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Petition On Goths?

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:33
by Casar

Seems somebody is going for it.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:58
by silentNate
I'm confused- in plain English perhaps? :oops:

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 15:06
by markfiend
silentNate wrote:I'm confused- in plain English perhaps? :oops:
Me too.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 15:20
by Casar
I'd guess the idea there is to spread subversive notions into the minefield of underground movements by way of sarcasms. I could be wrong though!

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 16:44
by Izzy HaveMercy
Is that you Francis?



Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 16:56
by eotunun
I only wonder: Did Andrew sign as Andreas Törnquist or Rob the Musician?
:eek: Wait! Both? :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 17:05
by Pista
....errr.... WTF is a goth?

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 18:02
by 6FeetOver
Incredibly stupid (not to mention, full of grammatical errors and misspellings! :lol:). :roll:

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 21:15
by Casar
Nah, I´d say the errors are all for the better, in an entertaining fashion.

I don´t find ut particularly stupdid, since the intention clearly must be to if anybody is provoked they win!

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 21:35
by 7anthea7

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 19:01
by Casar
lol...looks like the heroes of the drama has entered the petition;

4. The Warner Mullah - Hey Andrew, I´ve gots me 3 million dollars waiting for ya. see you on the corner.

3. Andrew W H Taylor - thank God ... ohmygoth&1

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 13:54
by eastmidswhizzkid
andrew taylor? now where do i know that name from? oh yeah, it's the name of eldritch's cat or something... :innocent: