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scsi help

Posted: 24 Jan 2009, 13:28
by nigel d
latest motherboard im playing with has 4 scsi conx.
do i need to terminate the unused ones?
i only need to use 1 x 50 pin output to a breakout plate.

tnx in advance
mr confused and should have paid more attention in class

Posted: 24 Jan 2009, 15:06
by DocSommer
the proper way:

try to get a maual - maybe you can or have to terminate the unused connectors via dip switches or deactivate them via bios setting -hard to tell without specific knowledge of your hardware

the quick way:

just try it out - the worst case won't damage anything^^

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 10:56
by nigel d
thanks for the reply
only managed to find a 50 % complete manual on the interweb.
has pictures of scsi connx but alas the text is missing . :?
i shall have a tamper and see what happens. :innocent: