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No Snow, No Show 4 Eskimo

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 09:27
by weebleswobble
It's a bit white out there innit? :lol:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 10:32
by Bartek
if you put yourself on a "long white line" or spent "one more night on her mirror" maybe then. :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 12:07
by Norman Hunter
Shoulda seen Otley Road this morning. It's not like it's a main artery into Leeds our owt :?

Looks like snowmen building this afternoon for Daddy :D

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 12:33
by robertzombie
No show here then :(

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 13:01
by weebleswobble
Norman Hunter wrote:Shoulda seen Otley Road this morning. It's not like it's a main artery into Leeds our owt :?

Looks like snowmen building this afternoon for Daddy :D
Aye, school cancelled lucky for me I'm not working today. However I was working last nite so I'm a wee bit f**ked! :urff:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 13:02
by culprit
Building snowman at half seven this morning... champion.
Car now snowbound at work...bugger.

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 15:34
by markfiend
Managed to avoid (narrowly) another collision this morning.

I could get used to this :lol:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 15:53
by Quiff Boy
no real snow in mancunia city centre - mainly damp, sh*tty rain with a bit of slush in the less pedestrian places

about 8 people failed to make it in today due to public transport and/or being snowed in though :lol:

i'm so glad i dont have to commute from manc to leeds every day anymore ;D

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 18:16
by emilystrange
nothing but a bit of rain here

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 20:55
by Bartek
weebleswobble wrote: Aye, school cancelled lucky for me I'm not working today. However I was working last nite so I'm a wee bit f**ked! :urff:
are you joking me ? school canceled because of snow ? what was that a snow storm ?

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 22:12
by Nic
You all should pay a visit to Sweden in the winter time... :wink:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 22:30
by Brideoffrankenstein
No snow here, we had ours last weekend!

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 08:06
by hallucienate
34 degrees C tomorrow
36 degrees C on Sunday.

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 13:53
by markfiend
You're just gloating. :lol:

Me? Jealous?

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 17:38
by Ramone
Well after I got 'sort of kicked off' the Mishun forum for upsetting some humorless dickwad over the death of the ex-Little Angels drummer. I've now found a new home here, amongst some real dudes and dudettes. Apparently my 'black humour' was not going down too well. The temptation to play the race card was almost over whelming - but I resisted!! :(

And yes, the day I got 'told off' they were discussing different flavors of crisps! I'm glad I was pushed before I jumped under a train.

Now, the weather. Jesus, I'm talking about the weather!!

No snow for the eskimo yet again - well the melting kind anyway. Nothing here on Merseyside in the Capital of Culture - just dull grey, damp and boring - very goth for this time of year.

We pay our taxes - where's our frikin' snow ya bastids :( :evil:

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 17:51
by Silver_Owl
Ramone wrote:And yes, the day I got 'told off' they were discussing different flavors of crisps! I'm glad I was pushed before I jumped under a train.
Were they talking about Husseys new solo concept album based on the life cycle of a Cheesy Wotsit? :innocent:

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 18:46
by Ramone
Were they talking about Husseys new solo concept album based on the life cycle of a Cheesy Wotsit? :innocent:[/quote]

Awwww if they were only that exciting and insightful over there..ho hum :)

Posted: 06 Dec 2008, 01:50
by psichonaut

Posted: 06 Dec 2008, 03:05
by Qarly
We had some, but then it all disappeared into the depths of my boots. It was soggy at the time, but at least there's no snow.

For now, anyway. :roll: