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Seattle Afterwards

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 09:38
by 7anthea7
You're in luck - you don't have to trust to my memory 'cause I've got Von's setlist (you know, the one that covers two pages in BIG print :wink: ).

Crash + Burn
Flood I
Giving Ground
On The Wire
Romeo Down
Flood II
Something Fast
Vision Thing
Top Nite Out

I'm assuming this is also the setlist for Portland, inasmuch as it says 'Portland' in teensie little letters after 'Temple'...

The venue: El Corazón is...very small. With a barrier up, it's smaller still. So it was very, very full. I'm guessing the room capacity couldn't be much over 500, or people wouldn't be able to breathe. It was an all-ages show, so there were quite a few younglings, but they were mostly well-behaved. (I'm used to dealing with them at shows where they are most definitely not well-behaved at all...) There was a noticeable preponderance of black, but not all that much that was identifiably 'goth', particularly as compared with 2006. I'm not sure if it was a reaction against that tour, or if it was the lack of publicity. Someone who saw me with the setlist afterward asked if he could look at it; turned out he wanted to see what he'd missed, as he literally hadn't heard about it until tonight and got there after the show had started.

Smoke: Imagine it. That tiny room. The stage is only about 3-3.5 feet off the floor. So I'm...what, maybe 10 feet from Von at most? And there were times when he couldn't be seen. Nor Chris nor Ben. Nobody complained, though :wink:

Vocals: Variable. Sometimes he came through loud and clear. Sometimes he got a little mumbly. Early on, someone yelled 'Turn up the vocals!', but it was obvious cluelessness on his part. Whilst Romance's vocalist might have been 'heard' somewhat more, it certainly wasn't 'better' - you couldn't understand a word of it. It's my personal theory that there are people who expect a live show to sound 'just like the record'. They are idiots :twisted:

Old material: You couldn't hear Von at all on Vision Thing, because every adolescent male in the audience was yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs. I think they just like an excuse to say 'motherfucker'. Everything off Floodland and VT went over exceptionally well - no surprise there. Not that many seemed as familiar with anything older (weird - you think they'd at least have stumbled over Alice by now...). It was the truncated version of Floorshow - rats! :| I'm wondering if they hadn't really worked that one much, though, as I'm not sure what he was singing for the second half of the first verse, other than it didn't sound as if he were extemporising, and it certainly wasn't The Lyrics As I Know Them. Perhaps he needs a little more time to brush up on that one...

New(er)(ish)/unreleased material: Mostly received well, although because things like Summer and On The Wire are more nuanced, it seemed a bit harder for the crowd to engage. Top Nite Out, on the other hand, worked a charm :D

No banter - definitely not in a talkative mood, although not otherwise pissy, either. Some altercations with recalcitrant lights: one of them appeared to have fallen in love with Chris - got stuck there and refused to move - so he gave it a good swift kick. Didn't help much, though. Another at one point went wandering off course, and he just stood there staring down at the path of the light as it went its merry way. Eventually just shrugged it off, planted himself where it ended up (and his foot on the monitor) and carried on til things got back to normal.

Now, about my memory: I do not recall Something Fast being played. Possibly that was when the security guard climbed over me to 86 the yabbo who'd been giving us all grief most of the night. (I'm not going into detail about his bad behaviour; suffice it to say I was forced to tell the guy to shut the f**k up more than once, and also to, um, vigorously defend my position on the barrier against his incursions.) But the setlist is otherwise, in fact, as I recall it, so they don't have to send me to the home just yet...unless someone else actually remembers hearing it :wink:

That's the best I can manage for the moment - I need to go fall down now...

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 11:50
by Ozpat
Thank you! :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 14:24
by Kommandok
Very nice debriefing 7!
Sounds like another memorable Seattle show*insert cynicism*(someone retard has always gotta get 86'd and deservedly so).
I love the part where someone asks to see the setlist..cause they're late and they found out about the show kinda late, too :notworthy:
I wish I could have been there for a most intimate Sisters gig!
Any photos?

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 14:29
by Kommandok
I'm not gonna sing tonight..really.
I'll just lip sync to :von:
Were the crowd vocals pretty awful?


Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 02:16
by DrG
Thanks 7anthea7 for your review!

And Kommandok... for a great crowd sing-along try the 2006 Madrid recording! :wink:

It sounds like a giant Sisters party... complete with the Sisters! :lol:

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 08:00
by A.void
This was my 5th sisters show and by far the one I most enjoyed. it was really cool to see them in a tiny club where they were just a few feet from you. Everything was nice and loud. I could hear Andy just fine. Especially on the more low key numbers, everything was perfect.
I was drinking alot at the portland show but I think the only variation in the set was "something fast" in portland and then "floorshow" in seattle.

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 18:56
by 7anthea7
A.void wrote:Especially on the more low key numbers, everything was perfect.
I thought so. Didn't seem to be a lot of extraneous crowd noise - although I could have done without the squealing little girls on 'Marian' :roll: Also, being right front and centre, I was not paying a great deal of attention to what was going on behind me unless it interfered with my listening pleasure :wink:
I was drinking alot at the portland show but I think the only variation in the set was "something fast" in portland and then "floorshow" in seattle.
Excellent! I wasn't suffering a blackout, then! :lol:

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 19:05
by 7anthea7
Kommandok wrote:I'm not gonna sing tonight..really.
I'll just lip sync to :von:
Were the crowd vocals pretty awful?
It is beyond me why people will pay money to see someone and then use that opportunity to listen to themselves sing. You can do that at home in the shower, where the acoustics are better...

Can't help subvocalising, though - and it helps that syndrome where otherwise you aren't sure what the hell he's singing.

It was primarily the more raucous songs that brought out the raucous sing-alongs - and it wasn't really a raucous a setlist. It was infinitely better than my 2006 audience experience with the pseudo-goffs. (The real ones were innocuous by comparison...)

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 06:03
by Qarly
That guy who got removed was giving me grief the moment he arrived in my area. He thought he might steal my spot. I unfortunately wasn't able to enjoy a lot of the show because I was bound and determined to prevent aforementioned idiot from moving in on my territory. After he was out of my hair it was quite the gas, anyway.