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new song Arms

Posted: 28 Feb 2009, 16:01
by 242headhunter
Maybe it is a good idea to start a topic about the new song Arms?
Does anyone sorted out the lyrics already?


Posted: 28 Feb 2009, 18:06
by Nicole
My only thought so far is I'd like to hear it. :wink: Anyone? I know it's still early in the European tour so I'm sure eventually some sort of recordings will show up.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009, 22:42
by Brad

Posted: 28 Feb 2009, 22:42
by Peter KJ

Posted: 28 Feb 2009, 22:42
by 7anthea7
Nicole wrote:...I'm sure eventually some sort of recordings will show up.
Sooner rather than later, I'm hoping... :D

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 00:50
by mandrake
sounds good. a bit like Still. Old Sisters style (whatever that is...) :)

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 01:03
by eotunun
mandrake wrote:sounds good. a bit like Still.
..both by Chris, right?
Good job, that song. I like it much more than Still, actually. It's very simple but has good tension within. :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 03:22
by Maisey
I like the epic chorus, not such a fan of the nu metal style verse riff... I'll be interested to hear other recordings of it...

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 08:42
by Silence is platinum
Killer track!!! Love it!!

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 09:36
by silentNate
Nice tune- not sure Eldritch knows the words yet as he appears to be mumbling :oops: :lol:

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 09:46
by eotunun
Maisey wrote:...the nu metal style verse riff...
I fail to recognise any New Metal in there, though.

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 11:32
by Ozpat
Thanks for the Tube link! :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 12:59
by dinky daisy
silentNate wrote:Nice tune- not sure Eldritch knows the words yet as he appears to be mumbling :oops: :lol:
Oh come on, after all these years we know them by now. Everybody sing along!

'...sitting... mumble... hours... mumble... plastic... powerlines... mumble... electric... for hours... burn... and mumble... colour... ssssshhaaaaaa...'

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 13:04
by Moakahontas
dinky daisy wrote:
silentNate wrote:Nice tune- not sure Eldritch knows the words yet as he appears to be mumbling :oops: :lol:
Oh come on, after all these years we know them by now. Everybody sing along!

'...sitting... mumble... hours... mumble... plastic... powerlines... mumble... electric... for hours... burn... and mumble... colour... ssssshhaaaaaa...'
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 13:43
by stufarq
Maisey wrote:I like the epic chorus, not such a fan of the nu metal style verse riff... I'll be interested to hear other recordings of it...
Exactly what I thought. The ending's a bit sudden though. Is it unfinished, do you think?
242headhunter wrote:Does anyone sorted out the lyrics already?
We'd have to be able to hear them first.

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 13:46
by robertzombie
Flood II, anyone?

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 14:02
by Purple Light
I absolutely love this!!! :notworthy:

Its exactly the same as that soundcheck too unless I'm missing something so Killing Joke won't be too happy if this ever gets released!

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 14:18
by euphoria
Purple Light wrote: Killing Joke won't be too happy if this ever gets released!
I don't understand this comparison many peope make - the riff is similar, but not the same (I think various versions of this chugga-chugga riff have been used by quite a few metal bands through the years), and the chorus is totally different in my opinion.

It's just my guess that Arms would appeal to more people than Millenium does. Sounds more like a hit to me (buuut...unfortunately we will never know, right?)

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 14:34
by Brad
The version at the soundcheck was in fact longer.

Re: new song Arms

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 14:59
by nowayjose
242headhunter wrote:Maybe it is a good idea to start a topic about the new song Arms?
I think it's crap.


'Still' I like and it has potential. 'Arms' is just annoying.

Re: new song Arms

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 16:52
by Caravaggio
242headhunter wrote:Maybe it is a good idea to start a topic about the new song Arms?
Hmmm...the chorus is cool, the riff is boring. Sounds like a B-side to me (but YCBTO is a B-side too :wink: ). Whatever: no record, no B-sides...

Does he sing "Don't need no arms around me?" - pretty weak lyrics, isn't it?

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 16:56
by Brad
Almost as weak as "I want more, and I need all the love that I can't get, to" :)

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 17:07
by Christian
In Hamburg I found the song quite weak but after hearing it again in Dresden (with much better sound) I deceided to love it.

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 17:09
by Caravaggio
Methedrome wrote:Almost as weak as "I want more, and I need all the love that I can't get, to" :)
You're right. "More" isn't one of their strongest songs either.

Re: new song Arms

Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 18:52
by 242headhunter
Does he sing "Don't need no arms around me?" - pretty weak lyrics, isn't it?
I was thinking the same.