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Press from 2008/2009 Tour

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 08:03
by bismarck

I'm starting this thread in the hopes that people can post whatever articles, interviews and reviews from the current tour they find in their respective cities.

Personally, I am interested in both links to on-line articles... well as simple notices of printed material in local papers and magazines, such as:

'Time Out' (magazine) issue 683 Oct 30-Nov 5 (New York City)

For any among us who collect (or are interested in) clippings as well as recordings.

Perhaps this can be stickied by a mod? (Or at least added to the bottom of this thread.


Re: Press from 2008/2009 Tour

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 18:39
by Petseri
bismarck wrote:Perhaps this can be stickied by a mod? (Or at least added to the bottom of this thread.
God idea. :notworthy: I was on it before finishing your post. ;D

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 16:53
by Nicole
Looks like a Green Party candidate in New Haven is a Sisters fan. :lol:

"“The numbers are looking pretty good,� said Green Party candidate Ralph Ferrucci, reached by phone at the Sisters of Mercy concert at Toad’s Place, where the bar TVs were showing him at 3 percent. " ... o_wins.php

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 16:54
by Nicole
Not quite press, but a review of the Worcester show. Not a good one though. :|

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:10
by weebleswobble
But smoke and incoherent vocals will not a fan base make or maintain.
He should log-on here :lol:

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:13
by Nicole
Another Toronto review - this one better than the other one that was posted somewhere here earlier. ... 28th-2008/

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:19
by Quiff Boy
Nicole wrote:Not quite press, but a review of the Worcester show. Not a good one though. :|
I personally layered on twice the eye make-up worn in my day to day, dug out my black anarchy symbol tee shirt and had my “old english script� M necklace on. I was ready for some goth action.
he was never going to enjoy it really, was he?

Texting during Sister’s, one of the inventor’s of Goth!! Unbelievable.
he reall'y shoul'd lear'n how to spel'l if hes goin'g to b'come a write'r.



Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:23
by markfiend
I've left a comment there. I predict we'll now be flooded by outraged Americans :innocent:

*Edit: I think 'he' is a she...

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:25
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:I've left a comment there. I predict we'll now be flooded by outraged Americans :innocent:
huzzah! can we set the belgians on them? ;)

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:26
by markfiend
And the Jocko Homos :twisted:

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:31
by Nicole
Quiff Boy wrote:
Nicole wrote:Not quite press, but a review of the Worcester show. Not a good one though. :|
I personally layered on twice the eye make-up worn in my day to day, dug out my black anarchy symbol tee shirt and had my “old english script� M necklace on. I was ready for some goth action.
he was never going to enjoy it really, was he?
:lol: Tis true. I did laugh when I read that - some other not-so-glowing reviews I've read have been similar. Seems that those of us that know what to expect enjoy the shows much more.

More stuff I've come across - yeah I'm running searches when I, uh, should be working. :innocent:

couple short reviews after this clipping: ... 11193.html

a better review of Worcester - still complaints about the sound but blamed it on the venue - complaints about the venue in general but enjoyed Sisters themselves.

Does this stuff belong in this thread by the way? Because it's not really "official" press stuff, it's more user reviews and that sort of thing? Just wondering if maybe I should be putting these in the individual show threads. :oops:

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:38
by James Blast
I know what to expect, it doesn't help

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 17:40
by markfiend
Nicole wrote:Does this stuff belong in this thread by the way? Because it's not really "official" press stuff, it's more user reviews and that sort of thing? Just wondering if maybe I should be putting these in the individual show threads. :oops:
This is heartland. Stuff belongs wherever anyone feels like putting it. 8)

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 23:26
by 6FeetOver
Quiff Boy wrote:
Texting during Sister’s, one of the inventor’s of Goth!! Unbelievable.
he reall'y shoul'd lear'n how to spel'l if hes goin'g to b'come a write'r.


:lol: :notworthy:


Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 23:54
by DrG
The first article from bismarck states:
(The) Sisters of Mercy deliver new songs on tour...

When... where... or has the press ignored the Sisters since 1993?! :lol:

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 20:58
by Nicole
mention in "Time Out Chicago" issue 194 Nov. 13-19. It's one of the "critic's picks" for top live shows. ... s-of-mercy
Eldritch hasn’t released new music since 1993, though frequent tours sate the hungry devotees. Anticipation has been teased, however, by the fact that Sisters have recently played “new, unreleased� material in addition to neo-industrial goth-rock classics like “This Corrosion,� “Black Planet� and even “First and Last and Always.�
Black Planet eh? :lol:
On a 2006 tour, Eldritch and co. were so obscured by smoke machines and muddy sound, fans thought he might have hired a stand-in. More recently, thankfully, a spectral and animated Eldritch has come out, stalking the edges of the stage.
I sure hope this is the case tomorrow night...

And, this is actually from the last US tour, but also found on Time Out Chicago when I was looking around - short interview. Issue 54, March 9-15, 2006. ... the-record

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 21:03
by James Blast
... does it feel like 1985?

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 21:09
by mh
Quiff Boy wrote:
markfiend wrote:I've left a comment there. I predict we'll now be flooded by outraged Americans :innocent:
huzzah! can we set the belgians on them? ;)
markfiend wrote:And the Jocko Homos :twisted:
They could wipe each other out. :twisted:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 08:01
by bismarck
Nicole wrote:mention in "Time Out Chicago" issue 194 Nov. 13-19. It's one of the "critic's picks" for top live shows. ... s-of-mercy
Thank you for this...
And then Nicole wrote:...a lot of other things, including some more neat Time Out Chicago links
...and the others. I am somewhat of a fan(atic) when it comes to collecting and archiving Sisters interviews and press, so your efforts are very appreciated... and ample thanks for the snippets of recordings I put up.

Keep up the research and posting!

Posted: 21 Nov 2008, 23:50
by bismarck

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 19:13
by 7anthea7

Not much, but it's positive in its way. Scroll about halfway down the page...or go to my post in the Seattle pre-gig thread.

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 21:27
by Bartek
i'd say: load of crap, but at least "positive"

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 22:31
by aims
Fail at quoting Bowiehaus :(

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 17:26
by Nicole
bismarck wrote: Thank you for this...
And then Nicole wrote:...a lot of other things, including some more neat Time Out Chicago links
...and the others. I am somewhat of a fan(atic) when it comes to collecting and archiving Sisters interviews and press, so your efforts are very appreciated... and ample thanks for the snippets of recordings I put up.

Keep up the research and posting!
Not a problem - I completely understand about being a fanatic and archiving Sisters snippets wherever we may find them. I'm not seeing much in the way of newpaper reviews - I'm the sort of person who will look to see if a show I've been to has a newspaper mention and clip it out to keep, I've got a stack of them I need to scrapbook or put in a safe place one of these days - but I'm finding web mentions. Here are two more:

Minneapolis: (good review but complaints of low vocals?!?!) ... e-11182008

Denver: ... _ogden.php

In various comments (not really full reviews) I'm seeing, one of the most common complaints other than low vocals is...pre-recorded drums! (bass and keyboards mentioned too) :lol: Can you really not tell from the albums and studio recordings that it is not a live drummer and is in fact a drum machine?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 11:07
by dinky daisy ... n-theatre/

"I regret to admit that I have never been at a show that played two encores. It felt like a reward, although I’m not sure what we did to deserve it."