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Top 20 Goth Tracks - according to NME

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 21:55
by Gary

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 22:03
by emilystrange
lol, so they have no idea what they're on about.

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 22:03
by Casar
Interesting, thanks. The Vulgarians wasn´t on it, so that is pretty weird to me.

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 22:12
by silentNate
I can't say there is anything in that list I actively dislike but then I'm not a Goth :innocent:

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 22:28
by Casar
silentNate wrote:I can't say there is anything in that list I actively dislike but then I'm not a Goth :innocent:
Most of those bands aren´t goth either. That´s just a fashion thing.

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 22:58
by Ramone
On inspection, this has to be one of the laziest pieces of journalism I've read in a long time. From sighting 'This Corrosion' as an iconic Goth song above Temple of Love to the Cult's She Sells Sanctuary, which to many was never a 'Goth song' by a band who were never really, in many peoples eyes, a 'Goth band'.

Yes, like 'Rock' music with it's many tentacles ranging from Hard, Soft, Speed, Death,Folk, Ambient - Goth could be and was compartmentalised into factions also. But some times, ya have to face the truth, if it doesn't walk like a Goth, sound like a Goth or look like a Goth - it ain't Goth! And the Cult - weren't Goth! They were a rock band. And a pretty limp one at that.

Which brings me to The Manic Street Preachers, the only part of this band's history that could even remotely come close to being associated with goth was the word 'Manic' and that one of them threw a seven off a bridge and killed himself - allegedly ! Now that's Goth!

But to leave out The m*****n, TFOTN and some of the second and even third wave of Goth bands is just lazy.(Unless he's counting Interpol as a goth band). I'm surprised he didn't put the Smiths in there on the basis they were angst ridden and maudlin !

If they brought this out as CD free with a Sunday Newspaper - the publisher responsible would be hung drawn and quartered and the offending discs burnt of a bonfire with an effigy of Tony James atop.

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 23:16
by 7anthea7
TSOM 'goulish'????? Oh please :roll:

Having (painfully) read this pile of rubbish, it would appear that anything containing a hint of what might be interpreted as angst, existential or otherwise, is by definition 'goth'. Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

Whoever issued this idiot his credentials should revoke them, immediately, with extreme prejudice :evil:

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 00:43
by Maisey

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 01:36
by Syberberg
It would appear that even the NME is no longer taking itself seriously anymore either. Still, it's always nice to see where the aspiring writers for Hello, The Sun, et al go to get their industry experience.

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 15:40
by ribbons69
My Chemical Romance?
The Manic Street Preachers?


Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 15:47
by silentNate
Can someone please post a defrinition of 'goth' as I remain baffled. My old glass container of tomato relish has a black ring around the neck- is it goth?? :? :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 16:22
by DieAntagonistin
Oh deary deary me. That list just...hurts. The pain! The agony! Seriously, this has to be one of the worst articles in the history of music journalism. I found those Most gothic moments quite amusing and enlightening though. :lol:

(NME's idea of goth is obviously similar to the philosophy of fat tweens jumping around in black tees saying "Goth chick" in sparkly pink letters. :?)

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 16:41
by boudicca
silentNate wrote:Can someone please post a defrinition of 'goth' as I remain baffled. My old glass container of tomato relish has a black ring around the neck- is it goth?? :? :lol:
Clearly YES!

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 16:48
by silentNate

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 21:24
by 7anthea7
silentNate wrote:Image

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 21:34
by weebleswobble
The Holy Bible is one of the darkest most depressing and f**king excellent albums ever recorded.

But it aint goffik ;D

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 22:40
by boudicca
weebleswobble wrote:The Holy Bible is one of the darkest most depressing and f**king excellent albums ever recorded.

But it aint goffik ;D
As it was my favourite record when I was 13, for me it was a "gateway drug" :wink:

It's not Goth, but the track they put in that list (The Intense Humming Of Evil) does have something of a gothic sound. Still think the enemeee are barking mad though...

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 23:17
by psichonaut
This Corrosion? goth?
what tf of idea i have of what goth is?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 04:17
by nodubmanshouts
Sorry if this offends anyone, BUT....

NME is read by wankers. Wankers who think they know about music. They think they know about music because they read the NME. To all intents and purposes, all they know about music comes from the NME.

This article exists to give them some "goth" knowledge. Lo, NME readers would actually go out and buy a "goth" album because its just not cool.

So this little article exists to help NME readers have a view on something they know nothing about.

Ignore it. Its not for us. Its for them.

Bring back Sounds.... :D :D :D

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 05:44
by DerekR
weebleswobble wrote:The Holy Bible is one of the darkest most depressing and f**king excellent albums ever recorded.

But it aint goffik ;D
Well there ye go....I thought it was wank :lol:

Gimme Generation Terrorists any day, now THERE'S an album :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 13:33
by Syberberg
nodubmanshouts wrote:Sorry if this offends anyone, BUT....
Not in the slightest, I completely agree with you. The only thing that was ever good about the NME was the classified section and gig listings. Otherwise, not worth bothering with. Ever.

Although I'm sure that when it first went into print (the 1960's?) it was actually worth reading, but like pretty much all the music press (especially in the UK) it just became toilet paper covered in newsprint.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 14:15
by markfiend
nodubmanshouts wrote:NME is read by wankers. Wankers who think they know about music. They think they know about music because they read the NME. To all intents and purposes, all they know about music comes from the NME.
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 14:43
by mh
nodubmanshouts wrote:So this little article exists to help NME readers have a view on something they know nothing about.
And this. :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 20:47
by Harvey Winston
Is the NME still going? I thought it had gone bust. It will this year I expect.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 20:51
by sultan2075
nodubmanshouts wrote:Sorry if this offends anyone, BUT....

NME is read by wankers. Wankers who think they know about music. They think they know about music because they read the NME. To all intents and purposes, all they know about music comes from the NME.

So it's a vicious circle of wankerdom, then? Wankers begetting wankers who in turn develop more wankery because they read the NME? Doesn't this raise the horrifying possibility of a wanker resonance cascade, plunging the entire earth into an overload of wankers? Something should be done.