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Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 16:35
by HerrDoktor
I was there last night (and this is my first post here too!).

A great set all around. The "Wall of Eldritch Distortion" was not in evidence last night as it was on the previous tour. Everything was nice and clear.

Set opened with "Crash and Burn", and we got 2 encores!

Set list:
Crash and burn
Train\Detonation Blvd
Flood I
Giving ground
This Corrosion
Flood II *edit*
Dominion/Mother Russia
First and Last and Always
Something Fast (1st encore)
Vision Thing (1st encore)
Lucretia (2nd encore)
Temple of Love (2nd encore)

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 16:39
by markfiend
Hi HerrDoktor, a fine introductory post if I may say so. Welcome, stick around 8)

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 16:44
by Garbageman
Welcome...was it sold out?

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 16:52
by Nicole
HerrDoktor wrote:
Set list:
Crash and burn
Train\Detonation Blvd
Flood I
Giving ground
This Corrosion
Dominion/Mother Russia
First and Last and Always
Something Fast (1st encore)
Vision Thing (1st encore)
Lucretia (2nd encore)
Temple of Love (2nd encore)
Looks like they're pretty much sticking with the same setlist - but no Neverland or Flood II? :( :cry: :( :cry:

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 18:04
by HerrDoktor
Thanks for the welcome... Nicole, we did get Flood II as well, I'm just getting old, LOL. To the best of my recollection, it was after Corrosion.

The show didn't appear to be quite sold out, but it was pretty full.

I also want to say that I quite enjoyed the opening act Hypernova. They were fun and had a good energy to their show.

I was also quite pleased that the merch table had the old "Utterly bastard Groovy" shirt, which I happily bought to replace my ancient trashed one!

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 18:25
by Nicole
HerrDoktor wrote:Thanks for the welcome... Nicole, we did get Flood II as well, I'm just getting old, LOL. To the best of my recollection, it was after Corrosion.
Very good news - one of my fav songs - seems in past shows it has been the last song before the encores, they could be mixing it up a bit. I'd still like to hear Neverland live though, especially paired with Flood II, and they didn't play it the last time (the only time...) I saw them. Two songs guaranteed to give me chills and practically leave me breathless every time I hear them.

HerrDoktor wrote:I also want to say that I quite enjoyed the opening act Hypernova. They were fun and had a good energy to their show.
I'm hearing good things about them, looking forward to catching them as well.
HerrDoktor wrote:I was also quite pleased that the merch table had the old "Utterly bastard Groovy" shirt, which I happily bought to replace my ancient trashed one!
I've seen pics of the old one - is it exactly the same, with the "and the kissing and the colors come crashing down" on the back, or maybe it was another lyric? If so, nice they brought back an old classic. :)

Thanks much for posting! Looks like you were the only one here that made it to this one unless there are more hiding out, or haven't had a chance to post yet. Call it obsessive but yeah, I'm reading all the show threads and reviews in anticipation of the one I'm going to. We fans need our constant updates!

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 19:06
by Ozpat
No Top Nite Out aka Snub Nose?

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 19:25
by Brad
Am guessing it was played before Temple of Love.

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 20:51
by Fishtree
I was also at the show (and am also de-lurking).
We did get Never Land, and Top Nite Out, too. I can't remember where Never Land was - towards the end. Top Nite Out was between Lucretia and Temple.

It was a good show, and I can agree that Hypernova were a decent opening band.

The only downside was the Ben seemed to be having issues with his wireless transmitter on and off - most notably during Top Nite Out when he disappeared into the fog to return tethered to his amp instead.

I agree with Herr Doktor - it wasn't sold out, but there was a decent-sized crowd.

The Utterly Bastard Groovy shirt is the one with the line from Burn on the back, same as the old one.


Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 00:54
by DrG
Welcome to Heartland HerrDoktor and Fishtree! Thanks for "de-lurking"! :lol:

Thanks also for your impressions of the show! It sounds like a was a great time! :D

The set-list hardly changes... but most of us here are used to that by now. :wink:

This does not stop us from still loving the Sisters! :notworthy:

... well, most of us anyway... :innocent:

Does anyone know if some audio or video was captured?

UBG T-Shirt...

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 01:11
by DrG
I almost forgot... HerrDoktor said
I was also quite pleased that the merch table had the old "Utterly Bastard Groovy" shirt...
Well... it was the only choice I had at Buffalo, there being no official tour
shirt at the time, but I happily bought it as I had wanted since I first saw a pic
of it here. 8)

The new tour shirt does little for me anyway. :|

The other one I want is STFU... actually, my wife wants that one! :lol:


Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 02:56
by math
Each day I love more this band, now they brough back some songs from F&L&A album, with a great propriety.
I think they are the only post-punk (or gothic rock band, if you prefer) from old school, wich touch the hearts of the desperate guys, like Joy Division did at the past. And the heavy metal side comes to bring more power to the songs.
Andrew is God, he does what he wants with us, with the band, He knows to be dark without to be ridiculous, that's for few...
And I think that Ben is more Sisteresque than before now, Simon is a dyno from the post-punk scene just like Andrew, and Chris - I always think he could do more than ramonesque achords.

Post-Punk Emo Rock...

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 03:58
by DrG
math said
I think they are the only post-punk (or gothic rock band, if you prefer) from old school, which touch the hearts of the desperate guys, like Joy Division did at the past. And the heavy metal side comes to bring more power to the songs...
Welcome to Heartland math! I love your assessment of their music...
and I love Joy Division too!

I refer to that wave of music as post-punk-emo-rock!
By this I mean that punk rock got less belligerent and then started to think...
then somehow the goth label appeared... then emo. :urff:

However, you also said:
Andrew is God, he does what he wants with us, with the band, He knows to be dark without to be ridiculous, that's for few...
Sorry... but I go with the gonzoid Vision Thing mentality when it comes to the Sisters today.

Come on... it is ridiculous! :von: will soon be fifty and he is still a resilient b******! I love it! :lol:

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 07:44
by Ozpat
Methedrome wrote:Am guessing it was played before Temple of Love.
Yes, should be and probably was! :)

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 23:32
by Electrochrome
Greetings all!

I've been very bad and not posted here in...ages and ages.

I went to the NY show (hometown), and by chance I found myself visiting a close friend in The Sisters show was a must.

First off, I was impressed with House of Blues...nice venue, even for a Disney locale. :wink: Good space, great bar in the back.

We got there after Hypernova, with probably less than 20 minutes to go before the show...and it was pretty sparse. The balcony was very sparse. Booze was had and we were down in front, right in the center. Slowly, the crowd down low got much bigger, though I can't think the venue was anywhere near sold out unless a lot of people showed up that night and bought tickets at the window.

Either way, great to see The Sisters (or not see, as my companion noted).

To respond to an earlier post, yes Top Nite Out was definitely played. Then again, by the end of the show I was completely out of my mind, in wonderful spirits.

The sound was good, can't really complain. Yes, Ben had some guitar issues, but that's what the fog is for.

Eldritch was the most-bathed-in-fog by far...I think Chris tends to be the least as he's having too much damn fun up there. Speaking of which, Chris was clearly hanging out by the t-shirts in NY, and I THOUGHT Eldritch came to the bar during Hypernova...

Enjoyed the show, glad the tickets were far cheaper than NYC, though again, wish more people had packed the place...but what can you expect? It's central Florida and The Sisters are releasing no new product, so I'm impressed with the turnout either way.

A gent gave me thumbs-up for my long sleeve Silver Bullet shirt...could have been a Heartlander, not sure. I didn't have much ramp-up time to meet anyone at the gig since I put everything together so quickly.

Sisters in Disney-Swampland...with massive amounts of booze. Exactly what a battered USA needs.

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 07:39
by Ozpat
Ok, could not imagine a night without the Top Nite. :)

Thanks for the review!

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 21:36
by Garbageman
Saw the Girls there on the previous two tours and it really is a great place for a gig although they previously sold out both dates.

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 22:20
by bismarck
Electrochrome wrote:I went to the NY show (hometown)
I wondered where you were... thought maybe you'd given up on The Sisters.