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Anyone successfully ordered anything from the Reptile House?

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 04:38
by PeterHook
Has anyone recently successfully ordered anything from the Reptile House? I would like to buy some T-shirts and such, but was wondering if it was actually worth the effort to mail away for a merchandise form, or if I would actually receive one. If anyone has successfully ordered anything, please let me know what you did (sent international rely coupons, etc.)
Thanks in advance!

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 05:20
by eastmidswhizzkid
yes, in the past.

no,don't bother now.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 08:28
by Badlander
Go to the gigs and bring back as much stuff as you can. That's your only option.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 13:35
by radiojamaica
On the other hand, a name like yours might open a few doors... they could use a new bassplayer & all :innocent: ;D

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 18:17
by Nicole
radiojamaica wrote:On the other hand, a name like yours might open a few doors... they could use a new bassplayer & all :innocent: ;D
Well it seems ole Hooky could also use a job, seeing as how he thinks New Order is over and done with these days - whaddya say? :D :innocent:

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 20:57
by ribbons69
Badlander wrote:Go to the gigs and bring back as much stuff as you can. That's your only option.
Which in my general experience,is not a lot.The only new shirt they had on the "Silver Bullet" tour was the one with the dates on the back.They do have old stuff,so if you don't actually own anything,then yes,you can have a bonanza,but for those of us that have owned a "Utterly Bastard Groovy" shirt for donkey's years it can be a little frustrating.
Even when a wider variety of merch is available at the begining of a tour,it's often sold out by the time The Sisters roll into your town.I remember having to buy that godawful "Smoke and Mirrors " shirt in Wolverhampton 'cause there was nothing else left.
Deeply regret not buying a white "Shut the f**k up" (or whatever it was) the only time I saw one at Rock City as well.