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Adam Pearson

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 00:00
by ZacheryAllanStarkey
I've been wondering...

Why did Adam Pearson leave the Sisters? Did he get fed up with them not releasing anything, in particular the songs that he co-wrote?

I've also heard that he gave a very revealing interview about the inner workings of the Sisters and this is why Eldritch sacked him? If this is true.....does anyone know where I can read that interview?

How did Adam Pearson come to join the Sisters? I've always wondered that as well. A lot of people seem to prefer him to the current guitarist.

For the record, my favorite of the "new" songs is Crash and Burn....I love the string line on the chorus. Thats an Eldritch-Pearson tune, right?

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 11:31
by Badlander
MC5 must have offered him better money.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 14:08
by markfiend
Maybe he got fed up of Andrew blaming him for the lack of a new release.

TBH I think Chris and Ben are a breath of fresh air compared to Adam.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 15:40
by Perki
I assume he left of his own accord, rather than being sacked, simply because of the wording on the site; "...decided to move on," or something.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 15:42
by Quiff Boy
i think i remember hearing he & his family moved to italy or something :?

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 15:51
by il duce
markfiend wrote: TBH I think Chris and Ben are a breath of fresh air compared to Adam.
Could not agree more!!

I actually think he lives in Berlin. And I think he left because he got a better offer and on good terms with Von. Think I heard that he suggested Chris as his replacement.

But yeah I would love to see a interview with Adam about Sisters. He probably has a lot to say.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 15:55
by Quiff Boy
il duce wrote:
markfiend wrote: TBH I think Chris and Ben are a breath of fresh air compared to Adam.
Could not agree more!!

I actually think he lives in Berlin. And I think he left because he got a better offer and on good terms with Von. Think I heard that he suggested Chris as his replacement.

But yeah I would love to see a interview with Adam about Sisters. He probably has a lot to say.
ah, berlin. you might be right there. not italy.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:15
by Ian P. Christ
it is reported that adam still lives in berlin, right.

i presume that he actually left the sisters because of the "nothing will move" situation. isn't that the reason (more or less) everyone before him left the band?

"crash and burn" was written by adam alone (music wise). as were "romeo down", "summer", "top nite out" and probably also "slept". "will i dream" was written by adam and mike (varjak), "susanne" by varjak only.

so it's not that hard to presume how much "new" songs the sisters would have without adam.

the guy was the last chance for the band to move forward, but obviously *someone* didn't let him.

i don't believe the s**t that it is adam's fault or was even his decision that his songs were not released. independent, through the net or however.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:22
by Perki
Just wondering, does anyone know why Varjak left/got the boot?

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:25
by Ian P. Christ
Perki wrote:Just wondering, does anyone know why Varjak left/got the boot?
rumours said it has somehing to do with too many drugs and too many girls.

and he didn't left, he was rather being fired afaik.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:29
by il duce
Thought Susanne was Von alone, but maybe I am wrong.

As I have understood it, everyone in Sisters has always written a lot of songs, it is just that Von picks the ones that he wants to write lyrics to, and that takes for-bloody-ever. I think this was the case even in the beginning of the band. Think Hussey has onces said that he just gave Von a bunch of songs and then saw when the album came out which ones Von had picked.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:33
by Ian P. Christ
il duce wrote:Thought Susanne was Von alone, but maybe I am wrong
you are ;-)

that was "war on drugs" and "come together"
il duce wrote:As I have understood it, everyone in Sisters has always written a lot of songs
sure. with the exception of :von: himself, at least not during the last 15 years :lol:

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 16:35
by Perki
skeletal remains wrote:
Perki wrote:Just wondering, does anyone know why Varjak left/got the boot?
rumours said it has somehing to do with too many drugs and too many girls.

and he didn't left, he was rather being fired afaik.
Ah, thank you.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 20:19
by Dark
skeletal remains wrote:
Perki wrote:Just wondering, does anyone know why Varjak left/got the boot?
rumours said it has somehing to do with too many drugs and too many girls.
Oh the irony.

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 20:41
by mh
Well obviously. It means less available for Von, doesn't it? ;D

Re: Adam Pearson

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 20:45
by Petseri
ZacheryAllanStarkey wrote:Why did Adam Pearson leave the Sisters? Did he get fed up with them not releasing anything, in particular the songs that he co-wrote?

I've also heard that he gave a very revealing interview about the inner workings of the Sisters and this is why Eldritch sacked him? If this is true.....does anyone know where I can read that interview?
Supposedly he felt that he had left the band after the 2003 gigs. Obviously he did come back for the summer 2005 gigs, but this was more in body than spirit. If fired, would have have been there then?

Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 20:46
by euphoria
Dark wrote:
Oh the irony.

You're not the first to have reacted on that - GPS wrote something like, it seemed highly unlikely to kick someone out of a rocknroll band due to rocknroll habits. Their version is he simply went on with JackieOnAssid, where I think he came from in the first place.

On-topic: I see no contradiction in Andrew not releasing anything, and Adam blocking the single's releases - it was after all Adam who wrote this:

@ the original poster: Where did you hear about that interview with Adam you mention? Never heard of it myself.

Edit: just to make myself a bit clearer, what I mean is:

Just because Andrew refuses to release anything, doesn't mean Adam wanted to. But I do agree that it's a very lame excuse to blame Adam for not releasing the singles independently. If that was the case, :von: could either put up songs Adam's not involved in on his web page (like Susanne...hrm, ok, but also War on Drugs etc.) or take any song that Ben&Chris have written. Remember, for example, that Ben said already in february 2006 they had written a new song - and I'm sure it wasn't "Still".

Posted: 28 Jan 2009, 08:26
by Bartek
Dark wrote: Oh the irony.
my thought was the same

Posted: 28 Jan 2009, 16:48
by Syberberg
Dark wrote:
skeletal remains wrote:
Perki wrote:Just wondering, does anyone know why Varjak left/got the boot?
rumours said it has somehing to do with too many drugs and too many girls.
Oh the irony.
More likely to be the former than the latter. Andrew actually does have a "drugs policy" (for lack of a better term), so it's entirely plausible that Mike was doing a little too many of the "wrong" drugs (IIRC they'd be heroin specifically and cocaine in general...better clarify that, Andrew has a well earned dislike of those two particular narcotics and a refusal to have anything to do with anyone who uses heroin).

If memory serves, I think Andreas mentioned that he was asked about his drug intake prior to joining The Sisters in the interview in the Sisters FAQ section.

As for the whys and wherefores of Adam's departure, he left for whatever reason and hopefully he's above the mudslinging that usually goes on when someone leaves The Sisters.

Posted: 28 Jan 2009, 19:15
by dinky daisy
Syberberg wrote:

Andrew has a well earned dislike of those two particular narcotics and a refusal to have anything to do with anyone who uses heroin
But I bet it wasn't Special K cornflakes that made him look too thin and f**ked up sometimes in the 80s.

Posted: 28 Jan 2009, 22:40
by 7anthea7
dinky daisy wrote:
Syberberg wrote:Andrew has a well earned dislike of those two particular narcotics and a refusal to have anything to do with anyone who uses heroin
But I bet it wasn't Special K cornflakes that made him look too thin and f**ked up sometimes in the 80s.
Quite. But it wasn't junk, and, to my knowledge, neither was it coke... :wink:

Posted: 28 Jan 2009, 23:46
by EvilBastard
7anthea7 wrote:
dinky daisy wrote:
Syberberg wrote:Andrew has a well earned dislike of those two particular narcotics and a refusal to have anything to do with anyone who uses heroin
But I bet it wasn't Special K cornflakes that made him look too thin and f**ked up sometimes in the 80s.
Quite. But it wasn't junk, and, to my knowledge, neither was it coke... :wink:
That :lol:

Posted: 29 Jan 2009, 00:31
by Yggdrasil
EvilBastard wrote:That :lol:
Ever seen a fat guy on speed? :lol:

Posted: 29 Jan 2009, 01:52
by Syberberg
In light of my previous post...
Andreas Bruhn wrote:He asked about a valid passport and about drug habits before inviting me to meet up. (He just wanted to make sure that he doesn't invite a drug addict to our first meeting. I think that’s because he had some bad experiences with musicians who had a habit.)
Right interview, wrong section of the forum :roll: It's been one of those daze.

Posted: 29 Jan 2009, 04:05
by 7anthea7
Yggdrasil wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:That :lol:
Ever seen a fat guy on speed? :lol:
Yeah - not to mention, ever seen a guy who doesn't yet have a contract with a major on coke? :innocent:

I'd say his earlier experiences were the gods' way of saying 'Wouldn't you really rather do hallucinogens?'