very little during Dominion, but Mother Russia got much more.

19. We could see the Nurse this time as he performed his services behind equipment on Ben's side of the stage. He bounced around slightly. With the setup arranged as it was, he sometimes looked as though he was playing pinball.

20. Ben ventured to the center and front of the stage for some of his solo spots. Andrew played right of center close to Chris for a song or two. Chris kept within his prancing ring, with plenty of moments up front to interact with the crowd.

21. Sometime between Washington and Richmond the tour shirts apparently were delivered. They are dark grey with shiny black lettering. The Sisters name is large on the front, with the tour overview of the back. If anything, the tour has been named "Ocean to Ocean", which we can add to the tour list at some point. For those keeping score, it seems to be a North American tour now and a separate European tour as of February.

22. The sales of knit caps may increase stateside if they stop calling them beanies. While they can be called that, some will expect them to have propellers.

23. Needless to say, Chris is a fine person to interact with the crowd offstage. He was more than willing to talk to people and answer the usual questions repeatedly. Tonight they dealt mainly with the likelihood of a studio release ("stranger things have happened") and the issue with the fire marshal. He took them all in stride. He would come out from behind the counter to have photos taken. He also said how much he enjoyed Richmond as a city, as well as the venue, which included a pool table and jaccussi.

24. I think that Ben was elsewhere putting out fires, so to speak, so kudos to him as well.

25. Even Chris' mother knows that he stopped smoking dope. How much more open can you want an band member?

26. He saw my Heartland shirt and knew immediately what it was. No need to recant everything which he said, which probably makes him happy. (Jokingly I asked if I could quote him on him ending his smoking choice. He laughed and did not care.)

27. HLers acknowledged were, no surprises, Eva, Eggi, and Multifaceted, who were the first three in line when my sister and I arrived.

28. Does Aaron say "hi"?

29. Is a recording surfaces, it should fit on a single CD. :|

30. Do not grab on to Eggi. Enough said.

31. There was some onstage banter, but not too much. Much of that came n Washington, though, was later in the show, so maybe it would have flowed a bit more. Unfortunately for rivet counters, I do not remember what exactly he said.

32. Crowd banter was fortunately limited in terms of numbers having conversations. Unfortunately it was not always the case, especially in the slower songs during the middle of the performance.

33. Early in the performance I did hear what sounded like a siren. Nobody reacted, so I figured that it was simply someone cheering in an odd way, especially as it happened repeatedly over different songs. I guess that my initial reaction was accurate.

34. The strobe lights which kept going on the side of the stage after First and Last and Always indeed were more forward than I had noticed previously. That is because they were the alarms having been triggered, not part of the performance.

35. My gut feeling is that three or so songs were still due before the first interlude, and then the usual five after that. I did not check to see how long they played, but I am guessing about 50 minutes or so.

36. Eva did prophesy hat someone ting bad always happened during a gig when Eggi where his shut.the.f**k.up shirt. How did she know?

37. For future bookings, I heard that at least two parties showing up came from Raleigh. Mark that on the map for potential spots in the next tour (not expected for at least a year).

38. It dud not look sold out, even if the balcony levels are discounted. Nevertheless if was a decent size crowd for a city the size of Richmond.

39. The mood in the crowd seemed to be building as the gig went, especially when familiar songs were played. It was building to be a fun second half.

40. Chris did not recall how long he had been in the band so fsr. He thought four years. Has tie been dragging for him? :lol:

41.. Eva is indeed worthy of the Swiss Miss. ;D

Ultimately, this was a fine gig prior to the abrupt end. Had it continued, it probably would have been a very memorable one to experience. As it was, it became memorable for other reasons. Yes, I was disappointed for the events which transpired, especially as it was the final gig or many of us during this tour. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the time which I had. The most memorable element will be the sudden end, but I at least made the best of it nevertheless. I wish Eggi and Eva well on their flight back and look forward to the next tour when our paths will cross.
Last edited by Petseri on 10 Nov 2008, 19:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Petseri wrote:another bunch of stuff
Martin you missed your vocation - journo. You still need a good sub editor all the same. ;D

I especially liked the fashion reportage, can we have something about their pants next time?

thanks again Baltimora :D :notworthy:
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Petseri wrote:2. I suggested that we make an Eva mask for someone to wear for the rest of the tour so that Chris is not distracted that she is not in the audience directly in front of him. He possibly could become concerned or worried and may become too distracted to play well.
I fully volunteer to wear that mask for the remainder of the tour (especially since Eva and I are nearly the same height! ;D); anyone care to buy me tickets/cart my ass from city to city/put me up? :innocent:
Petseri wrote:8. Hypernova were good as usual...One guitarist plays on the first two or three songs before he heads off stage. (Did he join the band recently and is only on a few songs so far?)
He played the tambourine, as well. I wondered where that dude'd gone when he left the stage, not to return - he was rather attractive... :innocent: :oops:
Petseri wrote:13. Chris wore boots this time, not soft soled shoes.
Chris is one seriously cool-looking chap. 8)
Petseri wrote:14...Hypernova (Persian Ramones?)...
HA! As a matter of fact, that's exactly what Eva and I thought, too! :lol: \m/ The Joey look-alike dude's the one who gave us an impromptu shower. Mmmmm. Nicely skinny. :twisted:
Petseri wrote:21. Sometime between Washington and Richmond the tour shirts apparently were delivered. They are dark grey with shiny black lettering. The Sisters name is large on the front, with the tour overview of the back. If anything, the tour has been named "Ocean to Ocean", which we can add to the tour list at some point. For those keeping score, it seems to be a North American tour now and a separate European tour as of February.
Petseri wrote:22. While they can be called that, some will expect them to have propellers.
...not the kiddies who shop at Hot Topic! :roll:
Petseri wrote:25. Even Chris' mother knows that he stopped smoking dope. How much more open can you want an band member?
Perhaps he might provide his cell phone number? :twisted: :oops: Ok, I'll stop. :|
Petseri wrote:30. Do not grab on to Eggi. Enough said.
No, but *do* shake his hand and speak quietly to him. ;D
Petseri wrote:40. Eva is indeed worthy of the Swiss Miss. ;D

Agreed; I'm the one who dubbed her that in the first place. :P

Thanks for yet another excellent, insightful review, Martin! ;D :notworthy:
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Would anyone mind if I merely posted the entire recording without split tracks? I'm afraid that I'll lose audio quality if I split them. Any suggestions?

And: What's the best way to share photos?


I'll upload the master recording in it's entirety for purists and I'll be working on a re-mastered version based on both of my audio sources with split tracks for those types. :wink:
Last edited by Prescott on 08 Nov 2008, 22:08, edited 1 time in total.
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I use Photobucket
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Thanks Mr. Blast 8)

Set-list while you wait:

Crash and Burn
-"Simmer down Dave."
and: "We're gonna play some songs and set some fire alarms off."


Train/Detonation Boulevard Medley

Flood I
-"To the victors: the spoils."
-"Thank you."


Giving Ground

This Corrosion
-"[inaudible] ...makes it take off... [inaudible] ...makes it go faster."

We are the same, Susanne
Dominion/Mother Russia -"Last Chance." (before going into the MR lyrics)

-"This is a good week to be an American...[inaudible]"


-"We'll get the hang of it, we'll all get the hang of it, see what I mean." As Ben plays the opening riff to:

First and Last and Always

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are being shut down by the fire marshal, that's the end of the show."

Crowd flips out, then:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry the show has been closed by the fire marshals, that's it."

Someone shouts:
"Put his head on a pike in front of the venue." Obviously referring to the fire marshal.

Link coming soon.

:wink: :wink:
Last edited by Prescott on 08 Nov 2008, 22:51, edited 2 times in total.
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SINsister wrote:
Multifaceted wrote:The print is actually a shiny patent-like ink, which is totally awesome and rather stylish for a band shirt.
Now I really need one...

Glad to have you onboard, by the way, Multifaceted! ;D
Thanks. :)

And I think I know what you mean... I'm a little obsessed with all the patent shoes and purses that have been in style lately. >_>

I looked closer and I think they're printed with a silver foil underneath, and that's why they're parts the foil shows through and it *almost* looks like sparkles.

I'm still wasting my time waiting for work, so I have pictures:

(The front, and my masochistic kitten trying to get in trouble and get spanked.)

(The back, obviously.)

The color's a bit washed out, but otherwise I don't think you'd be able to see the print. There is way too much black in my photos.
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... and thank you! :D

I prefer the back to the front
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Very nice. MUST GET. :von:
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Petseri wrote:37. For future bookings, I heard that at least two parties showing up came from Raleigh. Mark that on the map for potential spots in the next tour (not expected for at least a year).
My buddy and I drove up from Raleigh for this gig. He actually drove up from Charlotte to ride up with me. I was in the blue shirt/white long sleeve undershirt on the barrier to the left facing the stage in case anyone is curious. I've driven MUCH further is the past for Sisters gigs but this is the only one that fit my schedule this time around. If we had a gig in the future closer to home I know I could get a lot more local folks to show up. I thought I also noticed another car (jeep?) with Raleigh-area markings on it.

I got a camera phone pic of one of the setlists but I rarely use that camera and didn't realize my finger was partially blocking the lens. :oops: Anyway, between that semi-photo and my memory here's what I got for a setlist (to supplement what I just noticed Prescott posted):

01. Crash and Burn
02. Ribbons
03. Train/ Detonation Boulevard
04. Flood I
05. Marian
06. Alice
07. Anaconda
08. Giving Ground
09. This Corrosion
10. We Are the Same Suzanne
11. Dominion/ Mother Russia
12. Summer
13. Still
14. First and Last and Always
---- gig halted----
15. Never Land
16. Flood II

17. Something Fast
18. Vision Thing

19. Lucretia My Reflection
20. Top Nite Out
21. Temple of Love
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James Blast wrote:
Petseri wrote:another bunch of stuff
Martin you missed your vocation - journo. You still need a good sub editor all the same. ;D
Thanks for the compliment. ;D I am tossing them out as I recall. To that, I add:

42. I passed a HeartLand Express truck on the way there. Is that a good omen? ;D

43. I think that the fire marshal also noted that if they played on, they (the band) would assume liability.

44. As far as I can tell, neither Ben or Chris switched guitars during the show. No bass used either, unless I really missed that.

45. Amazingly, driving there on a Friday afternoon took longer than driving back at midnight. ;D

46. When Chris was at the merchendise stand and trying lessen the disappointment of the developments, I asked if he was up for an impromptu Robochrist performance. He declined and said that he is not interested in the persona much any longer. It would have made it an even more memorable evening.

47. The venue had a looping video of upcoming (or recently appearing) performers shown from monitors mounted to the wals flanking the stage. On 7 November, a band called "Sisters of Mercy" is performing. Its singer appears to have dark hair and plays a piano in a room with candles. (Can anyone guess what number comes to miinf? :wink: ) Others coming soon include Yes, Darkstar Orchestra, and Man Man.
Last edited by Petseri on 09 Nov 2008, 02:51, edited 2 times in total.