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A question for older posters...

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 21:11
by silentNate
As an man belonging to an older generation I have recently been contemplating painting my fingernails black. I work in a very friendly environment where this would barely raise any comment (the majority of the staff I work with are of a homosexual bent and one often paints his fake nails). The first of two issues that raise concern is the fact that I am a bit old for this and have recently put on weight so I fear that with my hair down I might resemble that Fat Bob character. My other concern is that I live in a rather rough part of East London where they might make me stand out and I might find myself a victim of verbal or physical abuse...
Any advice? :oops:

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 21:57
by Pat
You should also be old enough to realise that being yourself is more important than what other people think...

Ridicule is nothing to be scared of... go for it.

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 22:00
by Big Si
You've got the lyrics to Never Land (a Fragment) in your sig.....

Whatever you want to do get's my vote :D

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 22:01
by EvilBastard
I'd reckon you have a couple of options here:

1. Paint your nails black and if the less civilised elements in your manor are a concern, enroll in a self-defence course so you can tw@t the little ba$tards if they start something.

2. Paint your nails black but invest in a pair of gloves when out in public.

3. Leave your nails the way god intended :lol: and paint them when you go out for the night.

As an older chap with a job that takes a dim view of long hair, black fingernails, or bondage trousers in the office environment, I find I need to curb my more creative urges. I do recall attending the 97 gig at the forum in 3rd degree gothique (white facepack, backcombed hair, black false nails) courtesy of a friend who did makeup for the beeb. However, upon returning home I found that I had no way to remove the stuff. So 8.30 the following morning finds me in SuperDrug buying cold-cream and acetone, and then sneaking into the loos at work to sort myself out. Thus I am stripped to the waist, the counter littered with cotton-wool balls, looking like the wreck of the Hesperus, when the MD walks in.
To his credit, he glances in my direction, asks "Good night last night, was it, Mr. Bastard?" and finishes washing his hands and never says a word about it.
I'm a bit old for that sort of behaviour these days, so I restrict it to Thursday nights at Pyramid where I dance like I don't weigh 200lbs.

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 23:10
by aims
I paint my nails purple.

But I'm only old compared to myself.

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 23:57
by splintered thing
Go for it - if it feels right give it a go.

Just have some nail pollish remover in the house in case you change your mind!!!!

(I work in a fairly conformistic industry, but I still get away with a fair bit - people seem to admire/respect it when you do what is right for you. Or maybe I am the boss so I get away with it...?)

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 00:00
by 6FeetOver
silentNate wrote:As an man belonging to an older generation I have recently been contemplating painting my fingernails black. I work in a very friendly environment where this would barely raise any comment (the majority of the staff I work with are of a homosexual bent and one often paints his fake nails). The first of two issues that raise concern is the fact that I am a bit old for this and have recently put on weight so I fear that with my hair down I might resemble that Fat Bob character. My other concern is that I live in a rather rough part of East London where they might make me stand out and I might find myself a victim of verbal or physical abuse...
Any advice? :oops:
Please see the "Can Punks Grow Old Gracefully?" thread. :P ;)

Also, I glanced at your profile just now and discovered that you're actually younger than I am. :eek: :roll: When you said "older," I was thinking that you were perhaps in your 50s or beyond. In case you're wondering - I'm 40; people who've just met me assume that I'm in my late 20s. My outer "shell" may be a certain chronological age, but it has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with who or what I am. The "me" who inhabits this corporeal body hovers 'round about the age of 16, and always has - and probably always will. I dress and act the way I feel, which to "normals" translates to juvenile.

Sure, bucking societal norms and being yourself means that you may have one hell of a tough row to hoe in life. Oh well! Be brave! Whose life are you living, anyway, man - yours or someone else's? ;) ;D :kiss: :von:

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 00:02
by 6FeetOver
Pat wrote:You should also be old enough to realise that being yourself is more important than what other people think...

Ridicule is nothing to be scared of... go for it.
Precisely. :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 00:08
by 6FeetOver
EvilBastard wrote:As an older chap...
:eek: :roll:
Ummmmm, EB? If 36 constitutes "older," then how will you refer to yourself if you're lucky enough to reach, say, 85? Western views toward age and aging are seriously fucking warped. :roll: :evil: :(

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 00:15
by weebleswobble
nails black they should be


Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 01:02
by Pista
Bl00dy well do what you want/like.

That London's got a whole bunch of odballs infesting it anyway.
Who is anyone to say you are wrong?


Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 01:15
by James Blast
The fact you needed to ask negates any 'alterations'.

as for age, have a squint here - ... &start=150

did I say IMO yet? ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 01:42
by EvilBastard
SINsister wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:As an older chap...
:eek: :roll:
Ummmmm, EB? If 36 constitutes "older," then how will you refer to yourself if you're lucky enough to reach, say, 85? Western views toward age and aging are seriously fucking warped. :roll: :evil: :(
"Older" of course is relative. According to my quack I'm "middle aged", and compared to some of the zygotes that infest the dancefloors in the clubs these days I'm positively ancient (as evinced by the fact that the other night I'm shaking my tailfeather to Tainted Love and overheard one child remark to another that "this version is ok, but I prefer Marilyn Manson's original" :eek: )

If I make it to 85 I shall start doing ads for Philip Morris and consider myself on the cusp of maturity.

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 01:53
by James Blast
Welcome to real life Bastard!

and you're only at the intro, aw bless

Comes to us all dude and I have ken'd that fer a lang, lang time...

Show me the animal/vegetable/mineral as hasn't aged?
go on...

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 03:15
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:Welcome to real life Bastard!

and you're only at the intro, aw bless

Comes to us all dude and I have ken'd that fer a lang, lang time...

Show me the animal/vegetable/mineral as hasn't aged?
go on...
Awww, hadawayansh!te, y'al bugger! :lol:

Fortunately, no matter how old I get, it's the oil painting in the attic that pays the price for it ;D

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 14:07
by robertzombie
silentNate wrote:As an man belonging to an older generation I have recently been contemplating painting my fingernails black. I work in a very friendly environment where this would barely raise any comment (the majority of the staff I work with are of a homosexual bent and one often paints his fake nails). The first of two issues that raise concern is the fact that I am a bit old for this and have recently put on weight so I fear that with my hair down I might resemble that Fat Bob character. My other concern is that I live in a rather rough part of East London where they might make me stand out and I might find myself a victim of verbal or physical abuse...
Any advice? :oops:
You should join this. Loads of Goths of all ages (including myself! ;D)

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 17:28
by silentNate
robertzombie wrote:You should join this. Loads of Goths of all ages (including myself! ;D)
Thats very kind of you- that looks like a lot of fun. Unfortunately I must decline your kind offer as I am not a Goth :oops:

I don't know what would have given you the idea I was a Goth :lol:

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 19:01
by eastmidswhizzkid
i don't bother painting my nails anymore, but can never resist colouring them in -the left hand at least- with black permanent marker should one come within reach.
no more odd looks or threats than usual.
fuck 'em: they're your nails.

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 19:47
by Ozpat
Can't imagine myself having painted nails or other body make up except for some tattoo's but if I would like it I would certainly not ask that question and just do it. Go for it!

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 22:14
by psichonaut
being 88 old i think i'm seasoned enough to answer and if i still have my nails i think i still paint them....and living in a small place as me its difficult i don't hear nothing about my habits...I DON'T CARE

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 22:21
by boudicca
OK, I'm not "old" by any stretch of the imagination, but I have been painting my nails silly colours for nigh on 15 years (it was probably the first outward sign that I was getting a bit "alternative" :P ), and I say go for it.

Major plus is that you'll get a whole load of goth girlies falling at your feet as we (did I just say "we"? :eek: :lol: ) do tend to like a man who is not afraid to embrace his feminine side :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 00:02
by silentNate
boudicca wrote:Major plus is that you'll get a whole load of goth girlies falling at your feet as we (did I just say "we"? :eek: :lol: ) do tend to like a man who is not afraid to embrace his feminine side :twisted: :wink:
I don't think my wife would see that as a big plus ;D

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 00:19
by Ramone
Don't paint ya finger nails any colour ya fag. You'll be wearing make up, trying on girls clothes and dancing to Diana Ross tunes before you know it - Mind you are in London , So I suppose you don't want to stick out really.

But nail varnish on men is just wrong!! Man Up!!


Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 00:34
by James Blast
see above

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 12:38
by eastmidswhizzkid
Ramone wrote:
But nail varnish on men is just wrong!! Man Up!!

but didn't you used to hang around with "pete burns showed me what dresses to wear for certain occassions" hussey? :innocent: :P