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Currently smoking...

Posted: 06 May 2003, 00:14
by Planet Dave
A Big Fat One ... the eagle has landed, and posts take longer to post...sweeeet.


Posted: 07 May 2003, 02:08
by DomConway
Nothing! Have given up the fags. Again. Do have a bit of greenery stashed away for a special occasion tho.

Posted: 07 May 2003, 20:59
by Planet Dave
Surely everyday is a special occasion - how else does one deal with the trials and tribulations of family life ????

Posted: 08 May 2003, 00:55
by CellThree
Export A Lights. Fine Canadian cigarettes, although they are a little strong for me (equivalent of normal fags here). They didn't have my usual brand (Export A Extra Lights) at the duty free when I came through :(

Posted: 10 May 2003, 00:10
by reverberater
The last 200 of my lambert and butler fags i bought from Athens a month back :(

Could do with a bit of greenery myself but with current elation of winning yet another title i think more beer and pills are in order Dave :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 11 May 2003, 16:09
by Planet Dave
Good point Mr Reverb, maybe the next thread should be 'Currently Popping...', although I'd be unable to contribute, having not for some time (sigh).

However, the greenery is greener than ever, Utd have got their trophy back (arrogant? Us?), and Summer is in bloom. What more could a boy want?


Posted: 13 May 2003, 16:23
by Moz Magister
I'll smoke anything I can get lit (whatever colour it is)


Although I think American Dream is the flavour of the month atm.

Posted: 15 May 2003, 15:18
by MrEddy
Very rough spanish fags by the name "Fortuna"; I've been here three weeks and I'm about to finish my fourth box.

Oh, the pain of abundant, free, cigarettes :kiss:

Posted: 15 May 2003, 15:29
by Big Si
MrEddy wrote:Very rough spanish fags by the name "Fortuna"; I've been here three weeks and I'm about to finish my fourth box.

Oh, the pain of abundant, free, cigarettes :kiss:

Try Ducados - very black and even rougher! :D

Posted: 15 May 2003, 16:37
by rian
I don't smoke anymore. :(

Medical reasons :eek:

Posted: 15 May 2003, 16:41
by Quiff Boy
rian wrote:I don't smoke anymore. :(

Medical reasons :eek:
what medical reasons? they kill you? :D :D

Posted: 18 May 2003, 21:39
by Big Si
Today - Mayfair Menthol in Glasgow

Tuesday/Friday - Ducados & Fortuna in Seville....

(off to see the footie! :D )

Posted: 18 May 2003, 22:18
by RobF
At the moment, cheapo Drum, though I'm pining for 20 Ruskie Steel (The finest fags on earth, though I've never seen them outside the former USSR) Though possibly my love of said fags mag be in large part due to the fact you can get 400 in Russia for less than the price of 20 BnH in the UK :?

Posted: 19 May 2003, 20:50
by pikkrong
RobF wrote:At the moment, cheapo Drum, though I'm pining for 20 Ruskie Steel (The finest fags on earth, though I've never seen them outside the former USSR) Though possibly my love of said fags mag be in large part due to the fact you can get 400 in Russia for less than the price of 20 BnH in the UK :?
Ruskie Steel? don't remember.
but i remember real hardcore fags (without filter) Belomor Kanal and Prima ;D

Posted: 19 May 2003, 22:29
by RobF
Steel's are quite light cigs (well, for Russia)... I found most Russian Ciggies quite terrifying! :eek:

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 06:02
by n'Emolicia

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 08:13
by damagedone
Been smoking this for quite a while,really fine Bulgarian cigarettes,every stranger here of coarse associate it with 1984,for an obvious reason :D


Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 08:58
by Izzy HaveMercy
Must be one of the most necr0'est of thread necr0's to date.

CS - nothing, and that for almost 3 years.

And proud of it! :D


Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 10:21
by markfiend
I've not smoked any tobacco for over 4 years now :eek:

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 11:08
by Elystan
Yes I am

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 11:52
by Maisey
I don't smoke, and I'm off... other things for a little while.

That said, my housemate did make Broccoli, Stilton and Cannabis soup the other day and ate it while we were watching Cannonball Run.

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 12:37
by Being645
:urff: :urff: :urff: ... smoking, too much, a bit less than some months ago,
but today, I can feel my lung again ...

After all, there was only one day I managed not to smoke during the past 17 years - a day in June 1993 ...

At least no need for any other things.

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 16:24
by James Blast
fags are great! :D

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 16:27
by sam1
Maisey wrote:I don't smoke, and I'm off... other things for a little while.

That said, my housemate did make Broccoli, Stilton and Cannabis soup the other day and ate it while we were watching Cannonball Run.
I've got to put that on my new spring menu :lol:

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 16:57
by Being645
James Blast wrote:fags are great! :D
Yeah, a good part of me agrees entirely ... :lol: ...

well, not so much today ... :urff: ...