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Happy Turkey Day

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 19:33
by DancingtheGhost
Just wanted to wish a happy Thanksgiving to any & all who celebrate it. Personally, it's not my holiday, but I do love the 4 day weekend! :lol:

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 20:05
by 7anthea7
As a non-diurnal creature forced to live in a diurnal world, I am thankful for four days of not getting out of bed until I feel like about mid-afternoon :D

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 20:10
by Quiff Boy
yeah, happy turkey day


Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 20:14
by sultan2075
I have a fine bottle of Texas port waiting for me. I am thankful for that.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 21:10
by DancingtheGhost
@ Quiff I said, I'm only in it for the days off from work with pay. Don't eat turkey, though I will take stuffing, mashed potatoes & cranberries!

@Sultan2075....Texas port? Enlighten me, please. My guess would be some type of wine? I live in Texas & have never heard of it.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:21
by EvilBastard
I had intended to spend the "holidays" giving thanks by spring-cleaning my apt in preparation for the arrival of some friends in 2 weeks, including an old old old friend from Poly that my mother is convinced is my MI5 handler :roll: .

However, last evening I met a delightful young lady who works for the same company and she has invited me to a gathering of her friends (one of whom has spent most of the day telling me that the lady in question has been telling her that she fancies me, so things may be looking up).

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:40
by DancingtheGhost
@EvilBastard...good for you! Enjoy! Cleaning can wait. Looks like you may be having a different type of bird for the holiday. :)

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:34
by sultan2075
DancingtheGhost wrote:
@Sultan2075....Texas port? Enlighten me, please. My guess would be some type of wine? I live in Texas & have never heard of it.
I picked it up at the Su Vino winery in Grapevine (just outside Dallas, if you're not familiar with the area). They've got three or four wineries out there that make a quality product. Me likey :) They also make some fine stuff down in the old German hill country, around Fredericksburg.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:39
by DancingtheGhost
@sultan2075...have heard of Grapevine and since I'm only about 2hrs from Dallas, it might make for an interesting, little road trip. If I can find somebody to drive there :lol: Do they sell it in stores?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:41
by eotunun
Try some traditional cookery to please this lass..
Or invite her to a restaurant if she loves asian dishes as much. :wink:

By the way: Who knew about the tradition that politicians release one turkey from geting a holliday date with a hungry family? -Well, Sarah Palin gave an interview after. A one that again gave evidence of her clumsyness :lol:
Note: That video linked to displays animals´ deaths. Not for faint hearted.

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 00:05
by Bartek
do we have some member called Turkey or it's about some Turkish holiday ? :roll:

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 00:09
by mh
EvilBastard wrote:I had intended to spend the "holidays" giving thanks by spring-cleaning my apt in preparation for the arrival of some friends in 2 weeks, including an old old old friend from Poly that my mother is convinced is my MI5 handler :roll: .

However, last evening I met a delightful young lady who works for the same company and she has invited me to a gathering of her friends (one of whom has spent most of the day telling me that the lady in question has been telling her that she fancies me, so things may be looking up).


Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 00:44
by sultan2075
DancingtheGhost wrote:@sultan2075...have heard of Grapevine and since I'm only about 2hrs from Dallas, it might make for an interesting, little road trip. If I can find somebody to drive there :lol: Do they sell it in stores?
I've never seen it in stores, only in the little winery itself. It makes for a nice trip, though, in the spring or fall. They've got a number of wineries, clustered around "downtown" Grapevine, and you can walk from one to another. The missus and I usually do it once or twice a year. They also do a wine festival that brings in winemakers from all over Texas, though if crowds aren't your thing, I'd avoid it. I think that's in September, though I might be wrong. We've gone once, and it was alright, but I prefer it when it's not horribly, horribly crowded.

That being said, the local booze emporium does stock a good amount of Texas stuff, like St. Genevieve and Llano. I recall being more impressed with the Llano wines. I haven't seen much of the Grapevine stuff outside of Grapevine, which is unfortunate.

If you're two hours to the south of Dallas, I'd also recommend trying to spend a day or two in the hill country, west of Austin. There are a number of good wineries down there.

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 03:25
by nodubmanshouts
Nodub Towers will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year.

The turkey has been prep-ed, the dining room prepared, and the dusty wines cleaned and brought up from the cellars.

Tomorrow, I'll be cooking, whilst Lady Dub acts the hostess.

Thankgiving is awesome. Its like a pre-Christmas, which announces the beginning of "avoid the mall" month.

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 03:42
by 6FeetOver
Tomorrow promises to be a day full of kids, noise, boring discussions, and food. Yippee. :|
At least I get the day off (*without* pay, of course :evil:), and I don't have to be up until at least 8 a.m. Hooray! ;D

Did I mention the large batches of homemade sangria? :twisted:

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 14:18
by nigel d
IIRC Wednesday Adams describes thanks giving to a "T"

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 14:48
by sziamiau
oh man I would do anyting for a pumpkin pie right about now

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 13:39
by splintered thing
I just made 4 pumpkin pies!!! I took them to work for my American friends.
Virtual pie for you!! :)