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BNP opens mouth, inserts foot. Again.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 12:02
by markfiend
After Poland was invaded in 1939, a lot of Polish pilots came to the UK and joined our RAF; 303 Squadron was composed entirely of Polish pilots.

You can identify which squadron a Spitfire flew in by the letters on its side; all 303's Spitfires had RF before the RAF's circular logo.

The B N P has featured a picture of a Spitfire in their latest publicity (criticising, among others, Polish immigrants.)

Guess which squadron the Spitfire whose picture they used belonged to...

Morons ... _spitfire/

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 12:13
by Pista
Seems also odd that they should choose what is effectively an iconic image that relates to a fight for freedom from @ssholes like them.

What does the "P" in BNP stand for btw?


Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 12:48
by weebleswobble
Frellin' Muppets

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 13:22
by the-happening
They make me sick the ignorant pricks, I'm sure their next campaign could use a British soldier and include a picture of a Gurkha!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 14:04
by Bartek
in some way it's funny but in the other :urff:
as one band (Savage Republic) maned their song - Kill the fascists.
fracking scums

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 14:15
by Erudite
Let's face it, BNP members spend their days splashing about in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Wankers. :roll:

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 14:35
by markfiend

If the BNP really are a "master race" or "Homo superior" you've got to feel for whoever it is that they're superior to.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 15:17
by Norman Hunter
the-happening wrote:I'm sure their next campaign could use a British soldier and include a picture of a Gurkha!
Or even this guy;

F*cking w*nkers. I used to see that Mark Collet(?) in Headingley drinking sometimes, with that fanatical, cold stare.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 16:03
by markfiend
(Collett with a double t. Just FYI. )

Yeah I remember seeing him around too.

He seemed to get a kick out of people thinking he was "scary" if I recall. Not that he was at all IMO, just a pathetic wannabe tough guy.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 16:27
by Norman Hunter
markfiend wrote:(Collett with a double t. Just FYI. )
He doesn't deserve a double "t" :lol:

I think he looked my way as I was tall, dressed in black and had a shaved head. Sorry mister, go recruit your muppets elsewhere. You're not welcome in my pub.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 18:04
by silentNate
I love it when they show how stupid they are :evil:

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 18:46
by boudicca
Lollercaust! :lol:

Whoops, was that a bit.... oh I'm sorry :oops:

What's there to say about that lot that hasn't been said already really.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 20:11
by Suleiman
Norman Hunter wrote:
F*cking w*nkers. I used to see that Mark Collet(?) in Headingley drinking sometimes, with that fanatical, cold stare.
Well he did remind me to vote,

for any party but his, and put an end to my apathy.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 20:32
by Izzy HaveMercy
Pista wrote:What does the "P" in BNP stand for btw?



Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 22:40
by DeWinter
Me and my former work collegues all lost our jobs when a new agency took over from ours, with it's shiny, entirely Polish workforce. Paid about three pounds an hour less than us, and on a flat rate at weekends.
So the English got shafted and the Poles exploited, but the company were rather clever, they took the English aside and told them how they hated what was happening, didn't want the Poles there and were trying to stop it, and for us not to walk out , and they did that right up untill we all found out we were unemployed, which we found out by our agency simply not telling us to turn up for work ever again.
I think people are right to be angry at being undercut by migrant workers, but they should be angry at the companies that do it, and the government that allowed it, rather than the migrants themselves.
The BNP are playing softly-softly, and remaking themselves into something approaching Old Labour. If they do well in the Euro elections, and with Labour hated and UKIP in it's death throes they may very well, they'll become a mainstream party and then it'll hit the fan. The BBC wont be able to ignore them then, giving them more publicity, and when Cameron fails to turn things around after Brown and Labour's meltdown, and I rather suspect he will, it'll be time to panic when people get desperate.
To stop them you need to stop the insult slinging and accept some of it's supporters have a legit grievance and address it. The idea that mass migration hasn't hurt the unskilled/semi-skilled of this country surely has been exposed as wrong. Griffin and his crew are a symptom of a problem, solve it, and they'll fade away.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 22:59
by lazarus corporation
DeWinter wrote:Me and my former work collegues all lost our jobs when a new agency took over from ours, with it's shiny, entirely Polish workforce. Paid about three pounds an hour less than us, and on a flat rate at weekends.
So the English got shafted and the Poles exploited, but the company were rather clever, they took the English aside and told them how they hated what was happening, didn't want the Poles there and were trying to stop it, and for us not to walk out , and they did that right up untill we all found out we were unemployed, which we found out by our agency simply not telling us to turn up for work ever again.
I think people are right to be angry at being undercut by migrant workers, but they should be angry at the companies that do it, and the government that allowed it, rather than the migrants themselves.
The BNP are playing softly-softly, and remaking themselves into something approaching Old Labour. If they do well in the Euro elections, and with Labour hated and UKIP in it's death throes they may very well, they'll become a mainstream party and then it'll hit the fan. The BBC wont be able to ignore them then, giving them more publicity, and when Cameron fails to turn things around after Brown and Labour's meltdown, and I rather suspect he will, it'll be time to panic when people get desperate.
To stop them you need to stop the insult slinging and accept some of it's supporters have a legit grievance and address it. The idea that mass migration hasn't hurt the unskilled/semi-skilled of this country surely has been exposed as wrong. Griffin and his crew are a symptom of a problem, solve it, and they'll fade away.
Sorry, but it's the idea that pandering to racism under the misguided idea that it's a legitimate grievance that helps the BNP.

There are more British workers who work abroad in the EU than non-British EU workers working in Britain, so this sort of nationalist nonsense (and that's exactly what it is) that Britain is being hurt by migrant workers when actually it's benefiting this country's workforce will hurt Britain and cost Britain more jobs.

I'm sorry you lost your job, but any attempt to blame "the Poles" is as stupid and dangerous as historical attempts to blame "the blacks", "the Jews", "the Irish"... the list of scapegoats goes on.

I absolutely refuse to pick a scapegoat and join in. The BNP do not have a "legitimate grievance" - they have a racist agenda and will jump on any bandwagon to further it. They're not interested in anything but gaining respectability and gaining power. Your suggestion of 'addressing their grievances' legitimises them and makes them respectable - and that just helps them take one more step towards power.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 23:22
by stufarq
I was struggling to articulate something similar to lazarus corporation but couldn't work it out. The one thing I'd add is that it could just as easily have been cheaper British workers who'd taken your jobs and then this wouldn't even be part of the same argument.

Again, sorry you lost your job and you're right that it's the companies who should be blamed but the involvement of migrant workers is irrelevant.

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 00:10
by DeWinter
lazarus corporation wrote: Sorry, but it's the idea that pandering to racism under the misguided idea that it's a legitimate grievance that helps the BNP.

There are more British workers who work abroad in the EU than non-British EU workers working in Britain, so this sort of nationalist nonsense (and that's exactly what it is) that Britain is being hurt by migrant workers when actually it's benefiting this country's workforce will hurt Britain and cost Britain more jobs.

I'm sorry you lost your job, but any attempt to blame "the Poles" is as stupid and dangerous as historical attempts to blame "the blacks", "the Jews", "the Irish"... the list of scapegoats goes on.

I absolutely refuse to pick a scapegoat and join in. The BNP do not have a "legitimate grievance" - they have a racist agenda and will jump on any bandwagon to further it. They're not interested in anything but gaining respectability and gaining power. Your suggestion of 'addressing their grievances' legitimises them and makes them respectable - and that just helps them take one more step towards power.
Where did I blame the Polish workers?? I thought I clearly blamed the company that bought them in and in my opinion exploited them.
Racist/facist/Nazi analogies aren't good enough anymore. Those terms have been over-used and abused so much they have little meaning anymore.
Maybe it'll help if I use simple logic. A finite number of jobs exist in this country for the unskilled/semi-skilled. Bringing in people to compete with them increases their chances of unemployment. If said people will also work for lesser wages, it also increases it and reduces the wages of those who manage to stay employed in order to compete with them.

Now, if for the sake of arguement I accept what you say about British workers abroad, and the benefit of migrant workers to the wider economy, explain how it benefits those now unemployed, or working for less money than they did before? All I'm saying, and I don't see why it's even being debated, is that some people haven't benefitted from the use of migrant workers and are angry not that it has bought no good to them, but positive harm.
A BNP supporter might listen to me and be dissuaded from voting for them, calling them names will get you no-where, fast. :|

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 09:33
by nodubmanshouts

Was your job a full-time job or contracting/agency work? If its the former, the company was probably breaking the law. If it was the later, then you're probably out of luck, because the company did nothing wrong in law; it just didn't renew your contract.

(In this case, the law follows what I feel is morally correct too - your views may vary).

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 11:31
by the-happening
Norman Hunter wrote:
the-happening wrote:I'm sure their next campaign could use a British soldier and include a picture of a Gurkha!
Or even this guy;

F*cking w*nkers. I used to see that Mark Collet(?) in Headingley drinking sometimes, with that fanatical, cold stare.
Norman spot on, I'm proud I can call myself a countryman of Private Beharry.

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 12:13
by markfiend

Blame the Tories and the Tory-'New'-Labour for emasculating the UK's employment laws.
DeWinter wrote:Racist/facist/Nazi analogies aren't good enough anymore. Those terms have been over-used and abused so much they have little meaning anymore.
While I do see what you mean (Godwin's law and all that) the fact remains that the BNP are racist, fascist neo-nazis. They are amoral thugs whose worldview is based on "might makes right", without an ounce of compassion for anyone seen as "other".

This is not calling them names, it is merely pointing out the truth.
DeWinter wrote:The idea that mass migration hasn't hurt the unskilled/semi-skilled of this country surely has been exposed as wrong.
No it hasn't.
lazarus corporation wrote:There are more British workers who work abroad in the EU than non-British EU workers working in Britain
This means that if all the migrant workers in the UK were deported, but so were all the British migrant workers in the UK, there would be more people in the UK chasing fewer jobs than is currently the case.

Anyway, want to guess what the largest group of immigrant workers in the UK is in terms of nationality? Clue: it's not the Polish.

BNP opens it's mouth

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 13:00
by Nixon
markfiend wrote::lol:

If the BNP really are a "master race" or "Homo superior" you've got to feel for whoever it is that they're superior to.
I am sorry but I do find it hard to feel for a minor strain of amoebic dysentry. :lol:

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 13:20
by euphoria
lazarus corporation wrote: There are more British workers who work abroad in the EU than non-British EU workers working in Britain,

Sorry for interrupting the discussion for a second, but do you have a source on that info?
My impression until now was that Britain had a deficit to all other nations in the EU when it comes to migrating workers (I wouldn't be surprised if the EU workforce in London alone amounts to a whole million) and that the British people migrating into other EU countries were mainly retired people buying a house in France or Spain.

Mark, I would guess the largest immigrant workforce nationality are the Irish? I really don't know, but it would make sense.

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 14:01
by markfiend

Edit: I don't have a source for that, and actually, I guess I may be wrong.

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 14:47
by mh
euphoria wrote:Mark, I would guess the largest immigrant workforce nationality are the Irish? I really don't know, but it would make sense.
I'd have guessed the Chinese (although there may be a lot of 2nd or 3rd generation folks involved there). :?: