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Don't believe what you read.

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 09:33
by itnAklipse
Chinese Democracy IS a total masterpiece.

And i'm not at all sorry it's TOO GOOD for most people to appreciate.

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 10:06
by Bartek
after listening on myspace can say one word : rubbish

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 14:19
by eotunun
Not only do I refuse to believe in what I read, I even don't trust in what I write! Or think. That's the most dangerous of delusions: Your own thoughts! ;D

As for Axel Rose, that bloke sounds like a castrate with chronical polyps up his nose. I need a nail in the head to get able to listen to his singing for more than two minutes without developing the urge to kill someone.
Preferably him. (No pun intended, but not quite as wrong.)

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 16:21
by Bartek
eotunun wrote:Not only do I refuse to believe in what I read, I even don't trust in what I write! Or think. That's the most dangerous of delusions: Your own thoughts! ;D

As for Axel Rose, that bloke sounds like a castrate with chronical polyps up his nose. I need a nail in the head to get able to listen to his singing for more than two minutes without developing the urge to kill someone.
Preferably him. (No pun intended, but not quite as wrong.)
" i don't necessarily agree with everything i think"
i don't stand by anything i've said in the past"

and i agree with that.

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 19:22
by Pista
I can't read, so no probs here.


Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 11:02
by eotunun
Okay Dei: After you recommended that album as much I got curious and gave it a spin. Yep, it's very Groins N Sores. Axel still can't sing and rather sounds like Gollum's Emo-half on helium, exposing his love for audio-kitsch unashamedly in generic rock tunes with generic guitar solos whenever they don't fit the dramaturgy of the tune, sitting there like squeaking parrots amongst rockers. Much like a parable on their maker, actually. ;D
The tunes themselves aren't all uninteresting to me, the perfection of the musicians playing shines through. Still the result is nothing special to me. It's another G'N'R-Album. We've heard it before, even if we never listened to it.
My opinion. You deserved a detailed reply. :wink:
Now don't let my view spoil yours and enjoy.
You will anyway. 8)

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 14:30
by markfiend
eotunun wrote:We've heard it before, even if we never listened to it.
Heh, nice one. 8)

Re: Don't believe what you read.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 15:13
by EvilBastard
itnAklipse wrote:Chinese Democracy IS a total masterpiece.

And i'm not at all sorry it's TOO GOOD for most people to appreciate.
In keeping with the title of the thread, I read this and didn't believe it.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 20:42
by SomeKindOfStranger
Well I quite like it.

I've had most of the tracks a little while now, courtesy of the internet leak, and its a definite grower. A few cheesy tracks on there, but thats what God created 'next track' buttons for....

It just Doesnt sound like a band anymore though - more of a grand production - but given the number of people that actually play on the album thats not surprising!

but it is what it is - and people will love it or hate it (and many will decide without even listening to it....)

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 20:44
by SomeKindOfStranger
..and credit where credit is due - at least Axl has given the fans a new record at last! :innocent:

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 19:02
by GC
I hate Guns and Roses. I hate everyone who likes Guns and Roses. I hate people who don't like Guns and Roses because they hate them for the wrong reasons.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That blokes a nutter

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 19:10
by EvilBastard
SomeKindOfStranger wrote:..and credit where credit is due - at least Axl has given the fans a new record at last! :innocent:
15 years to create a polished turd really isn't much of an achievement, though. At least when certain other bands have buggered off for a couple of years, what they come back with is worth listening (no matter what Keef says about Vision Thing).

Mind you, Hawkwind puts out new stuff more often than I change my shreddies, and their stuff is consistently good. I suppose the problem is that having waited this long, fan expectation is bound to be high. I used to like GnR in my yoof (Lies, Appetite) but lost interest by the time Illusion was released - by this point I really couldn't have cared what the new album sounded like, I had a listen and thought "Naah, grown out of this. Put on Lost Patrol again."

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 22:35
by Harvey Winston
it got up the noses of the chinese so well done to mr oral sex.

Re: Don't believe what you read.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 23:32
by eotunun
EvilBastard wrote:
itnAklipse wrote:Chinese Democracy IS a total masterpiece.

And i'm not at all sorry it's TOO GOOD for most people to appreciate.
In keeping with the title of the thread, I read this and didn't believe it.
D´uh. The penny finally dropped.

:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 09:09
by weebleswobble
I like it but can never agree with Itsapocalyspe on principal Image

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 14:27
by darkparticle
@EvilBastard nice one buddy your wit has brightened my day :notworthy:

Oh eotunun
they don't fit the dramaturgy of the tune
your soooooo avant-garde :wink: (i've never heard the word outside work)

I have to applaud the ejacultion from Gollum's Cock, one in the eye for any GnR fan...

that'd leave 'em speechless, yes it would, shut up

@SomeKindOfStranger I guess your jaded irony is driven by the idea that some artists should record and produce more material, make the modern sound more commercially available? These artists may be performing something more than sound, maybe their thing is about stuff you can't fit onto a disc? :eek:
I like supporting a band that don't make records

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 19:51
by eotunun
darkparticle wrote:Oh eotunun
they don't fit the dramaturgy of the tune
your soooooo avant-garde :wink: (i've never heard the word outside work)
Imagine the following scene: Somewhere in Germany a native german speaker sits there, struggling with his thin english vocabulary, chewing on the words, trying to put his obscure ideas into them. Unable to find a better way to put it, he uses a word he himself finds not matching. But then: Who's perfect? -Fire away. So you found a silly expression? Keep it, it's yours! ;D
You are totally right, though. It's a mindbogglingly stupid way of putting it. :|
We Krauts are known to be generous, remember? :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 20:39
by GC
By the way did Dr Pepper (or whoever it was) pay up..?

And just to make it more interesting...

If The Sisters release a new album before Christmas I'll blow everybody on this forum. :D :eek: :oops:

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 20:41
by EvilBastard
Gollum's Cock wrote:If The Sisters release a new album before Christmas I'll blow everybody on this forum. :D :eek: :oops:
Puts in a quick phone call to Eldritch Boulevard 1212 to beg them please, please hold off on the release until Dec.26 :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 21:19
by 10-E Rabid
Guts 'n' cirrhosis, metalifags, lots of cheap ass crap hitting our ears.enough of this noise. Arrrrh

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 22:24
by GC
Where's Mr Blasts post gone...

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 22:41
by Nazareth
I would describe chinese democracy as a flawed masterpiece, axl has still got it, his voice is fantasic on the album, and some of his melodies are classic. a bit too many fiddly guitars, but not enough to annoy.

axl has a love it or hate it voice, same with eldritch....quite how a fan of eldritch could complain that axl cant sing is beyond me though :P

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 22:54
by sultan2075
It's quite an impressive feat, really: Axl has made a record that I find simultaneously interesting and boring.

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 23:20
by nowayjose
Nazareth wrote:axl has a love it or hate it voice, same with eldritch....quite how a fan of eldritch could complain that axl cant sing is beyond me though :P
That's because, while Eldritch doesn't always hit the right note (live), he's got a pleasant voice, while Mr Rose sounds like a wrung-out Chinchilla with diarrhea.

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 01:05
by eotunun
sultan2075 wrote:It's quite an impressive feat, really: Axl has made a record that I find simultaneously interesting and boring.
After some interesting experiences bordom has a distinct charme to it, yes.. :lol: