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Home Cinema Help Needed.

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 21:29
by Andy Christ 666
Need Technical Help...

I'm forwarding this diagram to all you technical bods,
Because I am sure
you will have the know-how to help me?

If anyone of you electronic boffins knows how to connect
a surround sound DVD/VCR,
please let me know.

My next door neighbour keeps on asking me to help and I have tried.

My wife is now complaining about the amount of time I am spending around her place,
trying to help her out!

I am really struggling.
But, I really don't know why?
Below is a photo of what the set-up looks like.
Maybe, you can help by looking at it......
NSFW image

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 21:50
by mh
Nice set-up.

The AV kit ain't bad either. ;D

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 22:32
by Izzy HaveMercy
I see you are using a crack there. Maybe the loose cord is the problem.


Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 23:02
by mh
You obviously need to take a firm grip of your cable and insert it into the correct socket.

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 23:19
by eotunun
That's the issue with those plug-and-play devices: Plug in and go, that sounds so easy. But: Where do you put in the plug? Is the socket safe against the connector falling out, or will you have to crawl behind it and plug in again and again? Will the signal come out nicely or will there be nasty squeeking and noise that requires contact spray?

They f*cking never mention that in the freaking manuals!

... :innocent:

It'll get interesting when Lee sees this thread..

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 12:24
by markfiend
:evil: Very fcucking funny. Some of us surf HL from work you know.
The Rules wrote:Work-safe images. Many people browse this site from work, so please don't post any images (either inline or as your avatar) that could be considered rude or offensive...
I've replaced the image in the OP with a link.

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 14:17
by eotunun
:innocent: Anyone got a power socket free? I need to plug in my halo.. :innocent: ;D

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 14:54
by Purple Light
I am of absolutely no help whatsoever. :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 22:07
by Andy Christ 666
markfiend wrote::evil: Very fcucking funny. Some of us surf HL from work you know.
The Rules wrote:Work-safe images. Many people browse this site from work, so please don't post any images (either inline or as your avatar) that could be considered rude or offensive...
I've replaced the image in the OP with a link.
Sorry 'bout that MarkFiend, I did'nt think that a fine pair of buttocks would be considered rude or offensive,
especially in the context of an amusing, light hearted post.
No offence was intended.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 00:21
by NewbieOfMercy
Haha this was great

but yeah I can understand the work safe, I wouldnt want that popping up on my screen at work where someone might see that!
Could land me in trouble :P

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 18:55
by weebleswobble
mh wrote:You obviously need to take a firm grip of your cable and insert it into the correct socket.
you are being clever coz I know you are talking about gentials ;D