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Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 06:24
by PeterHook
Well, just back from the show and the Sisters took the stage at 9:48 precisely (doors at 7:00 PM). Sadly, the Sisters sounded total s**t, like it was recorded by a microcassette recorder inside of a coat. The opening act (Hypernova) were miles better. The only thing that saved it for me was the decent merchandise.
Won't be going to see these guys again unless I need a new Sisters hat.

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 06:50
by fish
this was also my first sisters show. and it had to be the worst audio i've ever heard at any show. the vocals might have well not even existed. i'd generally blame the sound guy but it seems this has been typical lately. plus the openers sounded fine so i'm guessing this is the way the band wanted it. overall i still had a good time. setlist seemed typical although i wished they played falaa. i won tix off the radio but if i had paid the $70+ for 2 (which i would have) i'd be pretty pissed right now.

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 06:57
by Prescott
PeterHook wrote:Well, just back from the show and the Sisters took the stage at 9:48 precisely (doors at 7:00 PM). Sadly, the Sisters sounded total s**t, like it was recorded by a microcassette recorder inside of a coat. The opening act (Hypernova) were miles better. The only thing that saved it for me was the decent merchandise.
Won't be going to see these guys again unless I need a new Sisters hat.
Alright, even though you may dismiss me as an uberfan that for which Eldritch and the boys do no wrong, I must ask you, where were you standing at the show? Were you front and center? Were you far back? Off to the side? What kind of venue was it? I understand the disappointment. :(

Was it mainly Andrew's vocals? I find it hard to believe that the rest of the music sounded this bad. The guitars too?

Set list anyone?

Hopefully these Detroit reviews have nothing to do with a certain jaded female that lives there. :innocent:

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 07:15
by fish
i started off slightly to the side and then went in front of the soundboard to see if that helped, and it didn't at all. andrew's vocals were almost non existent to me and the people i was with. that was my main complaint. although the guitars were a bit muddled at times. the drum machine and other pre-programmed stuff was fine. but again, if the opening band didn't sound perfect i'd blame the venue.

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 10:24
by Bill Hicks
3 shows 3 days all different yet all the same.
Detroit is ungodly cold! Beyond that..... the show was in a cool part of town. Theater was very nice. Everyone in the crowd lined up in the cold and then rushed inside....... to get a chair? (very strange). Venue was pretty full from what I could see. Crowd was pretty in to it by the time the show started. Lots of screaming this and that.
I wont lie while Vons vocals were louder then they have been, he left out alot of the words on alot of the songs. I may be giving to much credit but could he be doing it so maybe all the prerecorded nonsense will stop?
Setlist was the same as Cleveland.
Now the good. A girl kept shouting "I love you Andrew" to which he said "I hear you but you've still got your clothes on." And after Vision thing "No more years!" For my friends across the pond Bush's slogan in the last election was "4 more years" Then we got "This war is wrong!" bleeding into Lucretia.
Highlight? Glad you asked! They used Afterhours for intro music, could it be a sign of things to come?
From Dan on Dominion. Hope peeps don't mind me quoting straight from dominion, but.....afterhours!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 11:11
by dtsom
afterhours as intro sound quite good

but about the sound levels: "it adds up and continues" :twisted: :evil:

cosidering some things for the european tour... :twisted: :evil:

i think the good sound they had in TIENEN was a mirage

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 15:06
by dinky daisy
Jesus, the only positive thing's about the intro music: it's same old lazy "Von Von Von Auf Der Autobahn"-time again.

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 17:52
by lachert
afterhours, wow :D
Setlist was the same as Cleveland
so no something fast?

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 22:31
by gladcarrot
Hey, I recorded the Detroit show but need some help with naming and splitting tracks. I have the albums but there are a lot of non-album tracks I am unfamiliar with. The setlist is based on the Cleveland and Cincinnati shows. Please check if this is correct, especially tracks 4, 14, and 21. I will upload this in FLAC when I know I've got everything correct so please do not distribute this mp3 conversion.

Also can someone give me a good link about all of the non album tracks Sisters have? Thanks.

Sisters of Mercy, 11/15/08, Detroit (Royal Oak), 76MB, mp3 128

01 pre show - recorded music
02 Crash & Burn
03 Ribbons
04 Train/Detonation Blvd
05 Flood I
06 Marian
07 Alice
08 Giving Ground
09 This Corrosion
10 Anaconda
11 We Are the Same, Susanne
12 Summer
13 Dominion
14 Still
15 Logic
16 Neverland
17 Flood II
18 encore break / disc switch
19 Vision Thing
20 Lucretia My Reflection
21 Top Night Out
22 Temple of Love

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 23:03
by streamline
Track listings correct - thanks for sharing!

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 23:23
by Nicole
Woohoo! That is Afterhours in the intro!

Seems they've swapped FALAA for Logic based on the past few shows - as much as I love Logic I'm not crazy about the "new" arrangement, I'd actually rather hear FALAA - the way they're played live these days I prefer it. *puts on flame suit* :oops: :innocent: Or better yet, play them both and drop Still. LOVE all the other new songs but I'm not crazy about this one yet.

Ideally they'd throw in Body Electric and/or Floorshow, and Kiss the Carpet, and a cover - Gimme Shelter, Emma (dunno if Von's voice is up to it these days though) Teachers, Sister Ray, Ghostrider. ;D I know, wishful thinking, everyone's got their requests.

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 23:34
by Nicole
I wont lie while Vons vocals were louder then they have been, he left out alot of the words on alot of the songs. I may be giving to much credit but could he be doing it so maybe all the prerecorded nonsense will stop?
Listening to the mp3s just now - sounds like he got a bit lost on Ribbons, he stopped for a bit then repeated a few lines. What's he shouting between Ribbons and Train? Something three times, I can't make it out.

Maybe its just cause I've gotten so used to hearing recent live Sisters (been listening to a lot from this tour and 2006) but the sound doesn't seem too awfully bad to me. Where is the best place to stand, anyways? Last time we stood back a bit, slightly to the left - this time around I'd like to be right up front if I can convince my boyfriend to be up front and center.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02
by gladcarrot
Thanks streamline. Here y'all go...

Sisters of Mercy
Royal Oak Music Theater
FLAC 507 MB ... ?id=223269

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 01:30
by dinky daisy
Nicole wrote:
What's he shouting between Ribbons and Train? Something three times, I can't make it out.
Feels like we're dealing with the real EVP's here.

Camp? Come on? Camden!!

Maybe someone knows this biblical reference ;D

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 02:10
by James Blast
Why do you people put up with sub-standard rock in the name of a once magnificent combo? Vote with your feet next time!
:| :| :|

Wake Up! We are being sold short!

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 02:11
by dinky daisy
At least for Sisters standards I hear lot of words between Von and audience. Such as 'Vorbei' (German for 'Over') at the start of Suzanne. Also there's a kind sounding 'Thank you, been a long time ago' at Dominion. Also, i hear the audience cheering and shouting a lot. Ben plays his Von Halen style quite brilliant.

And what about the Lemmy impersonation at the end of the gig, after TOL: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GIRLS AND BOYS, THE LEGENDARY BEN CHRISTO AND CHRIS CATALYST AND [...] YOURSELVES"

So how s**t is this gig, actually?

At least the vibe was right, or what.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 02:51
by James Blast
Von Halen! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 07:46
by Ozpat
gladcarrot wrote:Thanks streamline. Here y'all go...

Sisters of Mercy
Royal Oak Music Theater
FLAC 507 MB ... ?id=223269
Thanks for recording and sharing. Since I have not been able to get a Dime account in the hundreds of times I tried I hope it turns up elsewhere as well. :)

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 08:20
by Ghostrider
Ozpat wrote:
gladcarrot wrote:Thanks streamline. Here y'all go...

Sisters of Mercy
Royal Oak Music Theater
FLAC 507 MB ... ?id=223269
Thanks for recording and sharing. Since I have not been able to get a Dime account in the hundreds of times I tried I hope it turns up elsewhere as well. :)
same here.. been trying to get a Dime account for years.. sadly without succes.. can anyone put this on megaupload or another host? thank you. :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 12:26
by _emma_
James Blast wrote:Why do you people put up with sub-standard rock in the name of a once magnificent combo?
I don't know about other people who put up with it, but here's my own answer to your question as the way I see it:
It's all very simple really. Andrew Eldritch has a band called The Sisters Of Mercy. It is his own thing, and so he can do whatever he wants with it. He cannot expect me to like it, and he cannot force me to pay for it. I do it because I want to, because my time, my heart and my money are mine and I can do whatever I want with them. What he does is not a product that I could buy and demand it to be worth its price, like a washing machine or a TV. It's just some kind of energy that changes with time (as does everything), and if I feel good with it I can stay close to it for as long as I want to. If I feel bad, I can leave. I cannot demand it to adjust to my expectations. I cannot make it stop at a certain phase, let alone make it travel backwards in time. But for some reason it doesn't bother me at all, because I still feel good when I'm close to it, and so I see it as a benefit for my self, and that is the only reason why I'm going to stay.
Does it work both ways - I don't know. It is obvious that this energy is huge when compared to mine and that I probably benefit much more from it than it benefits from me. But then again, there are those precious moments when I'm not entirelly sure.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 17:30
by 7anthea7
_emma_ time, my heart and my money are mine and I can do whatever I want with them. What he does is not a product that I could buy and demand it to be worth its price, like a washing machine or a TV...I still feel good when I'm close to it, and so I see it as a benefit for my self, and that is the only reason why I'm going to stay.
Bless you, my child :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 21:03
by DancingtheGhost
@_emma_ :notworthy: :notworthy: beautifully put!

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 15:07
by il duce
Some thoughts.

1. There has been a lot of talk about Von mumbling instead of singing and that the vocals are way to low. I have no idea about this since I have not been to any of the shows in US. But I listened to the Detroit show today and I really think it is an improvement. For a couple of tours now Von has been screaming a lot instead of singing and now I get the impression he is singing a lot more. And he is doing it in a lower, quieter voice which I really like. Then maybe the volume is too low, that I have no idea of, but I think it sounds good on the recording.

2. Top Nite Out should be taken of the setlist. Good song and all, but I don't think a instrumental should be played when there are so many good songs (old and new) that they are not playing. So either put vocals to it, or skip it.

3. I think Crash & Burn is a great opening song. So what if a lot of people have not heard it, I have seen tons of band open with newer songs than that.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:03
by itnAklipse
Maybe Von just likes to sing differently from time to time? i've liked all the ways he's sang.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 18:49
by 7anthea7
itnAklipse wrote:Maybe Von just likes to sing differently from time to time? i've liked all the ways he's sang.
I'd certainly agree with that. He's not just singing more softly - he's using more actual vibrato, and smoothing out what in the past would have been much rougher, and sometimes, sometimes...I swear he's channeling Elvis :lol:

And perhaps he's hitting the point where his voice just can't take the abuse any more. I've lost the top 1/2 octave (on a bad day, the entire top octave) of my voice from too many years of punishing it. And since I too have a low singing voice (if not quite baritone ;) ), I know exactly what happens if you keep trying to squeeze more out of it - I've ended up so hoarse I could hardly speak just from talking for too long :( If he wants to actually have any voice at all by the end of this tour, he more than likely has to pull back some.