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Who had a great weekend in Leeds?

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 20:17
by Erudite
Just like to say I really enjoyed being down in Leeds and meeting people from the forum.
It was great to be able to put faces to the names, particularly Quiff Boy, Barcode, Vanessa and Paint It Black (I already know Paddy and Sid).
And blimely, doesn't Ginger look like her avatar, spooky!
She should have been in the Scooby Doo film instead of Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 23:52
by Padstar
Great weekend indeed fella..... and good to see you on our turf so to speak!

Shes better looking than Daphne ;)


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 08:16
by Debaser
OOOh I did miss being there



Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 08:52
by Padstar
and we missed you too hun :(


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 10:44
by Zuma
Just to say the same - had a great time too...nice to catch up!

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 16:59
by Debaser
Padstar wrote:and we missed you too hun :(

You titian smoothie you :lol:


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 16:59
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:
Padstar wrote:and we missed you too hun :(

You titian smoothie you :lol:

titian? :?:

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 18:13
by RicheyJames
titian meaning ginner. or flame-haired if one wished to be more polite.

derived from the sixteenth century venetian painter who was either first to paint with such a colour or had a tendency to splash it about rather liberally...

do they teach nothing in schools these days :roll:

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 18:39
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:titian meaning ginner. or flame-haired if one wished to be more polite.

derived from the sixteenth century venetian painter who was either first to paint with such a colour or had a tendency to splash it about rather liberally...

do they teach nothing in schools these days :roll:
nope :urff:

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 18:48
by Padstar
Ere richey.... ist t'internet useful for looking things up..... AND you can cut and paste text too ;)

Your ol uncle Pads....

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 19:00
by RicheyJames
tch... well yes pads the wobbly wide web is useful for looking up things that one doesn't already know.
and it's especially good for settling office arguments about old children's tv shows and the like

on the other hand i've yet to work out how to copy and paste directly from my head. is there some sort of usb device i can use? :wink:

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 19:02
by Mrs RicheyJames
Bloody brill night folks, sorry i slapped whathisname Paddy!lol, Scared him, but it made me laugh!!!!

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 19:27
by Ginger
Well I had a great weekend and it was nice to be kept company by the titian smoothie during the gig :)

I missed Debaser as well :(

I don't remember wearing a purple dress and green scarf though :?

Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 22:08
by Padstar
Right then.....

Quiff.... looks like you may as well change my "under my name bit" to utterly bastard titian.... im never gonna live this down.

Debs.... i meant it !!! nothing smooth about me ;)

Richie.... bookmarked it already, i seem to remember similar things from a former workplace of ours :) ... and do you know that Port Vale relegated Huddersfield Town last week?

Sexygoth(hippie!) .... Poor Mark is still in therapy!!!! I still cant beleive you did that actually... have to watch you !

Ginger (titian too?) ..... should have tried harder.....

Good weekend indeed :)

Posted: 01 May 2003, 00:10
by RicheyJames
Padstar wrote:Richie.... do you know that Port Vale relegated Huddersfield Town last week?
sorry pads but it was us or them. it was only that 5-1 thrashing that finally ended our chances of a return to the basement. :eek:

oh, and it's richey, you really ought to have got a hang of that by now... :wink:

Posted: 05 May 2003, 22:06
by karin
I had a great time in Leeds. The gig was great and it was my first proper look at Eldritch. My old man thinks he looks like Nosferatu when he emerges from all that smoke but I wouldn't go quite that far believe it or not :wink:

And all those shops in one place and it's all pedestrianised!!! Joy. The people in the hotel were a bit snotty though but I got my own back by slipping a copy of The Big Issue in amongst all their corporate bumph. Not quite as radical as throwing a telly out the window but it made me giggle.

Posted: 05 May 2003, 22:23
by Ed Rhombus
Slaping Markey Smurph for the crime of cutting his hair!!!!

Shame on you SG

Posted: 06 May 2003, 18:43
by Mrs RicheyJames
He deserved it!!!